"Able To Kill"

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When my eyes set on the bustling village, my brain ebbed with a small pain. It reminded me of the encounter in Hunith's house, when Merlin came into the bedroom, crying a mess, letting me take hold of him and calm him. My lids covered my eyes upon remembering those moments. Merlin was emotionally strained right now.
I had to be the strong one.
"What happened to this place?" Merlin's voice tumbled. His eyes seemed to be scanning over the scene, a stern look written on his face.
My face popped into confusion. "What do you mean?"
Merlin bit his lip in reply, shifting on his horse, taking a glance back at the knights, and back to the village. Lifting his hands up, he shut his eyes, letting his mind concentrate.
I stared with curiosity. "Merlin? What's wrong?" A moment passed, as nothing then commenced from his act. My hands began to feel clammy. "Merlin?"
His eyes peeled open, a small huff of shock escaping his mouth. "This place... there's no magic." Merlin looked to me for an answer—something to reassure him that something bad didn't happen. I said nothing. Why would it matter? It was a village, not a Druids' hideout.
As if reading my mind, Merlin gave a small roll of the eyes, gripping the reins of his horse's saddle. "This kingdom is consisted of magic, Arthur," he mumbled. His eyebrows scrunched in thought, suddenly turning back to face the knights. "What happened to your magic? When I first met you all, I didn't feel anything." He swallowed, thinking deeply. "Nothing."
"Morgana, milord—Merlin," Kylan replied, quickly correcting himself from the addressing the title.
My heartbeat accelerated upon hearing her name. She had taken so much from me. Clenching my fists, my blood ran cold, my knuckles turning a sickly shade of white. My eyes traveled, soon finding Merlin. He seemed to be just as angry as I was. But he was more cool-tempered—controlled. Merlin was breaking, quietly and in a consistent motion, although he still managed to be the calm one. He gave a soft shake of the head, signaling that I shouldn't make a ruckus. Sighing, I let go of the harsh grip, letting my muscles relax. I looked down, seeing small, red crescents embossed into my skin.
"We need a place to stay," Merlin finally mentioned to the group. I watched him take another longing look at the village in the distance. Sighing, I took note of him kicking the sides of his horse gently, as he galloped off.
I couldn't do anything but feel myself subconsciously follow him.


All that was coherent to my ears was my breathing and the heavy clops of the horses' hooves. I payed no mind to the gasps and mumbles of conversations of the townspeople around me—just set my eyes forward, mind wandering on how the future events would play out. I inwardly sighed. My mind was well aware that Morgana would not bow; and would not walk away empty handed. To be fair, though, neither was I.
My neutral face twitched with anger for a slight moment. Morgana will regret her actions.
"We can ask the townsfolk for a night, I suppose?" Gwaine's voice rattled off, his eyes wandering throughout the scenery of the village.
I turned, giving a glance to the knights behind me. After getting approval in a slight nod from Kylan, I faced forward once again, making quick, short eye contact with Arthur. His expression read concerned, confused, and angry. But there was more to it; more to the picture than I could detect. I knew Morgana's betrayal to Arthur was prominent, and I knew it cut him deep. My eyebrows scrunched together in frustration.
When the moment comes, will Arthur be able to execute the action?
Would he be able to kill his own sister?
"Milord," a soft, feminine voice sounded off, shaking me from my thoughts. I was faced with a woman bowing to Arthur's and my feet. I clenched my jaw upon seeing the act. A short, irritated breath blew from my nose; the scenario reminding me of Camelot. I was the exactly like the woman, bowing to Uther's feet, practically licking the dust up to please him. Sighing, I hopped from my horse a little clumsily, which didn't go unnoticed from Arthur, who gave a small, collected smile. Giving him a short glare, I watched him look away when I tried to make eye contact. His smile was as bright as the sun. My lips curled from taking note of his calm posture. Everything was almost back to normal.
Turning back to the lady, I gestured for her to stand.
"I heard you are in need of a place to stay, milord?" she said, her question of asking us to oblige to her offer accompanied in with the sentence.
I gave a warm smile. "If that's not a bother, ma'am."
"Ofcourse not, milord..." she trailed off, scanning to see the knights behind us. "Unfortunately I only have one room," she softly mumbled, worried she had disappointed me.
"That's quite alright," came my reply. "I'm sure my fellow knights will find another place to stay." I looked back. "Is that alright?"
The group just waved several non-problematic hands my way, signaling that the whole ordeal was not a major predicament to them. I gave a curt nod as I watched them all rush off to find other places to stay. Then, turning back to the kind woman, the door was held wide open, her eyes welcoming. Taking a step inside, Arthur followed, his eyes gazing over the interior. "Reminds me of your mother's house," he mumbled quiet enough for only my ears. I raised my eyebrows in surprise by the comparison. Now that I think about it, the architecture was similar; just a few minimal details that differentiate it from my mother's home.
"You must be starving, milords," the woman started, her feet guiding her to the kitchen. "I don't have much food, but I hope this will do." She whipped out a dish towel, unraveling it to reveal a loaf of bread inside.
My lips pulled up into a smile, my heart warming at her consideration. "Thank you, that will do greatly; and please, call me Merlin."
The woman gave a respectful nod in reply, acknowledging my words. Her head traveled to Arthur, her eyes almost waiting patiently for him to follow my action, giving a small smile to him. Rolling my eyes slightly at his obliviousness, I elbowed his side, the gesture showing what he had to do.
"Uh—Arthur, ma'am," he stuttered, holding out a stiff hand. I silently laughed, covering my mouth with a hand, watching the scene unfold.
Arthur shaking hands and speaking with a peasant, now that was something to witness.
My eyes traveled to meet the sun setting out of the window. The day had passed so fast.
"Your room is the second door to the right down the hallway," the woman suddenly said, pulling me from my thoughts. Gazing at the hallway, I realized it wasn't what she described at all—it was rather just another cramped, small room. Swallowing, I gave an empathetic sigh, sending the woman silent wishes for wealth. Her among many people I knew didn't deserve this treatment and lifestyle.
"Thank you very much," Arthur answered, letting the woman cut the loaf of bread, watching the knife sweep with swift motions. My eyes glued to Arthur, studying him with weary eyes. He was sharing a similar feeling to me, no doubt. The light from the sunset casted a sun kissed glow onto Arthur's skin, his eyes now a shade of orange from the reflection, hair almost replicating soft, silky strands of gold.
But then I looked deeper.
His eyes were strained from fatigue, glossed over with a hard, emotionless facade; his hands folded together neatly, but clenching from anxiety. He was feeling exactly what I was feeling. I gave a small sigh of relief. I wasn't the only one going through this experience.
Suddenly shifting his eyes, Arthur made eye contact with me, his pupils dilating from the sunlight—and possibly something else. I quickly looked away, feeling a blush crawl up my cheeks, heat now scattered on my face in disarrayed patterns.
"Here you two are," the woman broke out the silence, gently shoving a platter of strips from the bread loaf with multiple different cheeses on top of them.
I gave a warm smile. "Thank you."


