Chapter 2 - You love her, isn't it?

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"If life is making you a moth to get burned, then-

~Be an angel without wings."

- trust_is_Venom



I felt a tap on my shoulder and I must mention that it was more of a hit than a tap. I was in a daze till now thinking about my Angel while standing in front of a OT.

Yes, I followed the nurse mindlessly to the OT.
I slowly turned ,not even a bit shocked to see a fuming, red Stevans . A part of me was expecting him. He was ready to charge at me any second and I just stared at him blankly.

"You filthy bastard! First my father and now that innocent girl Pearl. She is like my daughter... NO... she is my daughter!! Do you even realise how sick she is..? She had been working from the past three days continuously and you know why? "he roared and didn't even gave me a chance to answer while he continued....

"...because one patient died due to excess blood loss and she blames herself for his death. I've tried to explain her that it was not her fault but she is so kind and näive that she regrets it because some of his family members blamed her.

To make it up, she is straining herself to death and see you just added to her miseries. I swear if anything happens to her I'll kill you bare-handed."he grumbled angrily.

A wave of guilt washed over me. My Angel is blaming herself for something she didn't even do.... She is straining herself from past three days.

Damn! I just added to her. My God she is sick. Goddammit!! My heart clenched painfully in my chest at the thought of my Angel hurting herself. I won't allow her to do that. I'll take care of her. But what about her family? Where were they in these past three days? Why didn't they stopped her?

"Why didn't her family stopped her? "the question escaped my lips without being registered in my mind. But let it be. The answers is more important to me right now.

I lifted my head up, expecting an answer...I'm very desperate to know why her family didn't stop my princess?

"Her family lives in California."he started. Again anger evident in his voice.

Oh! So her family doesn't live here. Then who is supposed to take care of her? Now, I can't let her be on her own. I'll take care of her henceforth. I don't care if I have to bend on my knees to make her come with me and allow me to take care of her.

"Why is she straining herself so much? " I asked Gwen. By now tears have formed in my eyes. I met her after so many years. I've craved for her with every breath.

I've searched her in my dreams, in my nightmares, in myself,  in everyone, in everything. When i lost her, I lost a part of me. And now when I finally got glimpse of her, she's in pain? For her essence I died every day, fought with my demons and was alive with just the hope that she will come back. My Angel is in pain and I'm doing nothing to soothe her.

I know some people will consider me a fool to cry but I don't care if I appear like a fool. I'm crying for my princess. I can't help my tears now. My eyes are burning with pain by the mere thought of my angel being ill.

I'm sure worry is written all over my face till now. If not my grandpa's life was at stake, I would have barged in now and have wrapped my arms around my angel protectively.

I'll hide her from everything which would cause her any pain but here I'm... All helpless! I feel like banging my head against a wall. I can't bare this pain in my heart... My Pearl is hurting!

Gwen must have seen my expression as his voice softened a bit while he whispered almost softly.

"She is always like this. She feels the pain of others. She is sooooo sweet, kind, and gentle that there is no match of her. She is very soft hearted. She has soft spot for everyone. She is very very caring. She melts everyone's heart. She always sacrifices her happiness for others. She often goes through the pain to make others happy. She is..... no words can describe her beauty. "

A small smile crept on my face as I listened about my sweet angel. The angel of my heart. My Pearl. That explains why everyone loves my angel. She is a real angel and what am I? A beast? A monster? I don't deserve her but I love her very deeply. How can I leave my angel? My princess? I'm sure if I let her go then I'll die.

My existence is impossible without her. She is my life line...... my need to live.

"I'm sorry Dr. Gwen about your father. But that was my driver's fault. I didn't even knew he was drunk and.. and the rest you know. But I made him arrested.

He was punished rightfully according to the laws. Right now he is behind the bars. You can cross check, if you want. Again, I apologised... I'm really very sorry. "I apologised calmly.

I've never apologised in the past 10 years but I'll do it 1000 times for my angel. My angel had changed me just in a moment. I'll do anything for her. I'm not a man of apologies but since Dr. Gwen is like a family to her, I'll apologize to him.

As knowing my angel ,others happiness is more important to her than her own and by making him happy, I'll make her happy and I'll go out of my limits to make her happy. Her happiness is what matters to me the most.

Dr. Gwen watched me for few seconds as if checking for any signs of fakeness and when he was convinced. He smiled warmly towards me and said, "Apology accepted."

My eyes lit up at his words. I looked at him with my hope filled eyes and this time there was not a single hint of anger in his voice.

Rather it was filled with warmth. Then he smiled brightly at me and what he spoke made me freeze at my spot.

"I know you have fallen for her. You love her, isn't it? The tears are the proof you know. I can see the love in your eyes for her. God bless you!"

He left with those words leaving me in a daze. Did he just said that!!? I was in shock while the words actually got processed in my brain. My heart felt warm with some unknown feelings which was love . That I've my Angel who owns my heart.

With those feelings I sank into the chair behind me. I was little aware of the fact that I was dozing off with the thoughts of my Angel. My Pearl. The love of my life!!


My chocokins.. I hope you all like it.
Moreover, I know it's cliche.. May be super cliche but I can't help. It's what the story plot is. So you have to kinda bare it! **winks **

Next chapter will be super long with only Sherhoey and Pearl!

Aww.!! I just love Sherhoey!!! When will I get my Sherhoey in real life!! **pouts**😆😄

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Love y'all chocokins...😘

Evening glitters! 😊😊

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