"Really Want To Tell You"

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"It looks great, Gwaine," I commented with pride, looking over to the knight to give him a pat on the back.
"I'm glad you like it, princess." Gwaine then pulled a flower from his pocket, the delicate beauty now worn down to a dull, rusted color, the stem snapped in a bizarre direction.
I gave a weird look to the gift. "Uh, Gwaine. I'm supposed to be flirting with Merlin-"
"And you are!" he cut me off. "This is for Merlin! You're going to give it to him!" He stuck out the dented flower. Seeing my knight shaking the plant, I internally sighed, taking it into my grasp. A petal then broke off, gently swaying to the ground. I scrunched my eyebrows.
"Well, the flower was in better condition when I found it," Gwaine said with a twinge of sympathy.
I just gave him a dumbfounded look in reply. "Are you sure this'll work, Gwaine?"
The knight huffed a sigh in reply. "Well, it's worth a shot." He paused. "A couple shots—I have some more mead back with the other packs by the horses-"
"No, Gwaine. That'll be all, thank you."
"Alright, princess," he replied with a small chuckle. Giving a small nudge to the shoulder, he gave me a wink. "Go get 'em, tiger."
I glared at the knight, a large patch of heat beginning to disperse across my face.


My mind kept on replaying the scene that happened earlier; how I had rejected my fathers's offer just to see the sigil be placed right back into my hand. The emblem burned an image in my mind, reminding me of the destiny I can't escape, the future responsibilities now on my shoulders. If I made such as one mistake, that could lead to the fate of Aeyland.
"Merlin?" a voice suddenly called out. Breaking out of my trance, I looked up, seeing golden hair and azure eyes, a slight red hue diffused in with the light from the sunset. I felt heat crawl up my cheeks upon seeing his figure. Arthur cleared his throat, forcing the words out in an attempted confident tone. "Would you—uh—like to have dinner?"
I stared at him with a confused look, a small undertone of excitement laced in with it. If I inferred correctly...
"—with me, I mean," Arthur improvised. I couldn't deny the smile making its way onto my face. Did Arthur Pendragon just ask me to eat with him?
"Uh...yeah—sure," came my awkward reply. Quickly seeing him gaze down, he stuck his hand out. I slowly touched his hand, then grasping it in mine, the sudden warmth seeping through me. When Arthur pulled me up, his head lifted, showing maroon all over his features.
We walked, myself letting Arthur guide the way. Once we made it to the makeshift camp, I took note of my father and the rest of the knights eating the stew I had earlier made. Elyan was telling a comedic story, while the knights laughed every so often, Balinor once in a while joining in. Some part of the lighthearted scene struck odd to me—like a piece was missing from the rest of the puzzle. I gave a small smile when my father took note of my sudden appearance. His eyes then traveled lower. Scrunching my eyes, I glanced down, seeing that mine and Arthur's hands were still intertwined. My fingers twitched against his skin, eyes flying back up to meet Balinor's, just to find him smiling back. Did he approve of it?
Arthur kept his grip strong, pulling me along with him, guiding my feet through the darkness of the forest, the sunset placing an array of different colors across the ground. I smiled upon its beauty.
When we passed the camp, concern then began to cross my senses. "Arthur? Where are we going?"
He gave a radiant smile to my question. "You'll see."
A couple of minutes later we found ourselves hit an opening in the woods. There was a blanket delicately placed on the soft grass, along with two bowls of stew I made laying against the fleece. A torch was lit beside a nearby tree, the flames licking up to touch the tips of the sky, casually streaked into an airbrushed glow shining across the set.
"Arthur," I began, feeling a smile adorn my face once again. "What is this?"
Letting Arthur guide me to the blanket, he then sat down, pulling me along with him.
"This is dinner," he exclaimed. He rubbed his nose. "I know it's not the best, but-"
"It's great." I looked up to him—and I swear—in those beautiful eyes of his, there was a sense of compassion and accomplishment. My eyes tried to leave his, but I couldn't find the ability to. He was so close. I was a practically a fingertip away from letting my lips touch his.
But I couldn't.
I leaned away, knowing that concluding the act was self-destructive on myself.
Arthur doesn't love me.
Does he?
"Oh—uh..." He fumbled with something in his pocket, before taking out a worn down flower, the stem cracked in several different places. "For you."
