Dr. Banner's Breakthrough

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Steve's P.O.V.

"What's your deal?" I asked. I knew this had to be important because this is the first time that I have seen her with a straight face. "Wait! Who is this guy?" Alex asked her mouth curling into a goofy grin. "Falcon" Sam stated. "Pfffft you really expect me to believe that. I'm not that crazy. Oh! I'm Duck!" She said "Ok. I'm Sam. What's your deal?" Sam said trying to get to the point. "If you can break me, emotionally, I will help you with whatever you need." Alex said wiping the goofy grin off her face. "Cap, can I talk to you?" Sam asked me "yeah." We walked through the halls until we got to the conference room, everyone else was there to, even Tony and Rhodey, "What is this?" I asked simply looking around the room. "We don't think having Alexandra here is a good idea." Natasha began "She is extremely unstable and at this rate the could cause something that will.....well..... leave a mental boo boo." Clint continued for Nat. "A mental boo boo? What do you mean?" I asked "Well you see? Clint, he gave me the cloth that you took with you on the mission, the one dosed in chloroform, I did some testing on it.'

'When is was held to her mouth some D.N.A got on it. So I tested it to see if I could figure out what the nature of her powers are. And...." Bruce trailed off "What. What did you find?" I asked not wanting to wait any longer "She...... she uh..... she is a dream-bender." He finished "So? We have a thing made out of vibranium, two guys in big weaponized metal suits of armor, a girl who has telepathy, two x-Assassins, an x-Assassin who is also a super soldier, an alien, and you Dr. Banner, need I go on!?" I stated "What even is a dream-bender anyway?" I asked while calming down. "She may inflict any dream she wishes, if you are in the room and you can feel pain in your dreams raise your hand." Banner stated. Everyone except for Thor raised their hands. "She if she wanted to she could make anyone of us have a dream where we say? Fall off a cliff, get stabbed or shot, get tortured, have our friends are family harm us in any way. She can make us feel any of that!" Banner argued "I think the may be why she is color blind, I can't find out until I run some test, but I think the for every good dream we have, the world is slowly drained of its color for her." Banner finished. "Uh...wow... why is she a threat though bad dreams aren't that bad." I stated "Then you haven't had a truly 'bad dream', Steve." Tony finally spoke up. "I'm a World War 2 army veteran, did you really just say that to me?" I said "Sorry Cap, but realistically you joined the army in '44 and went in the ice in '45, you weren't in the army for long." Sam stated "Why do you even want her here?" Rhodey asked. Memories of WW2, Peggy, Bucky, the howling commandos, and.......tights flooding back to my mind. "Peggy" I said more to myself than anyone else "What about her?" Sam asked "Alex, her last name is Carter!" I replied "Well yeah it said that she was Sharon's cousin and Peggy's great
granddaughter." Natasha piped in "She wouldn't know the Peggy past away last year, because no one was allowed in her cell!" "So you think that will break her" Clint asked "Having the person you were raised by pass away, yeah it will. Believe me." I said before bolting to her cell Natasha, Banner, and Sam followed me.

We ran through clean walls 'why would she want us to break her. To prove a point?' I thought. We arrived at her cell, she was sitting in the middle of the floor looking around. This was the first time I noticed......she had big brown and purple bruises framing the collar that had been on her neck for 16 years. "Did it really take you that long to figure it out?" Alex paused "Do you accept?"

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