Author's note

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April 16, 2019

What a journey it has been, my friends. What a journey. A year and a month of the biggest rollercoaster I've been in. And I loved every single bit of it.

Let me introduce myself first. This is Abinaya, but you can call me Abi or Ivy (credit: DiyaMahe) and this is my third completed work on Wattpad. A Life Of Lies was an instant idea in my mind when I was travelling one day, and it took it's own sweet time to build into a complete story. This is my second thriller novel and I hope I've gotten at least a little better at it. This is more of a Romantic Suspense - Thriller than the last one (Deserving). But I love both my works equally and I believe I have given it all I can.

The response I've received for this work is by far phenomenal and I love each and every one of you who has genuinely checked my work out and shown me support. I'm forever in gratitude to you guys and I swear to give out better works in the future.

This is my first Indian based novel, and I hope I've done some justice to the characters and the set up as an Indian based novel. The novel is set up around Hansika, and I truly believe that I find little parts of Hansika in all of us. While her struggles and her hardships are far more unfair and hard to deal with, I cannot foresee the hardships the women of this country (and this world) face. Whether it be subtle or obvious, ignored or punished, women still face so many cruelties and this novel is just a portrayal of how strong we are (and are supposed to be) to get our stand in this unfair world. I hope you guys got the message I'm trying to convey here.

All that being said, at the end of the day, this is a novel that I really loved writing and I hope all of you really loved reading as well. Do share your opinion on the novel in the comments below, tap the stars and let me know you really liked it, and please share with your friends and enjoy the ride together.

Till we meet again, it's bye-bye from me.

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