Chapter 24 - The S-Class Trials, Day Two

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Mard was happily dreaming about his Rosebud when he was violently shaken out of his dream. His eyes bleary he tried to take in his surroundings. The fuzzy pink blur with white grin was immediately in his face.

"Coffee! Luce said to bring you coffee."

Mard sat up and immediately found a cup of hot coffee placed in his hands. He took a sniff and let out a yawn. Taking a small sip he found himself waking up, slowly. The last remnants of his dreams vacating his mind.

"Natsu?" He asked, trying to put it together.

"You really aren't a morning person are you?"

"Why are you waking me up? Also thanks for coffee." He said taking another sip.

"You have an hour then you get to fight!" Natsu exclaimed as he punched his open hand.

"Oh, okay." Mard slowly drank his coffee as he rubbed the last of the sleep dust from his eyes. This was not a comfortable way to wake up. Comfortable ways to wake up include, extra Rosebud cuddling time, her tongue all over his morning erection and anything that didn't involve violent shaking and loud happy sounds.

"Besides, you better get used to it. Think when you're a dad you'll have a kid who jumps into bed with you."

"I already have one." He smirked as Natsu let out a laugh.

"I am not calling you daddy."

"No, that's creepy for everyone involved." Mard finished his cup and let out another stretch.

"Your hair is crazy." Natsu said as he pulled on a wicked looking knot.

The former demon let out a sigh before swatting Natsu's hand away, playfully. "I forgot to braid it before bed. Rosebud usually does it for me."

"You know, that's sweet."

"Do you expect anything less out of Rosebud?"

"Besides her temper or that 'Lucy Kick'?" He asked.

His face automatically let out a twinge of pain, "don't mention that again. She kicked me once in the face..."

"You probably deserved it."

"Oh I did." For trolling you and Gray. "Now, can you leave, I'd like to get dressed."

"Sure, there's more coffee for you."

"Thank you, Natsu." Natsu gave him a nod, took the empty cup and left the tent. Mard could already hear him screaming at Gray and took a bit of pride in that Natsu was calling him "icicle slut."

Rosebud handed him a separate bag, one she said he wasn't allowed to open until it was round two. He appreciated how confident she was he'd make it to this point. Opening up the bag he saw a little note and to to his surprise his old outfit.

My King,

I had Virgo tailor this for you to accommodate your beautiful bod. Thought you'd look wickedly hot while winning round two.

We love you and can't wait till you get home, King Daddy.


Keeper of your coffee

Object of your cuddling addiction

Mard smiled and re-read the thoughtful little note several times. Setting it down he pulled out his garb. It smelt like her and he held it to his chest before donning it. True to her word the jacket was let out a bit more, allowing him full range of motion. The once torn edges were now re-hemmed to look more polished and though he appreciated the gesture, he kind of liked the frayed look. The undershirt was also adjusted and his black boots were polished. Rosebud really did think of everything.

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