"I Can't Trust Him"

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I awoke to the sun sleeping through the window. I scrunched my eyes, attempting to move away from the brightness, until I came in contact with a warm object. Instead of opening my eyes, I let my sense of touch guide me. Soft curls were felt under my chin. Warm, but steady breaths were felt against my chest, a small heartbeat being heard in synchronization with the breathing, as if a steady tune.
A smile then stretched onto my face. I knew exactly who was currently with me. Cracking my eyes open, I saw Merlin beneath me, sleeping soundly. My heart began to fill with warmth.
Merlin seemed to sense the light too, because he had started to shift, burying his head deeper into my chest. His hand groped the sheets with weakness. A sudden clamping with his hand and mine occurred. As if not needing enough warmth and comfort, Merlin curled his legs around mine, clenching his toes against my feet.
I laid there, not making any movements, because to the Gods and back please don't let this moment end. My heart thumped loudly against my chest compared to Merlin's relaxed ones. I realized my hand was currently resting on his hips. Giving a soft blush, I buried my face into Merlin's curls, breathing in his scent. My hand was craving more of Merlin. As gently as possible, I let my hand cautiously swoop under the hem of his shirt, resting my hand against his bare skin now. A few moments passed, as I then realized he hasn't budged. I let my thumb graciously run over the skin. My motions were cut off when I hit a soft bump. I rubbed the area, feeling as to where the line had come from, and why it was there.
It was a scar. And a big one.
I had mixed emotions at the moment. How many others did he have? With concern, I shifted so my eyes saw his stomach, gazing over the thin clothing that was placed on him. I heaved a quiet sigh, before lifting up the shirt a little more, revealing multiple fully healed cuts and lashes. My eyes widened upon taking note of them. I softly ran my finger across a jagged scar, seeing how the cut ended abruptly.
"What happened to you?" I mumbled. I practically cringed when I took sight to another cut. Followed by another. How did he manage to collect all of these scars?
I quickly dropped his shirt back to its original place. I couldn't take anymore sightseeing. Hopping out of the small bed, I began to dress myself, pulling on my shirt. Merlin must've noticed the change. His hands grasped onto the sheets, searching for the warmth that was now gone. He squinted his closed eyes, consciousness now flooding through him, as he then slowly awoke.
"Arthur," Merlin groaned. He rubbed the tiredness from his eyes, giving out a soft yawn, pulling the covers up to provide what was little warmth. He then took notice to an exposed scar on his stomach, quickly pulling his shirt down in a nonchalant way. I took notice to it, though. I shouldn't push him. But then again, there were things I wanted to know about him. Why he was crying last night. How he had obtained the scars. His all around behavior since our expedition for Balinor had begun.
"We need to search for the knights," I said, slipping on my boots, fastening them. Once finished, I jumped up, looking at Merlin, whose eyes were closed, the thin blanket wrapped around him.
"Merlin?" I asked in an attempted call. A small groan then escaped Merlin's nose. I chuckled, taking his pillow, hitting it in his face. "Get up, you utter dolt!"
Once the pillow came in contact with Merlin's head, his eyes opened, as then hastily popped out the bed, shouting an Alright, you prat! I'm up!.


As Arthur and I entered the kitchen, I took notice to both Hunith and Balinor sitting at the table, looking up at the two of us when we arrived. I avoided their eyes. I didn't want to think about my parents right now.
"Thank you Hunith for letting us stay," Arthur thanked. He then turned to Balinor. "Milord. Your knights are here in this village. Both your kingdom and ours have been searching for you. For now you shall restore your kingdom which has been corrupted by Morgana."
I felt Balinor's eyes gaze on me when Arthur spoke of Aeyland. I stood in complete silence. I was weary to what my actions would be if I spoke out.
"Alright. I need to speak to your servant for a few minutes with Hunith if that's alright," Balinor replied.
Arthur gave a quick, confused glance between both Balinor and I. The tension was practically dripping from the air. Arthur without a doubt noticed my tense posture.
"Alright," Arthur said hesitantly after a moment. "I'll be outside waiting."
He then left, leaving both my parents and I alone in the kitchen. Balinor took a step forward. I immediately flinched away, responsive to what he might do.
"Merlin," Balinor started. "Although you now know the truth, that doesn't mean you should change your aspects. I know you want to keep yourself attatched to your old life, but now things are different; meaning you have to differ some things to others. You can still be you, Merlin."
My jaw clenched, looking up to him, a stern look plastered onto my face.
I want to know Balinor.
I want to see the man past a king that has let him become what he is.
I break eye contact, quickly searching the floor for any cracks or dents.
I can't trust him.
"Okay," was all I answered.
"You don't have to-"
"I heard you the first time, and I said okay. Alright, Balinor?"
My father flinched at the name and tone of my voice. Hunith was just watching the scene unfold with weary eyes. She knew some of the courses of action I would take, but considering my change in aggressiveness, she backed off with her analyzations, just staring to see what the conclusion would be.
Huffing a small breath from my nose, I barged out of my old house, seeing Arthur in the distance tending to the two horses for both him and I.
"You seem angry," Arthur commented as I stood alongside him. He gave me a glanceover, seeing that my posture and overall mood has changed.
"It's nothing," I sighed away. Giving him a gesture to the horses, we both then hastily climbed on the two mares, steadying ourselves on them.
"We'll leave today after we gather the knights."
I nodded to Arthur's comment.
He just stared back in reply with dumbfound shock. "No sarcastic reply?"
I shut my eyes for a short moment to release built up anger. "Correct."
"Merlin, something been's happening recently. Every since this trip began, you seemed... off—unsteady. I would ask if you're alright, but that question has already been answered."
My eyes found Arthur's. I stared into those sky blue irises with curiosity. What went on inside that man's head? Moments passed, and I haven't gave any sort of answer, just dejectedly stared at Arthur.
He sighed at my reaction. "You're going to tell me. Sooner than later." He then gave a small chuckle. "You can't hide anything from me, Merlin!"
In this sheer moment of frustration, I let a smile crack onto my face.

A/N: Well there y'all go! Dang, aren't we progressing with the story fast!? Anyway, tell me what you think of the story so far by leaving a comment and vote! It helps a lot! Thank y'all so much! Bye!

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