"So The Rumors Were True"

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Waking up to a crash of thunder, I wildly darted my eyes about, searching for my manservant.
"Arthur?" a voice questions before I could speak. I swiftly turn over, seeing Merlin leaning against the nearby tree, his hair dampened to the ends, lips blue. A pang of guilt fled through me. I'm cozily tucked into my blanket while Merlin is shivering in the cold rain.
"The storm woke you up, I suppose?" his voice rang out. My eyes found his, as we both stared, his posture slightly concerned.
"Yeah," I replied with an emotionless tone. Then nodding my head to him, I then spoke, "you're cold."
He gave a soft nod in reply.
As casually as possible, I scooted over to Merlin, and lapped my blanket over the two of us. I was aware of the soft blush he gave, but that motion was quickly ignored when he let his head fall onto my shoulder. Soft, but prominent breaths emitted from Merlin. My face flushed, I tried to keep as still as possible—because to the gods and back—I did not want this to ever end.
"The storm's getting pretty intense!"
I forgot Gwaine was with us.
"Gwaine, what in the world are you doing out in the rain?" I asked with intertwined annoyance. Merlin's head was now lifted up, the warmth quickly leaving my shoulder and body; that warm, fluttery feeling quickly dissipating.
"Ooh, I totally interrupted something, didn't I?" He gave an awkward chuckle. Slowly backing away, Gwaine continued. "Guess I'll just leave you two and I'll go-"
"Gwaine, just sit," came Merlin's voice. It sounded so full of fatigue and weakness. I just wanted to hold him tight and never let him go. I inwardly sighed. I'm unable to execute such actions right now.
Body shivering, Merlin tried to sit up, taking the warmth of the blanket with him. "What were you doing out in the rain?"
"Had to pee," Gwaine replied in a casual fashion. He took his shirt and wrapped it around his fingers, wringing the water from it. As Merlin and I didn't reply, he then decided to awkwardly cut the silence off. "Also a number two." He stuck two fingers in the air, signaling what he had said.
"Do you think we can make it back to the camp?" I questioned, disregarding his previous comment.
Seeing him slick back his wet hair, he shrugged. "Don't think so. Not unless you two wanna get drenched."
"Why did you?" Merlin asked. "I mean, go out into the rain when you know you'll get wet," he improvised.
"Well, you didn't want me to pee next to y'all, right?"
Merlin rolled his eyes. "We'd be smelling it until we return to camp."
A string of laughter followed his joke, until it got cut off by a booming crash of thunder, a short, pained scream followed quickly after. Merlin was up in seconds, his eyes alert, posture tense.
"What was that?" I asked. Staying where I am, I silently studied my manservant.
"I recognize that scream," he mumbled, avoiding my question. Before I could reply, he was off, the blanket now on the soaked ground beside me.
Gwaine and I exchanged a look.
"We should go-"
"No duh, Gwaine."


