jon doesnt KNOW

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Group chat with Jonsmith, Spencew, Pstump, And 2 others.

Jonsmith: are we able to talk about what happened now?

Spencew: I think we should just leave it

Pstump: said some things that shouldn't have been said. They just need space I guess

Aws10: That was p intense though

Pstump: I know

Spencew: Jon I think u gotta ask bren

Jonsmith: ok I will some other time

Pstump: thinking about it now I just wanna be there for bren :(

Aws10: we all do

Tyjojoseph: I'm here and wowie what a show

Tyjojoseph: but yeah Ryan shouldn't have said that

Aws10: kudos to pat tho for trying

Pstump: it wasn't much :(


The greatest showman is the best musical and nobody can tell me otherwise

I love it so much like the choreography and the songs are so freaking good


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