Hansika • 2

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What have I got myself into?

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What have I got myself into?

My mind keeps asking me the question over and over again as I walk to the nurse in the counter to give the urine cup I peed into just a minute ago.

Why do they need my urine sample? I came here because Ayansh already booked an appointment. My fever was gone when I woke up from the deep sleep but I didn't want to worry him, so I attended the appointment. Sure, he was so extra caring he made an appointment at Mary's Memorial Hospital, one of the biggest in Mumbai with a building that makes multiplexes look small. So they're bound to magnify small issues so as to fill their bill.

But why in hell are these people treating me like I'm terminally ill? I can feel the irritation in my nerves as I go sit in the waiting lobby for the Doctor to call me in again.

As I wait, my mood slowly pacifies as I hear small baby steps running around. Turning sideways, I see a cute little girl in twin braids running around in semi-circles covering her mother's seat from left to right and then right to left. Her baby slippers make squeaking noises against the hospital floors and it is absolutely adorable and hearty to hear them. She must not be more than two years old.

She must hold some kind of crazy sensing traits since she looks in my direction now. Her look is questioning me as I send a warm smile, the one I get only when I'm around kids. Children are the only thing in the whole world that can make my heart really melt and give me the key to the room of inner peace within myself. That's the main reason I decided to become a pediatrician.

The girl is now smiling at me and I wave at her. I have half a mind to call her over so I can entertain her a little as her mother seems busy scrolling through her phone.

But before I do, her mother drags her to the doctor's office. With her phone still on her other hand. At moments like these, I feel so blessed to have been born a generation prior because I got my mother's undivided attention and love. The advancements of the world are the biggest bane of the human existence, I must say; because what started out with the purpose to ease the hardships of life became the drug that is rapidly poisoning the main purpose of every life on earth: togetherness.

After a painful waiting time since the little girl's exit, I'm finally called in by the doctor. As I get inside, I notice that the room I was called into was not the same room I went into when I was attended by the General Physician. Then my eyes latch on to the name board on the doctor's table.

Dr. Sarah Jane, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist.


"Take a seat, Mrs. Mishra. Sorry for the delay, the results took a while to come in," says a lady as she walks in from the other side of the office to her table.

"I'm Dr. Sarah and I assume you're Hansika Mishra, the gorgeous brainy wife of one of the youngest millionaires of India!" She says as she takes her seat.

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