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James' P.O.V.

It's a little later. Alexandra is in her cell, and we were all waiting for her to wake up.

"What?" We heard her pipe up, drawing in all of our attention. "What's going on?" Alexandra continued groggily. We were all hesitant to speak, fearing she was still intoxicated. She moved her long brown hair behind her shoulder, I saw her black veins. Steve and I make eye contact with each other, I shook my head slightly telling him she's still poisoned. I hoped she wouldn't notice, however, she did.

"What's is wrong with you?!" My head jolted in her direction. I noticed her... aggressive question was directed towards Steve.

"What do you mean, I'm just trying to hel-" Steven was cut off.

"And you, pretending you are better than everyone else," She spit at Tony "and you, you-you freak!" Wanda looked heartbroken.

'That's enough'

"Could you give us a minute?" Everyone one just walked out, fulfilling my request.

I walked closer to the cell, trying to read her face. Her scowl almost immediately turned into a look of concern and fear. She was sitting on the ground in front of the glass, so I sat and the opposite side, still facing her.

"What happened?" I asked plainly.

"I-I don't know, I ju-just saw the flower, and I thought it looked pretty so I smelled it and now..." she trailed off.

'She's faking it, you can't believe her' I thought.

"What's gonna happen?" She asked in a pitiful tone.

"I'm not sure," I told her simply.

'Don't give in, don't give in. This isn't her, this isn't your girl' I convinced myself.

I couldn't stay any longer, if I did I would have given in. I got up and walked away, without another word. I heard Alexandra calling out to me.

"Bucky? Bucky please, you can't leave me here. Please don't." She begged, tears welled in my eyes as she did. "Please, baby, don't leave me, I'm scared." I reached the door, my hand rested on the cool metal doorknob. "James... p-please" I froze, she called me James.

"I'm sorry," I muttered as the tears flowed freely down my face.

"James! James PLEASE!!" Alexandra screamed as I painfully closed the door behind me.

I was met with the face of Steve, without a word I walked passed him, not wanting him to see me crying.

"What's wrong?" Steve asked gently.

"Nothing, I'm fine," I muttered wiping my tears.

"Well, that's the biggest lie I have ever heard in my life," Steve said. I just continued walking, "Hey, Buck, I am always here when you are ready," I nodded and made my way to my room.

'I just need to get my mind off this' I thought. What would I do, before I met Alexandra? 'I would go to the diner,' I answered my question. I don't want to do that because that's 'our' spot. "I'll just go drown my sorrows in songs," I thought.

I walked up to my room and pulled out the cell phone that Tony got me, I had actually got the hang of it pretty quickly. I opened Spotify. "I'll just listen to Wanda's playlist," I said not wanted to deal with it. My finger clicked the shuffle button on the first playlist I saw.

Have you ever felt like nobody was there?

Have you ever felt forgotten in the middle of nowhere?

Have you ever felt like you could disappear?
Like you could fall and no one would hear?

What is this? It's really good!

Well let that lonely feeling wash away, maybe there's a reason to believe you'll be okay.


I need you to stay.

It's not up to me. Just let me be legally blonde.

I walked outside my room, what time is it? That's when a wave a realization washed over me.

"Alexandra," I muttered. I ran to ask Bruce how she was.

"Anything?" I asked quickly. "Where have you been? It's been like three hours!" I ignored the question.

"How is she?" I asked. "She is refusing to talk to anyone but you." I nodded and walked into the cell room. Naturally, my eyes scanned the room and they met Alexandra's eyes.

"James..." Alexandra breathed, a relieved smile dancing on her lips.

"Which Alexandra am I talking to?" I inquired.

"You can sing," I blush crept on my cheeks. "Your scars still hurt, but you wouldn't tell anyone that."

"Wait, I never told yo-"

"You didn't have to."

'No, this is too good to be true'

"Show me your neck," Alexandra moved her tangled hair, I saw the faintest bit of black in her veins. "James, listen to me you can't listen to what I sa-" Alexandra's face contorted. "I hope you never take a breath without remembering how many breaths you've taken away," I was taken aback by her statement.

'She's not herself right now' her face warped again.

"James, I'm sorry!"

I left, I couldn't stay, seeing her fight herself, fighting in that battle myself many times. "Steve, she needs you," I stated and went to my room.

Steve's P.O.V.

"Ok," I stated and went into the cell room.

"Steve, I need to talk to James, I need to apologize!!" Alex requested.

"For what?" I asked. Alex's face looked like she just ate a spoonful of mayonnaise. A dark chuckle escaped her lips.

"You should've just stayed in the ice, the world would've been better off. You aren't a prisoner of war, you were born from it. You found yourself in the midst of chaos, no wander you still crave it nearly 70 years later." I look at her with heartbreak, not for me, for her.

Sam's P.O.V.

I walked into the room where Steve and Alex were. "Yo, Cap, Nat needs your help,"

"Why?" Was Steve's only response.

"You really think I got the guts to question her? Man, you must think a lot of me," he rolled his eyes and left.

"So?" I said breaking the awkward silence. "I- I'm so sorry, I didn't mean anything I said or will say," She apologized.

"It's alright," I say trying to calm her down.

"No, no, no, no, no-"

"Really its oka-" I try to console.

"You could've saved him," Alex started.

"Who?" I asked


A/N: Yes I'm aware, I freaking suck!!!

I hop you enjoyed your heartbreak.


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