"Destiny Was Set"

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When my eyes met Merlin's, we stared for a good moment, remembering the oath we had made the night before. We had quickly settled for a stealth attack—us heading to fight Morgana as the knights took out the guards throughout the castle. Merlin's speech was short, but momental. The knights were shocked at his confidence, and to be fair, so was I. He managed to force down his emotions and keep a collected look through the entire segment.
My mind suddenly flew back to the present, where Merlin and I were sharing the same look. We were both scared, no doubt. But there was an underlying tone of happiness. We were glad to get this mess behind us.
We could start a new chapter.
He then smiled at me—a forced grin—but nevertheless, a smile from him. Merlin wanted me to be happy even if he left. I nodded in return, before we both looked to the oak doors, then pushing them wide open to the throne room.
Morgana sat on the throne with a neutral expression, trying to suppress her sudden excitement. She gazed at us, analyzing our expressions, raising a brow with fake surprise. "Arthur, of all people to come and attempt to defeat me." She toyed with a dagger she held by her side, turning it over and testing it nonchalantly for the upcoming battle. A dark chuckle then escaped her. "But you would do anything for your servant." She paused. "Or should I say a king?" Morgana's eyes shone with temptation, her makeup casting a devilish glow.
"We're taking back what is rightfully ours," I countered, eyeing her up and down, cautious as to what her next move would be.
Then, gracefully hopping off her throne, she held the blade in a relaxed motion, advancing towards us with a defiant posture. "Is that so?" Morgana turned to Merlin. "What do you think of it all?" She stared him down, curious. "What does it feel like to be noticed by others? To feel such power at your fingertips?"
"I'm not recognized by your cravings, Morgana," Merlin defied, glaring to the witch. "I wish not to rule a kingdom, but if it's a duty, I must."
I internally smiled at his reply.
"Surrender now, return the magic to the people, and we grant you a free pass out of the kingdom, banishment your only punishment," he continued, trying to reason with Morgana.
She only gave a humorless laugh in reply. "You think I would give away that easily? I can leave your dungeons with a flick of my finger." Taking a step forward, she lifted her hand, the words ready to tumble from her mouth. "Want to see an example?"
Apparently Merlin wasn't focused; he was blinded by frustration and built up anger. His arms were immediately lifted in the air, eyes burning a deep hue of gold. The sight was beautiful in a terrifying way.
Morgana eventually landed with a harsh hit against the throne wall, but I knew her. She wouldn't let it go so soon.
Minutes passed, as I watched helplessly along the sidelines, watching as spells were being tested and thrown back and forth. My eyes analyzed the scene with weary eyes. Morgana was slowly advancing on Merlin—who at the moment—looked drained.
"Merlin!" I suddenly yelled, warning him of the income of Morgana's blade. He was too slow, for the dagger had already entered his system. Eyes widening, I rushed over to try to help him, when an invisible force suddenly thrusted me back and out of his reach.
"No, my dear brother. The fun is just beginning." Morgana eyes flickered to Merlin. He was withering on the floor, trying to suppress the groans, blinking rapidly to try to stay awake.
"Merlin!" I shouted again, trying to call out to him. I needed to reassure him.
Morgana darkly laughed, gracefully moving her way to me. Giving me a once-over, she twisted the dagger once, as I watched it dangle loosely at her side. Her hands then tightened around the hilt, ready to execute the act.
Eyes quickly connecting with Merlin's, I tried to escape the sudden pain that flared up inside of me by staring at him.
He would soothe me.
He would help me through this predicament.
"I wouldn't want to see you in pain," she taunted in a whisper to my ear. Giving the dagger a twist, my body clenched, my mind attempting to block out the pain with rapid movements from my adrenaline. Black spots swam in my vision, clouding my senses far too quickly for me to stop. My eyes traveled to Merlin lethargically, watching him helplessly on the ground, his blood draining to the ground lazily, tears dripping down his face from the emotional pain. His eyebrows furrowed, not fully comprehending what was currently happening. His mind was a slur to the present, trying to grasp on to reality. My current state seemed to just be a projection of his, as I rolled my head back in a defeated stance.
Morgana gave a malice-filled laugh. "Oh no, dear brother. We're not done yet." Casually dropping me to face the cold floor, she stalked towards Merlin, gazing at him with such a harsh intensity that her glare could blind others.
"I know how much you care for him, Arthur," Morgana continued, mindlessly twirling the dagger at her side. "There were rumors that your admiration is not platonic?" Her eyes met Merlin's. "Is this true?"
He didn't reply, just weakly spit in her direction, missing by a good distance, the concoction of blood and saliva now mingling with the stone floor. Morgana just tsked him, giving him a good kick to the side. "Oh Merlin, always the defiant one for your King," she teasingly cooed. "You care for him? You love my brother?"
Merlin remained silent to her ears, closing his eyes to rid of the evident pain on his face. Morgana shuffled, turning constantly, analyzing his expression and posture, trying to infer his next move.
She let her voice raise, attempting to break him. "You love him! It's obvious to the entire kingdom!"
Merlin didn't speak a word.
My eyes were glossed over with tears of pain from both the heart and brain. Morgana just watched the scene unfold with an amused smirk. "I'll kill him slowly, Arthur." She paused, taking the moment to give me a look of complete evil. "I want to see your eyes bleed of disparity and guilt." Her hands sharply gripped onto Merlin's matted hair, yanking his face up to meet mine.
"You did this to him, Arthur! You will remember these as your last moments!" She licked her lips in excitement. "Full of repentance and anguish."
A harsh blow was then flown at Merlin, knocking him across the room, as he limply fell against the wall, sliding down helplessly. Morgana continued with the actions, following them one after another, each one getting harsher by the next hit.
I couldn't move. My body was paralyzed. I was entranced into a state of pain and deliriousness.
I could only watch as Merlin was dragged across the room with layered inflictions.
He had strength, though. He was an idiot for cursing back at Morgana—attempting to throw back punches and weak kicks to her. But that's what made him Merlin. With slight surprise, a small smile danced across my lips, as I watched Merlin.
He was fighting for me.
Morgana grunted when another scratch was aimed to her face, backing it off with a slap. "Oh, you want to play that game?" She quickly recited off the words, as the world gazed when my sword fell into Morgana's grasp. "Well let's play."
A moment didn't even pass when Morgana and Merlin were out of my sight, battling in the next room.
And I wasn't there to help him. All I could do was let the pain bleed through my senses in sharp, staccato motions, as my mind wringed itself of the bad omens.


