Ayansh • 2

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Waking up next to her is a blessing

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Waking up next to her is a blessing. It should be one of the best things karma gave me. Or it could be one of the last good things I get repaid for before the repentance of my sins.

Let me no enjoy it too much, then.

Sighing, I get off my bed. It's only on very rare occasions that Hansika wakes up after me. She always tries to be her version of a perfect wife, though according to me that is total bullshit.

She already is the perfect wife just the way she is. How do you try perfection when you just breathe it in and out so easily?

Smiling to myself, I go to the kitchen and brew coffee for the two of us. I don't cook on a regular basis, but I occasionally try and I'm decent at it. So the kitchen is no new place for me. Humming to myself, I heat the milk and switch on the espresso machine at the same time.

"Saab?" I hear and turn to see the maid approach the kitchen.

"I'll cook breakfast for today, Kavita. You can start with cleaning the living room," I tell her but she has other news.

"Saab, I just went to the bedroom and Madam is burning hot. She's asking for her tablets," she says in a panic.

Shit, I mutter as I ask Kavita to look after the coffee as I immediately rush to the bedroom.

How could you have not noticed her body temperature, you idiot?!

When I enter our light green ambiance bedroom, Hansika is tightly holding on to the chocolate brown bedsheet which is wrapped around her. Gosh, she looks really sick. Asshole you are, Ayansh.

"Baby? What happened?" I ask as I sit next to her and cup her face. I feel the heat burning through my palm. My heart gets crushed into pieces. How could I have missed the signs?

"N - nothing, Ayansh. Don't worry about me. Just a couple of pills and I'll be fine. Y - you go get ready for office. Everyone must be expecting you there after the party yesterday," she says, her voice going in and out as she speaks.

"No, no office. I'm staying with you today. Wait, let me make you something to eat so that you can have the pills after food. You just stay put. Wait, should I call a doctor? Should I call for ambulance?! How bad is it?" I panic with each line.

Hansika raises her feeble hand and softly hits my chest. "I'm a doctor myself, dumbo. I know what I need. Just get me the tablet box."

I screw my eyes on her. "I'm not such a fool to let you play the 'I'm a doctor' card. I know you're not supposed to take pills in empty stomach. I'll assign a doctor's appointment as soon as possible but you should eat first and I'll help you draw a sponge bath. Stay put."

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