Ayansh • 12

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Moments that make us feel good last lesser than needed and moments that we want to end prolong more than needed. It's a universal phenomenon and I can prove it to you.

The kiss Hansika and I shared: 2 minutes.

The moments I had her rest on me after that: 1 minute 45 seconds.

The whispers of confession she spilled with a genuine smile on her lips: 30 seconds.

And then, game over. Both of us hear the harsh footsteps of someone ascending the stairs and Hansika jumps from her seat.

"That's him. That's Anirudh."

My face grows tight. "You just told me all these beautiful - "

"Ayansh..." She stands in front of me and slowly starts taking steps back, putting a good amount of distance between us. "You can't hold on to those words. Else, he'll do something to you. Forget everything and leave. When he enters the room, I'll be in the kitchen. Shows that I have no interests in you. So, he'll also be disinterested and he'll be ready to send you out. Leave."

"Hansika," I drag.

"For the love I have on you, I want you to leave." With that, she wipes the tears on the back of her palm and settles herself in the kitchen.

Right on cue, Anirudh enters. He glances once in my direction and then turns to see Hansika's whereabouts. The look on his face says it all: he's mighty pleased.

"Ayansh Mishra, my brother." He walks closer to me and gives me his hand. I raise my eyebrows.

"Come on, take my hand. Let's go out for some fresh air," he flicks his wrist for emphasis. I look at Hansika. She's facing away from me but her shoulders are stiff and raised up as if she's listening to our conversation. When the silence prevails for longer than necessary (an inconvenience, I tell you), I see her nod. Her affirmation.

Without the aid of his ugly hand, I get up from my seat and brush my pants off by habit.

He pounces on me and throws his arms over me, having me in a 'friendly' headlock.

"Oh, I'll miss you, bro," he says, giggles dancing in his voice.

With that, I see Hansika relax her shoulder completely. It's very clear now. He's going to send me off.

I try to get out of his arm. Wiggling my body out, I walk out the door. His footsteps follow mine as I descend the stairs.

"You can tell the people any story you want to make. Went backpacking again because I felt like it, stayed low-key, met an old friend and stayed with them... Loads of options. As for Hansika, tell everyone that she has left. Or you could say she's dead. Only because she is dead to you hereafter. My baby has come back to me and she doesn't need that bloody identity anymore. So, it's better if you erase the whole identity of Hansika Chaturvedi. Or Mishra. Whichever."

I stop in my tracks as I reach the last steps. It takes me every ounce of patience to not knock the wind out of him already.

"Anirudh, I need to talk about something," I say after I've composed myself.

He leads us outside as we walk by the shore.

"Anything you need before you leave?"

"Hansika." I blurt out.

"What about her?" He asks.

"I... Want her."

This makes him halt. I immediately halt next to him.

"The fuck did you just ask for?" His voice raises with each syllable.

"Anirudh, she's my wife."

Anirudh scoffs. "Who you fucking lured into marriage. Want the bloody mangal sutra? I'll yank it off her neck this instant!"

I grip his arm. "Don't you dare."

He pulls his arm away. And then he doubles over and places his hand on his knees, laughing like a maniac.

"Don't play around, brother. This is not how you fool around with people!"

I feel my ears throbbing from all the pent-up anger. "Listen, you fucking asshole. She's married to me. I have a legal relationship with her, for one. Secondly, what you did to her was non-consensual. You can go to fucking jail if she's willing to speak up. And I'll convince her to do the same as well if you decide to create a ruckus."

He just continues to laugh over my voice. One harsh kick on his shin is what it takes for him to stop. His left knee sinks in the sand and he tries to find balance. But, his instincts are quite good, because the very next second I'm on the ground myself, an unexpected sweep off my feet making me collapse.

Anirudh pins me to the ground and lets out an animalistic growl. He gets on top of me, his weight crushing me as I let out a groan.

"Look, let's not fight. I don't like fighting around Hani. I'll make it very clear. Hansika is mine. Ever since she set foot in my life, she has been mine. The papers you have, the faux stories you create, or anything you may have up your sleeve will not help. So, kindly get out alive when I'm kind enough to let you."

"Get... Off me, bastard," I manage to let out, clenching my stomach.

"Okay, I will. I've sent a friend to collect some things for you. Food, money, et cetera. When he comes back, you're leaving with him. He'll drop you somewhere in the middle of Pune and Mumbai. And then, it's just Hansika and me." He sighs, shifting above me. "It's been like a proper year since I had a taste of her. She is made of sugar. My personal confection store. She usually carries herself lightly. She won't even let a breath out that made too much sound. But, when she's in bed, you can hear her heartbeat. You can hear her harsh, short breaths. She tries so hard to not let out those sinful melodic moans, but I don't let her get away with it. I don't let her go till she lets out whatever she has locked away. And then I proceed to give her my everything. Everything."

My blood boils at such a temperature it could fry his body like he's chicken if he was dipped in it once. I curl my fist on the ground, collecting sand in my hands. Without a second of hesitation, I throw it on his face. When I hear him groan and lose balance, I tackle him and roll myself over.

"You can't touch her. Don't you fucking dare!"

He struggles to get the sand off his eyes, but he still manages to ask in the most arrogant manner ever, "And why not?"

"Because she has my baby inside her womb!" The words come out of me before I put a filter.

"What... Did you just say?!" Anirudh's body visibly shakes as his face reddens.

He gets on his knees and grabs me by my shirt. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" He repeats.

"She's pregnant, OKAY? With MY - "

Before I finish my line, I feel a heavy blow on my stomach. His fist collides with such a huge impact that my stomach tightens and air rushes out of my lungs. He doesn't stop there. The blows continue as my hands try to reach for his shoulders, trying to push him away. My legs kick in the air as I feel my insides clench and twist.

"You... touched her?! You kissed her?! You fucker her?!" With each question, his punch gets firmer and my throat tightens. Before I can control myself, I spew out the contents of my breakfast, coughing and struggling. The metallic taste inside my mouth makes me wince and I throw my head back.

I screw my eyes shut as the physical drain sets in. It takes me a while to notice that I'm being dragged away by my limbs. I hear distant moans of pain enter my ear, and then I recognize it. It's my own voice. My vision is foggy as I notice I'm back in the lighthouse, surrounded by four tall goons. It takes all the strength in my body and more to curl up and protect my vitals. And then, the thrashing begins.

Needless to say, this wasn't just a moment. It feels like an eternity. Even as consciousness drips out of me like the last drops of water dripping from a tap, I hold on to the short seconds of Hansika's love as I endure the never-ending pain that has come as the consequences.

Worth it.


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