Quickly ducking under the swipe of a sword, I instantly popped back up, my eyes glowing gold, the weapon at the foreigner's fingertips burning a permanent mark onto his hand. The man screamed, as I kicked him, quickly running away from the intruder. "Father!" I yelled. Seeing him from a distance, I wiped the fallen rain from my eyes, darting towards his figure.
I felt the power surge through my veins, a sudden warmth seeping through me. Raising my hands, I let them proceed to concoct their magic, as the bandit then fell to the ground, his dead body in front my father's. I was aware of the rest of the knights along with Arthur watching the scene play out in utter shock.
Pushing their reactions aside, I dropped down, looking at my father. Maroon trickled down his body, a deep gash prominent in his upper stomach. Quickly sniffing up snot and rain, I pressed my hands against the wound with gentle pressure.
"Merlin," came his strained voice.
"Father, I can't," I croaked, the end of my sentence cut off by a whimper. "I'm not ready."
"Merlin," he spoke again. "Merlin...behind-"
His sentence was cut short when I was raised from the ground. I clawed at the invisible string at my neck, trying to break myself from the sudden magical force that was taking place.
"So the rumors were true," a deep, masculine voice said.
I was turned to face the man, a total stranger to my eyes. "You killed my father," I replied in an angered voice, the ends torn to me almost about to collapse.
"I was nearly following orders," he started. The stranger gave a dark chuckle. "Things just got...a little out of hand."
"You killed my father!" my scream of rage replied. The bonds instantly broke, leaving me to fall to the ground—a pity fall—but with a good sweep of the feet once they came in contact with the ground.
"Merlin?" Elyan said. His voice seemed to be lost—scared, even.
His tone was right, though. I couldn't be a monster—can't be the creature the boys teased me as when a kid.
I am good.
Am I?
Taking confident steps towards the man, I took a deep breath, sniffing the incoming snot from the previous crying. "Following orders from who." My voice was scratchy, but it did the job.
"Morgana," his voice replied. "She heard rumors that the King was traveling village to village. Morgana thought she had killed the King, but when she heard that he had survived, she sent-"
He was quickly blasted dead before he could finish. I heaved a breath, spitting at the ground beside him. "I know what happens next."
Turning, I saw my father, his hands clawing at the grass, desperate for the sweet release. I strode back over to him, falling to the ground to grab one of his fallen hands. "I'll work this out, father. I'll go to the Cup of Life-"
"No, my child," he coughed. "Don't."
"Father, I'm not ready-"
"You're more than ready." As he gave a soft exhale, I felt the cold air crash against my face, when I then began to break down.
"I'm not good enough. I should've forgiven you earlier. I should've done something." I swallowed another wave of grief.
I am not good.
Balinor made eye contact with me. "Merlin. You've done more-"
"No, I haven't-"
"Listen," his voice cut me off. I was defiant, but certainly not in situations like this.
"You are the epitome of goodness in magic and life. Don't let my death take your words for granted." His breaths fell labored, as he began to let his mind drift, eyes now heavy.
"Okay, just please stay awake. Don't go." My body trembled with fear. Fear that my father would be taken away.
"Don't forget who you are, Merlin," Balinor's voice whispered.
"I won't."
"I see the goodness in you, my child." His eyes closed. "Thank you."
Closing my eyes, I let the tears drip along with the rain, my mouth opening to give a defeated exhale.
I am good.


I saw what went down.
I saw when Merlin had used the word 'father' before rushing to King Balinor.
I saw how Merlin raised his hands, watching his eyes glow gold, as the man who had stabbed his father was violently flown back, then dead on the ground.
I saw Merlin break down in front of his father, whispering his final goodbye to him in broken mumbles and tears.
I guess that's what happens to the good people. They get terrible endings.
"Merlin," I spoke, standing in front of him and Balinor. Hearing him give a soft, heartbroken sniff, I inwardly sighed. "Merlin, come here."
He then slowly stood up. His legs were trembling, face tear-stricken, the downpour of the rain acting as a coverup for the accumulated tears. He was beautiful.
Eyes puffy, he took small, weak steps until he reached me. He didn't say anything—just waited for me to speak the first words.
"Merlin," I started. Placing my hands gently on his shoulders, I let them rub the soreness from his muscles. I then let my hands graze down his arms—all the way down until they reached his hands. His hands were soft. Delicate. "You don't deserve this pain."
Merlin's eyes shifted until they found mine. He was gorgeous.
"I want to make you feel happy, Merlin," I mumbled over the pouring rain.
"How," came his cracked voice.
It was simple in my head, but proceeding to do the action was the hardest part. I wish I could do such things with ease.
Leaning forward, I placed my lips on his, feeling the warmth and coldness connect, the temperatures soon diluting.

A/N: So I cried while writing this chapter. Haha, ANYWAY, sorry about all the sudden feelings in this chapter. Pretty intense if you ask me. Please vote or comment if you enjoyed this book so far! It really means a lot to me! Bye!

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