Raking my hands through my hair, a quiet yawn escaped from me, as I watched Merlin prepare to sleep.
"You can go in first," I mumbled. "I think I'm gonna stay up a little while longer."
Merlin halted upon hearing my words, then turning to face me, looking me in the eyes. They were filled with concern. He was worried about me. "What? Why?"
"Because I need to think," came my reply.
Merlin gave a look, obviously annoyed by my vague reply. "You've had enough time today to think." He sighed. "Just sleep."
I silently watched as he stalked up to me with gentle motions, taking his hand to gently rest it against the back of my neck, his other hand softly gripping onto mine. Merlin gazed into my eyes with a manipulative look. How benign of him.
"Enough thinking will hurt you," came his soft, endearing voice. "Believe me, I know."
Rolling my eyes at his actions, I gave several mumbles of irritancy. "Manipulative, cocky, aggravating-"
My words were suddenly cut off by his lips. I let Merlin guide me, his motions gentle and welcoming with care. No matter how much this reoccurs, I will never get old of the feeling. It was seeping through my veins like electricity, as my head was bursting with such profound emotion, an array of colors puffing into multiple clouds of smoke.
It was beautiful.
"You're gorgeous," I mumbled in between a kiss, projecting my thoughts onto Merlin.
"Thanks. You're not so bad yourself," he breathed, his grasp on my hand tightening.
Giving a small scoff, I took control, letting my fingers sift though his hair, curling the strands when I neared the ends. I put more power into the next several kisses, wanting to see his reaction. A small gasp of surprise escaped his mouth between a short, collected breath, as I gave a soft chuckle. "Payback," I mumbled.
A few more minutes passed, before Merlin dipped his head to meet my neck, resting it there, breathing heavily. "We should sleep."
Breathing in synchronization, I let my chin rest on Merlin's curls, closing my eyes. "Alright." A thought suddenly flickered through my mind. "After this kiss-" I swiftly cut him off, pulling him into the tight, warm embrace once again. Once we let go, I gave a short breath. "Never mind, after this one."
And then my lips were on his again.

A/N: Hello everyone! So, summer is finally here for me, and that means I'll update more often! I hope you are enjoying the story so far, and if you are, please make sure to vote or comment on it! I get all giddy when people comment (don't ask, it's not hereditary). Bye! And yes this is a new cover—hope you like it!

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