How Her Clock Ticks

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Sam's P.O.V.

"Do you accept?" Alex asked. It kinda freaked me out to be honest. This girl sitting in front of me could make me remember all the things the happened during my tours in a new light. It was terrifying.

"You new about your powers?" I asked "Yes I did. Now do you accept?" Alex asked.

I could tell she losing her patience. I didn't want to know what she was like when she lost it. "Yes. I accept." Steve stated "and I know just the thing." Steve started. Alex walked up to the glass walls with a determined yet creepy look on her face. It reminded me of the footage of Loki.

"Shoot" she hissed.

That single word sent chills down my spine. This is probably the biggest threat I've ever faced. "Peggy Carter, your grandmother, is dead." Steve said. The wound was still fresh to Steve but what happened next surprised us both.

"Who?" Alex asked. She looked genuinely confused as to who we were talking about. "The woman who raised you, she is dead." Steve persisted.

"I'm sorry I had a lot of electroshock therapy. If you look up the side affects you'll see one of them is memory loss." She shrugged "So you don't know who this woman is" I pulled out a black and white picture of Peggy. "She was actually your great grandmother." Steve said. "Sorry but you gonna have to think of something else"

We were in the conference room when....... "Someone else needs to go in there and try." Steve said. I noticed he was particularly determined.......... or stubborn.

"I don't think it a good idea for me to go in there I still have trouble understanding Banner." Thor said. "Yeah and she kinda hates me now" Natasha shrugged "Being the person who knocked her out. Not a good idea" Clint said "Human customs still elude me." Vision said "to crazy for me man." Rhodey said. "My anxiety is building up just sharing you two. Plus I think I would just piss her off. Like 'Natty' over here" Tony said mocking the nickname. "I could try." Wanda said nervously "only once" she stated "And that's all I'm asking of you" Steve said. He gave Wanda a firm nod as he walked her down there.

Wanda's P.O.V.

I was walking down with Steve while trying to make a plan. 'I will read her mind see how her clock is ticking. Then try and break her with fear. Wow Wanda that's really extreme. Well she's really extreme' I thought.

The sound of her laughing knocked me back into reality. "You better not make me pop my top like little Natashit did." She stopped laughing and took a good long look at me "Alright go ahead try and break me." She said.

I started to read her mind but the gears in her head were all out of wack. It's like some springs were lost or screws were to loose. I screamed in frustration. "Sorry baby, no one can understand how my clock ticks" she started "Not even me."

Steve had his arm wrapped around my shoulders while walking me out. The doors shut behind us "Thank you for giving it a shot" Steve thanked "I'll always try" I replied with a slight chuckle.

'Man, she is really damaged' I thought.

We got back to the conference room. They were all watching. "Sorry guys." I apologized "don't be, at least you tried. That's all any of us can hope for." Clint pulled me in for a hug.

Steve's P.O.V.

That's it? That's all I could do? Everyone here has tried or won't try. "Banner if we knock her out long enough do you think you could figure out the deal with her eyes" Sam asked, bringing me out of me thoughts. "Yeah I suppose I could." Banner replied "Great! Let's go knock out a crazy lady!" Tony announced.

Gas was filling her cell quickly. I watched as she slowly sank to the floor.

A/N: Please comment, I would love to hear feedback.

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