Just... Breathe

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Steve's P.O.V.

It was quiet. Too quiet. The Winter Soldier had been awakened and had been under the control of Loki. It had been a good ten minutes since we hid. "That's it. I'm going up there." I told Natasha, we were currently hiding in Stark's lab. "No way! What if this is exactly what they want." Natasha reasons "Who is they?" I asked slightly aggravated. "...Alex and Loki." Natasha says. "You think they are working together?!" I was flabbergasted by what she just assumed "And what do you have that should prove your assumption?" I inquired. "Well, she an-" I was not going to let her finish "No! I don't want to hear it!" I was done with her "Why do you care so much about this girl you met only a month ago!?" Natasha argued, "I just Uh I just?" "What? What is it you care so much about?!" "I just... I feel like she is the only family I have left!"

I broke

And there was silence

"What are you talking about Steve?" Natasha sounded upset. "I should go..." I ran. I just ran

I ran to the cell room. Not there. I ran to Alex's room. Not there. I ran to the library. Not there. Where could they be? I thought. Think!

"I know!"

I ran to the place Bucky always was. His room.

I finally made it to Bucky's room. I put my ear up to the door to see if I could hear signs of struggle but...nothing. I burst into the room and I immediately saw Buck- or the Winter Soldier stiffen up. He quickly started to attack me.

Like any rational super soldier, I fought back. He brought his forearm to my neck and pushed me against the wall. I could hear Alex's distend cries. Winter punched me in the jaw, I head-butted his nose. He kicked me in the gut and then...

"WINTER STOP!" He immediately backed off, I got a good look at Alex. Her eyes were just about to spill over with tears. Her hands were clenched, and her whole body was shaking. "You asked me to help," Winter said quietly. "That's not what I meant, Steve is my friend. He can help too." Alex insisted. A friend. I'm her friend? I mean I guess I always thought that, but for her to say it out loud is... odd.

"I came here to check on you," I stated. "And to ask you if you knew why Loki couldn't control him?" Winter started to ridge up as I said that. "Well..." Alex started "Turns out that if someone, such as my self, is being forced to give commands like that it's like he doesn't hear it at all. That's the best answer we could come up with. I'm sure Dr. Banner could do better." Alex explained.

"Well then let's go ask him." I encouraged.

"You go ahead. We'll catch up." Alex said.

Alexandra's P.O.V.

"But..." Steve tried to protest. I needed him out. I was on the verge of a panic attack I could feel it. My heart rate was increasing, my palms were sweaty, and my breathing was quick. "Steve," I said in a stern voice. Winter stepped up, slightly intimidating Steve. "Ok..." he trailed off and then he left.

Tears started spilling out of my eyes rapidly. I started to feel weak in my knees. My sobs became louder as Steve got farther away. Before I could really comprehend what was happening I collapsed on the floor. Winter tried to catch me before I fell, but he just barely missed me. His hands grazed my arms as I went down, so at this point I was just sobbing on the floor, heart rate quickening by the minute, and terrifying thoughts disappearing as fast as they come. I'm on the floor rocking back and forth trying to calm myself down when I feel Winters arms around me. "W...wh- what are y-you doing?" I asked in between sobs. "Helping." He stated in a kind and gentle voice.

He just sat with me, rocking with me, then I heard...

If they asked me I could write a book,

about the way you walk and whisper and look.

'Is he... singing?' I asked myself. It was weird because it was low and almost raspy, but it wasn't terrible.

I could write a preface on how we met,

so the world would never forget.

It was a surreal feeling I haven't heard music in fifteen years.

And the simple secret of the plot,

is just to tell them that I love you a lot.

I stiffened up at that 'It means nothing Alex it's just a song' I told myself. But I knew that moment would hold a special place in my heart, it was the first time I can remember hearing 'I love you.'

Finally, the tears slowed down, my breathing started to go back to normal, and I could feel the strength returning to my body. "Thank you," I whispered. "You're welcome." He replied as he stood up. He reached his hand out for me to grab, I took it thankfully. I didn't even think about what I did next. I through myself into Winter's arms. It sounds kinda cliche, but that's what I did. It seemed like the first time someone showed genuine kindness, and of all people, it was The Winter Soldier.

"How do I get Bucky back?" I asked Winter while wiping the remaining tears off my face. "Just say, Sputnik," Winter instructed. "Ok, I can do that," I told mostly myself. I took a deep breath then...


Then, as a result, Bucky collapses.

A/N: Happy Halloween!!! What were you cosplaying as? I was Keith Kogane.

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