What Is Your Name?

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James' P.O.V.

"We have to get her back!" I yelled, fear and anger lacing my voice. All logic went out the window. They took her, just like that and she's gone.

"We will, Bucky. But right now you need to calm down," Steve said, resting a hand on my chest/ My heavy breathing moving his hand up and down to the rhythm.

"Steve, when in the history of 'calm down' has 'calm down' actually gotten someone to calm down?" I asked in a stern voice. He just nodded and removed his hand.

"Hey, guys. Where is Nixy?" Steve approached Quill and placed a firm hand on his shoulder.

"She's gone..." I said bluntly. His eyes widened. "Her ex-psychiatrist took her away."

"Well-do you have any leads?"

"No, no leads, no clues, no ideas, no identities, nothing," I stated while storming out of the conference room.

Peter Q.'s P.O.V.

I stood dumbfounded at the news.

'She's just gone?' I thought.

"Sorry for his outburst, he is just frustrated along with the rest of us," Steve said apologetically.

"It's fine, I guess. I mean your teammate is gone, stolen. I understand," I said quietly.

"We'll get her back," Steve reassured. I nodded in response.

"Yes, we will. I just got her back, I'm not losing her again."

Alexandra's P.O.V.

My mind was so foggy. I wasn't sure where I was, or why I was there. I felt the concrete underneath my heels, the dragging left my heal raw and bloody. I looked to my left and saw the EST (Electric Shock Therapy) room. Broken memories began to flood back to my mind viciously.

'Oh no... James, please find that drive' I thought.

James' P.O.V.

I made my way back to my room and figured I should clear my head. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower faucet. I grabbed the back collar of my shirt and pulled it over my head, I then threw it to the side figuring I would get it later. I unbuckled my belt and slid it out of the loops on my jeans as soon as my belt left the last loop I heard something small hit the ground. I looked down and saw a USB drive. I picked it up and studied it closely. Realization washed over. I bolted downstairs.

"Stark! Alexandra slipped this in between my belt and my jeans!" I smirked slightly thinking about how clever that was.

"And you are just now willing to share this information," Tony retorted.

"I just found it! I don't know how to pull up whatever is on it, hurry!" I yelled. He plugged it into the computer and found a video and a file.

"Watch the video first," I ordered

"Hey, James if you are watching this then that means that they took me. I never told you about the things they did to me in there because I was too awful. But I need you to find me as soon as you can. There is another file in this USB, it contains a list of all the 'clinics' they have set up that  I have been to. I know there are a lot. I am not sure which they took me to in this circumstance but I listed them in order of most likely to least likely. Now, I know it's not a lot, but it's a start. Now come find me, James."

The video cut out.

I smirked to myself.

"Nice going, Alexandra," I cheered.

Alexandra's P.O.V.

"Sir, she's unstable," I heard the tall man in the white coat say. I felt the poking and prodding of their utensils.

"Well, then prep her, and start again. We need our perfect soldier, whatever it takes. Hydra failed, they left the memories inside their project, we will not make their mistakes. We will make the perfect, compliant soldier," a tall man said to him. I recognized him but couldn't quite figure out where I knew him or even what his name was. The only thing I could remember was the only thing I wanted to forget.





The small pistol in my hand fired at my command. The first shot grazed her arms, that shot elicited a blood-curdling scream. Tears rolled violently down her cheeks as the second shot landed right into her left shoulder.  I took three steps forward as she fell to her knees. I aimed the gun directly in the middle of her back.


"Run!" the voice in the back of my mind said.

Flashback ended

"What's your name?!" The mean man in the nice suit asked.

"Alex?" I said it came out as more of a question though.

"Again," the same man commanded. Electricity started flooding through my head, deriving screams from my dry throat.

"Please, please stop," I called out. "I just want to go home," I yelled again.

"You have no home, there is nowhere for you to go. You have no place because you are no one. No one cares, no one is looking for you, you are worth nothing, you are stuck with no memories and no place," The man whispered in my hear. A steady stream of tears made their way down my cheeks. I felt as another shock coursed through my veins.

I am no one.

No one is looking.

No one cares.

I am worth nothing.

I have no place.

I am no one.

Steve's P.O.V.

We have our first real lead on where Alex is being held. Thankfully it wasn't Hydra that took her. I don't know what I would do if it was. Thankfully Hydra loves to show their work. So, I know it wasn't them.

"Any ideas?" I asked Nat.

"I have one. And it's barely half an idea," She informed.

"I'll take it," I said bluntly.

"The Red Room," she said, pity lacing her voice. Chills covered my spine.

Alexandra's P.O.V.

Those same words just kept repeating in my head.

You have no place.

You are worth nothing.

No one cares.

No one is looking for you.

You are no one.

"HELP ME PLEASE!" I said without thinking. They switched their methods of "conditioning". I am now chained to the ceiling of a cell and I am being beaten, cut, whipped. My hair is being pulled and cut. I thought: 

"Please, just let me die in here."

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