Monday, 19th March / My birthday

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02:06 am

I'm 20 now, yay
I'm high again.
I didn't throw up all day.
I even ate almost an entire pizza.
But while I was eating, part of my tooth crumbled.
It's getting really bad.
I don't want to go back to the hospital.

I told my boyfriend about it.
He told me that it was going to be okay.
I really l9ve him very much.
I'm lucky to have someone who's willing to stay with me even though I'm about to die every day.

02:52 am

I was on Instagram just now, and I saw this tweet (at the beginning of the chapter) and it is really important. If you're lucky enough to have a partner, a best friend or a good sibling, they need to educate themselves on what you're going through, how to handle your panic attacks, how to distract you from throwing up.

It's really hard to go through all that alone.

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