I flinched as the flower was stuck out for me to take. Upon then seeing a sad sheen of gloss cover his eyes, I quickly regretted my past action, deciding to grip onto the flower, then gently take it into my grasp. Looking down, I admired the flower in my lap, the thought of Arthur bringing the present to me embracing me with comfort and warmth. I gave a smile to him. "Thank you, Arthur."
He scratched the back of his neck. "Sorry it's broken." Arthur then took his soup and awkwardly began eating. I soon did the same. We both ate in silence, watching as the sunset fell to collide with the night sky, the warm hues now fading to a cold blue and purple. I squinted my eyes, trying to seek out the stars. "Looks pretty cloudy tonight," I commented.
Arthur nodded. He then set his bowl down, signaling he was done, before replying. "You seem pretty close to King Balinor."
My eyes fell to meet the ground. "Yeah, I guess I am."
An eyebrow of curiosity came from Arthur, as he scooted closer, his pupils wide. "Any reason?"
"Well, he seemed alone. Although I am a servant, I must admit I do have social skills," I smoothly lied. "Unlike some prat," I finished jokingly.
A small chuckle came from Arthur.
"But seriously," I began again. "Why'd you bring me here?"
He sighed, letting his hands rest on the ground, picking at the nearby grass around him. "You seem really off lately. There's stuff you're obviously hiding, but if you don't want to tell me, that's alright." He ripped a small shoot of grass from the ground. "I'm glad you're happy now, though."
I warmly smiled. "Me too." Scooting closer, I let my hands rest on my legs, which were criss-crossed, as I then exhaled a breath. "Arthur, I really want to tell you what's happening, but I can't." I looked down. "I just can't." My eyes took note of his shifting figure. He was obviously uncomfortable with my reply.
"Why not?" came his hoarse reply.
That was a good question. Was I just too scared? Was it Uther hearing my secret and instantly deciding to chop off my head?
No, it was none of those.
It was Arthur.
I was scared on how he would take my secret. Not on worrying if he'll decapitate me, because I knew that he wouldn't do that, but rather on what his reaction would be. I was frightened that he would never forgive me—for keeping a secret for such a long period of time without exploiting it to him. But then there was Aeyland. What would Arthur's reaction be when he finds that out? To discover that I'm a king of the country he's currently helping obtain back to its original owner?
"It's complicated," came my only reply.
Arthur gave a wistful, empathetic smile in return.
I looked up to him just to feel a drop of water hit my face. "Did you just spit at me?" Another drip of water fell, as we both looked up to the sky, taking note of the newfound rain.
"You wish," Arthur laughed back, taking both his bowl and mine, letting me grab the blanket, as we then relocated.
"It's too far from the camp," I spoke aloud. "We'll have to stay here until the rain stops."
Arthur sighed. "Well it looks like that's not happening any time soon." He placed the empty bowls and spoons on the ground, deciding to lean against a nearby tree, shielding himself from the falling moisture.
"You know that's a safety hazard, right?" I laughed.
"Whatever, Merlin. It's not like we have any other options, now do we?"
A couple minutes passed, as the two of us awkwardly stood there, not sure of what to say.
Arthur decided to break the silence. "Merlin, I-"
"It's a downpour out here!" voiced a person from a short distance. Before I could turn, hands grabbed my shoulders, heavy breaths escaping them.
"Gwaine?" Arthur questioned, his tone slightly aggravated. "What on earth are you doing here?"
The knight eventually caught his breath, standing up, giving a final puff. "I think you know exactly what, princess." He winked.
I stood there, confused, as the other two had a silent fight.
"Quit it, will you two?" I sighed. "It's obvious we'll be staying here for the night. Might as well get comfortable." Some of my anger was intertwined with Arthur's, though. Without Gwaine, I could've had the chance to be alone with Arthur.
"Merlin's right," Arthur huffed in annoyance. He then took the blanket from me, laying down, tightly wrapping it around him.
"Night to you too," came a snarky reply from Gwaine.
I rolled my eyes at the two's bickering, before settling myself down for the night.

A/N: Here y'all go! Sorry it's been so long since the last update! I have several excuses that are useless in this situation given the fact that y'all probably don't even care, so yeah. Anyway; I'd appreciate it if y'all would vote or comment on this chapter, it helps me out a LOT! Thanks! Bye!

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