Chapter 4 - Angel? I'm no angel!

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She is an old soul with new style, who wears black and speaks her mind. So powerful,
She leaves her prints on everyone she touches coz she is both-- a savage and a sweetheart.



I came out of the darkness when I felt the car to come to halt. Then I realised that I'm still curled up against someone. All the memories flooded back.

'Fool' I said to myself. How could I do something so embarrassing? Stupid me. What he must be thinking of me? Then I tried to open my eyes slowly but I felt a sharp pain in my eyes. I winced. This must have caught his attention.

" You are awake angel?" He asked.

I nodded, slowly raising my head from his chest to see him.....I mean his face. Angel? Seriously? I'm no angel.

I thought to myself but I didn't have any energy to speak my thoughts. My whole body hurts....... a lot.

He still looked worried..... I mean more than worried. But.....For me?? I shook off those thoughts. I tried to pull away from his lap in order to get out of the car while my whole body protested but I was halted by a hand which gripped my wrists gently.

It was 'him'. He carefully picked me up from his lap and he seated me back to the car's leather seat. I winced softly. God! I feel like I'll be torn apart.

"Angel?? Are you okay? I'm sorry I should have been more careful. "He said while glancing me up and down worriedly. I must say he was beyond worried. But why??

"Hey! I'm okay." I tried to assure him. He shook his head in a 'NO'.

He turned towards the door and he was out seconds. As I was about to take a step out...... "No Angel." He said softly, wrapping his arms around me, tugging me to himself. He raised his head and kissed my temple ever so gently.

"I can manage you know." I said to him but he drew me more closer to him.

"But you don't have to." he stated. I wanted to protest but I chose to be shut. I seriously don't have any strength to stand or let alone walk. I sighed.

He started walking towards his house? No it's not a house it's a mansion!! A freaking royal mansion. Is he a prince or something?? Oops!! I don't even know his name. Could I be any more stupid??

There was a huge fountain in front of his house which was shining brightly under the moonlight. An angel statue stood there facing the sky beautifully. It was perfect. It was adorned by a garden on both sides.

Beautiful flowers were blooming with all its glory. Brightly coloured petalled flowers were adding to the already beautiful scenery. There was a huge swimming pool.... no I would call it a pond. I mean it's so huge. There was a pair of chairs set at the centre of the with an ivory table laid in between.

It was looking....... Magnificent!! He is rich? No I think he is royal!! We were walking on a path made up of glowing stones which lead to his house. Several lamps were shining at the corner of the path. Finally we reached his house. Oops I mean mansion!! It was...... u know BIG!!

The walls were coloured beautifully with a combination of peach and silver. A large wooden dark brown coloured gate with large windows all over. There was a beautiful swing placed near the railing of the balcony. Did I ever mentioned that I love swings?? It was so cute and of course perfect.

Finally I came out of my daze when I heard the clicking sound of the door. How did he manage to unlock the door with me still in his arms? It was shocking but he managed. I mean how?? Finally we entered his house and it was even more beautiful than outside.

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