"We're Here For You"

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The venture back to Camelot was tedious. The knights walked closely, wary of what I might do. I didn't pay attention, though. My eyes were focused on the path ahead.
I was emotionless—a blank slate.
At least that's what I attempted to act like.
"Milord?" Kylan voiced off behind me. I didn't react; just kept trodding, guiding my horse forwards.
"Merlin," Gwaine called in a stern voice. He was frustrated. After all the course of events took place, he wasn't sure what to think of the whole predicament—just stand there at the sidelines and watch everything unfold.
He was watching me fall apart.
Pulling the reigns, my horse halted, as my eyes gazed forward, not even trying to face the man.
"Merlin, it's nearing night. I suggest we set up camp."
Giving a soft sigh, I arched my head down, analyzing the mane of my horse. He was right—we couldn't go throughout the night without having good vision of the road ahead or getting attacked by bandits. I bit my lip, then turned, letting my eyes scan the knights. They tried to hide it, but I know them—they're concerned.
Not letting a word slip through my lips, I jumped off my horse with angered ease, guiding my mare to a nearby tree to tie it for the night. My feet then carried me to the knights, briskly walking past them. They soon followed, watching as I conjured sticks from thin air, eyes a bright gold, mindlessly throwing the objects into a pile.
"Milord," Kylan tried again, taking his place on the ground to the now alight fire I had created. He looked at me with tense eyes. All I did in reply was slightly raise my eyebrows, egging him to continue.
Killian sighed, joining Kylan. His eyes burned with a soft light, as the fire crackled, the few dying embers now lit with refreshed heat.
"You have your magic again," I mumbled with surprise. The entire group instantly snapped their heads up upon hearing my voice. I couldn't blame them, though. It was the first I had spoken to them since his death.
"Yes," Killian answered with an equal amount of astonishment as I had. "After you defeated Morgana, the entirety of the kingdom obtained their magic again." Hesitant, his eyes then met mine, a small smile filled with gratitude etching on his face. "Thank you."
My cheeks flushed upon the sudden sincerity. I had never gotten credit—appreciation. That was all always given to Arthur. My body stiffened upon hearing the name, mind beginning to accelerate. He made an oath that he would stay alive for me.
But all he did was leave me instead.
"Merlin," Leon said in a soothing tone. My eyes fled up to his, tears beginning to drip against skin.
"We're here for you."
A ghost of a smile blew onto my face. "I know. You're help to me." Just not enough.
My eyes trailed to the satchel I had with me. His crown and cape were neatly tucked in there, awaiting for future use. My eyebrows laced. I knew they were never going to be worn again.
All the others were now crowded around the fire, attempting a conversation, talking amongst one another. I frowned upon the sight.
One piece of the puzzle was missing.


The castle was in distance. The sight was mesmerizing—bringing back many memories stored deep in my mind. My mind gnawed at telling Uther. What will he think of when his son is gone? The horses' hooves galloped against the stone paths, alerting the citizens that we've returned. The wide smiles that were once plastered on to their faces were now replaced with deep frowns full of confusion and grief. I wasn't sure if they were temporary or not. 
My eyes traveled up to Uther's chambers, spotting him staring at me, eyes slightly widened. This was one of those moments that I saw him as human—capable of making mistakes and obtaining emotions. He scanned the crown on my head, attempting to stay persistent of any feelings.
But I saw the dam break when he didn't see his son in sight.
Instantly breaking eye contact, I leaped off my horse, grabbing my satchel, then guiding the others to join me, as we walked up the steps, soon entering the castle. Turning several hallways, we made it to the throne room, quickly telling a servant to request an audience with the King. I sighed once the deed was done, dropping to the floor to scour through my bag.
"Merlin?" Percival asked warily. "Are you alright?" I knew it was an attempt of sympathy—but in my eyes all that I detected was pity.
I scoffed, grabbing at the red silk in my satchel, along with the encrusted, royal crown. "Ofcourse I'm not." Then standing up, I heaved a solemn sigh, gazing at the material in my hands. The cape was folded neatly, the crown delicately placed ontop of it, enamored in its beauty. I bit my lip. This is what he would've wanted, right?
"Milord," I heard all of the knights suddenly speak behind me, knees against the ground, telling me they were bowing.
"What is this?" Uther asked in a nonchalant manner, trying to hide his astonishment of dread and suspicion.
I didn't focus on the current conversation—just stared at the cloth with watered eyes, nimble fingers softly grazing the fabric.
"Milord; the King of Aeyland," Kylan's voice introduced, as if suggesting that was my cue to greet Uther.
But I didn't. I was entranced with the flashbacks and memories that had recently bombarded my mind.
"Is that so?" Uther replied softly, his concern not too focused on my new ranking. "Merlin," his voice called, stern with an undertone of frustration. "Where is my son?"
As if snapping out of my trance, I blinked, gazing up to the wall in front of me. My eyes squinted slightly, as if not believing this moment was happening.
He wasn't dead.
He was just in a better place—a destination without darkness and evil. A place where he was free.
A breath blew from my mouth.
He was free.
And I was here—trapped in this world.
"Where is my son, Merlin?" Uther asked again, taking a weary step forward, not sure what to think of the situation that was currently withstanding.
Licking my lips, I let my body turn, facing him with tear-stricken eyes, bags beneath, nose clogged with mucus. I met his stance, staring at him with utter devastation. "He's gone."

A/N: Hey everybody! Well, this book is wrapping up in a very depressing tone! (Whoops sorry not sorry) Anyway! It would be awesome if y'all would vote or comment on this chapter/story! It would mean a lot! Thank you all so much! Bye!

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