Chapter 14 - I've to be strong for my angel.

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Sherhoey's P.O.V

I blinked open my eyes, blinking them to adjust with my surroundings. Out of reflex, my arms pulled my Angel close to me. A sudden peace ran throughout my body at her soft body being cuddled up against me. I turned towards her, adjusting her in my arms and took her fully in my embrace. Her face glowed so softly under the pale yellow lights, and her lips shone a bright shade of pink. I kept admiring her peacefully sleeping face, with hearty eyes.

She really looks like an angel. My angel.

Unable to help myself, my lips drew close to her, pecking her lips ever so softly, taking care to not disturb her sleep. I groaned when the desire to kiss those soft luscious lips grew more inside me. Her lips were slightly parted, releasing small puffs of air, and fuck that looked so tempting. My lips again touched her lips, lingering for few seconds to reminisce the softness of her lips.Moving away a bit, my fingers started brushing against her cheek.

I love her so much.

"Sherheoy..." My angel mumbled sleepily. I looked at her to check if she was awake, but no she was sleeping peacefully. I smiled at how easily she recognized my touch even in her sleep. I don't know what I did to deserve her, but she's all I have.

I pulled her closer to me, almost gluing her against me when I recalled the past events. I won't let that Sgrehem bastard to do anything to my angel. She is so pure, so innocent, so fragile, and I vow with everything I'm, that I won't let him wither her. Not by him. Not by anyone.

I know that he wants to break her to get me, he wants to ruin my beautiful angel to shatter me. But he wouldn't accomplish in it. Not now. Not ever. He'd pay for making my angel his target. He'd pay for everything. He'd pay for every single tear, my angel shed.

I never wanted to see that sacred look on my angel's face. But because of him, I saw. The terrifying look on her face, with eyes pooled with tears, when she discovered her destroyed home. My heart ached to see her like that, to see the fear in her eyes. The eyes, the tantalizing hazel eyes, which should always shine, those pretty eyes were so dull and full of fear.

When he ambushed us, the only thing on my mind was to keep my baby safe. She's absolutely unaware of the cruelties of him. And I know, her heart is just as soft. My heart almost threatened to stop when she was amidst the danger. But the way she said she trusts me then and now, that I'd protect her at all costs, melted my heart. She is just so kind hearted. And her innocence is just like a small baby.

My baby angel.

I leaned forward and kissed her chubby soft cheeks. She's so very precious. My anger rose for myself remembering that I am responsible for this! It's my fault that she's in this danger! My fault, that her home was thrashed! My fucking fault, that my angel got those threats! If only I hadn't involved her in my life, my sweet angel would have been safe, far away from Sgrehem's reach. He wouldn't have put his evil eyes on her. But since he knows that she's very close to my heart, he'd try his level best to hurt her.

I'm sorry my heart.

Inhaling deeply, I forced myself to calm down. My heart beat was uneven and fast, just by the mere thought of my angel's life in risk. I never thought he was still lurking around me, waiting to find my weakness.

He did find my weakness now. My angel.

I thought after our last encounter, he'd leave me alone. Didn't he already break me to the verge of collapse? Now, he wants to take away my light, my Angel from me. The only thing which is keeping me sane, from the haunted blackness, which I call life. I cannot let him shatter my little world, my angel.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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