Hansika • 13

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A rough pair of lips graze my forehead as the haziness in my mind clears. The first thing I see after I open my eyes, just that very action so tough to perform, I see Anirudh. Not that I didn't know it would be him. I know when a kiss feels good and when it feels like death.

"You're awake."

I feel him stretch out my fingers as take them in his. As I try to get up, a jolt of pain makes me plop back in bed. My stomach is cramping so hard it's like a warzone in there.

I close my eyes. Of course.

"So sorry, baby. But you brought it on yourself. I wish the process were easier." he runs his thumb on the back of my palm as if it would pacify the pain of death I'm feeling.

"H - how?" I ask him. I know he killed Pea. But I don't know how he did it. There's no way I won't remember a pill I've taken and I haven't had a single bit of food since I came here, so he couldn't have done anything that way as well.

"Suppositories. Vaginal insertion. You were out cold when the pills came and I quickly called a doctor to ask. She said that's also the best way to ensure the process actually happens."

He kisses my forehead again and if I weren't this tired, I'd have flinched.

"I made some toast for you. Have it and then take the next set of pills. It's better if you swallow them from now, since you're bleeding excessively down there. I changed three diaper pads for you so far and it hasn't even been 24 hours yet." He carresses my hair. "I'm sorry, darling."

I open my mouth to speak, but only a moan of pain comes out. Harsh and quick breaths help the recovery, but at their own pace. His touch is lingering on my skin, which only boils me further. But I'm beyond the point where it should matter.

There's only one more person left in life who matters.

"Where - " I bite my lip to suppress the quivering, "where's Ayansh?"

The soft hold he has on my fingers quickly turns to a harsh grip. I gasp, screwing my eyes shut. He immediately apologizes.

"Why do you want to see him, baby?"

I quickly shake my head, firmly denying. "That's the thing, Ani. I don't want to see him. I don't want him here anymore."

He raises his eyebrows. "Didn't seem like that when I found you resting next to him last night."

I bite my quivering lip to pacify it. And then I give an answer, praying it would satisfy him.

"I didn't go to his room, Ani. He came here. I don't know how he did. And you know I was unconscious. It could have been his doing. And frankly, it doesn't matter now. All that does is you and I. He shouldn't come inside our room again. For that, he needs to be out of here."

Anirudh scans every word that comes out of my mouth. And then, he looks away as he calculates the meaning. My heart's racing at the speed of light as I wait for a reply.

And it comes as a smile. "You're right, babe. Just you and I."

I beam and smile back (which is not necessarily for the same as his, but works for both of us).

"I'll ask Shankar to take him to further outskirts and finish the job. Discarding would be easier as well."

My breath gets caught in my throat. I almost shout out a no, and it takes everything in me to not do it. A blatant no would only cause more doubts and difficulties. And a no is never a no to Anirudh. It's the first thing I learned about him.

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