"Merlin," I tried to croak. My words ran dry, as I let my insides curl up to face numbness in the dark. It's been a good few minutes, and I felt completely useless; just slowly draining of life. I couldn't speak—couldn't communicate.
Dipping a finger in my wound, I hissed quietly upon the sudden pain, panting from the contact. Squinting, I encased my finger in blood, bringing it back out to let my eyes meet crimson. I breathed a pained laugh, then leaning over to paint a letter. This process continued while Merlin and Morgana continued to fight in the next room of the castle. I just focused on my breathing.
Dip a finger in.
Cover it with blood.
Paint a letter.
I choked out a breath once the final letter was completed, groaning in unbearable pain—the feeling ineffable to my senses. I exhaled in a quick, labored motion, before letting my head fall against the cold, castle floors, staring up to the ceiling, letting my memories relapse. It was nice. The happy moments flooded through me with a euphoric taste that I couldn't deny.
A pained scream blurred in my ears, the voice belonging to Merlin. I didn't do anything—couldn't do anything—just numbly stared up to see the present fade into the past, the memories continuing to soak into my mind.
The actions were posed into place.
Destiny was set.
I closed my eyes, the movement relieving.
I didn't even feel it when I stopped breathing.

A/N: Hello everybody! So, the death has been confirmed! Not that it's a good thing or anything... *laughs nervously* So I'm guessing that now is an appropriate time to comment "mY BbY DIED" or something along the lines of that haha. Anyway, if you enjoyed this story, please vote or comment—I'd love it!
Sorry I broke your hearts.

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