You Killed Her!

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James P.O.V.

"Hey," I said softly, not knowing what her emotional state would be like. She turned her head, her mouth full with a sandwich. She tried to smile but the food wouldn't quite allow her, her cheek just puffed up, and then a quiet giggle uttered from behind her oil covered lips. "Whatcha doin'?" I asked curiosity getting the best of me. I smile playing across my lips at the sight of her smile. "You want some?" She offered, her words becoming jumbled through the cheese and bread still held in her mouth. Just as she was about to take another bite of her sandwich her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her food fell from her hand and she started to fall out of her stool. Luckily I caught her just in the nick of time. As I caught her, her shirt slid up a little bit, just enough to where I could see the pink scar on her left hip.

"What the hell?" I muttered. "Bruce! Bruce get in here ASAP! FRIDAY call Bruce!" As I said that Alexandra's body starts to convulse violently. "And tell the others to get the med bay ready!" "Yes, Mr. Barnes."

Steve's P.O.V.

I'm sitting next to Alex's cot. Her sleeping form looking distraught and uncomfortable. Bucky is in his room probably blaming himself for what happened even though it wasn't his fault.

"Uh, Steve?" Tony said in a worried tone. I turned my head from Alex to Tony. "We have guests..." just as Tony said that red lights started going off and sirens started blaring. I looked at the security cameras and saw about 20 men bursting through the doors of the tower. 19 of the men were in black and one in a white lab coat. I was already bolting to the lobby.

"A little birdie told me that a certain inpatient: 37752 lives here!" As the man finished his sentence I entered the lobby.

"Didn't know you had a fab. Besides, she goes by Alex now." I said smugly.

"Enough talking, Steve! Plus, if they think they're getting Alexandra they've got another thing coming." Bucky said, standing by my side.

"Then let's get 'em," Tony said, his suit making his voice sound robotic. As soon as those words left his mouth all hell broke loose. I took out a few of the guys no problem, so I decided to go for the head honcho. As I reared back my fist for the first blow he held up some sort of controller.

"Cap! Don't do anything, there are traces of thermite on Alex's skin, and it's most concentrated right behind her ears. If you do something stupid, he'll literally blow her up!" Bruce spoke through the coms in my ear. I put my fist down.

"You bastard!" Bucky yelled.

"Maybe so. We will be taking her now." He laughed.

Alexandra's P.O.V.

"Maybe so. We will be taking her now," He laughed. I walked into the lobby as he said that.

"Alexandra! What are you doing here?" James asked in a worried voice. I mean, you would be worried too if your frie- girlfri....? whatever we are, was going to explode.

"Keeping you from worrying," I said, knowing that it wouldn't help. I turned to face the man that was intruding.

James' P.O.V.

What is she talking about?! Of course, I am going to worry! 

I heard a gasp escape her lips. 

"Richard Shaw?" She said with anger behind her lips. A single tear falling down her cheek. "You killed her!" She charged the 'Shaw' man, but the men he brought with him held her by her elbows. 

"Wait!" I yelled forcefully. "Killed who?"

"Dr. Wick!" 

Alexandra's P.O.V. 


I woke up ready for my typical day. 

7:00 am - Breakfast 

7:30 am - Shower

8:00 am - Therapy Session

9:00 am - Shock Therapy

10:00 am - "Free" Time 

11:00 am - Group Therapy

12:30 pm - Lunch

1:30 pm - Therapy Session 2 

3:00 p-

"Wake up! Now, let's go!" The guard that woke me up every morning said loudly. 

"I got it, I got it," I said, the sleep deprivation clear in my voice. I went about my schedule as I normally would. Eventually, they pulled me for my session with Dr. Wick only when I walked in it wasn't her. 

"Hello, Alexandra," She greeted, my face contorted in confusion.

"Hello? Who are you? Where is Dr. Wick?" I asked concerned.

"Unfortunately, we found your former psychiatrist in her apartment, dead. Well, more accurately, killed." I gasped left my mouth. I felt the harsh grip on my arm tighten as the guard leaned into my ear.

"Let's just say she got in with the wrong crowd," He growled. He shoved me into the room and said: "I'll be back in an hour." 

Flashback ended 

"Find me, James," I said, winking at him slightly. He nodded in response. 

A/N: I know that this was short, but I really wanted to end it there. I really hope you are enjoying this book, I would love to hear your feedback. 

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