Hansika • 11

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If heart break has a sound, it is this

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If heart break has a sound, it is this. The slow, shallow breaths both of us are taking, the hands of the wall clock clicking a little too loud, the waves crashing against the shore, no words spoken.

Ayansh is looking at me, his eyes pleading for an anchor. Something to hold on to, something to take out of our fake life. I know I should not give him anything to hold on to. Any piece of me he carries is a spot under Anirudh's radar. Having lived with him all these years and understanding the way he works, I have finally figured out the trick.

One, to not escape. Two, to please him and act like I love him truly. Three, cut off all ties from the rest of the world.

It was stupid of me to think he won't catch up. It was selfish of me to drag Ayansh with me. It was even more selfish to let myself fall for him. I knew every single thing I just listed as I did them, but still I ignored the warnings. I ignored all the warnings.

And now, here I am. Facing the consequences.

No, scratch that.

I'm not facing any new consequences. I'm back with Anirudh, like my life was supposedly written for. But this time, I've brought with me someone who I could have completely avoided. Someone who would have been far away from me and safe with his kin were it not for me.

"I'm so sorry, Ayansh." I dare to apologize. The shame creeps up my neck as I feel the heat get to my head.

"I just," his voice is rough as he speaks, "want to know if it was all fake." I see his glazed eyes pierce into mine.

I shake my head. "No, Ayansh. I swear on myself, it wasn't all fake. These past eight months were built on lies that we piled on top of another. But they were also the times where... I really lived."

The sound of waves hitting the shore reverberate in the lighthouse. A smile forms on my lips.


Ayansh smiles without me having to explain a thing. That's us.

"The sound of the sea. The first thing I smiled at when I entered that gigantic house."

Ayansh chuckles. "I thought you really hated the house till you smiled at that."

I shake my head. "I didn't hate it. It was just a bit too... Extravagant. Bigger than any house I've seen before."

"Well, thank God you liked it. It was the last of the assets Dad left for me that wasn't changed into something else."

I smile. Ayansh's father is quite the amazing man. He made Ayansh the man he is now and I am so grateful for it.

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