Full color

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*A few days later*

Bucky's P.O.V.

"Bucky you said you would. It's now or never." Steve was trying to get me to go into the room where Alexandra's cell was. I was trying to put it off for as long as possible, but there is only so long you can go after telling Steve Rogers you'll do something to when you actually do it.

"Steve, how long do I have to be in there. I feel like she would just freak out. I mean I'm an unfamiliar face." I said to Steve trying to get out of the choice I made. Steve just gave me a stern look. "Ok." I evidently agreed. It wasn't a long enough walk to her cell "Ready Bucky?" Steve asked "Not at all.... let's do this"

Alexandra's P.O.V.

"Not at all...let's do this" an unfamiliar voice from the other side of the cell door said. My back was facing the door.

I heard the door open then close.

"Hi I'm Bucky" I heard him say. The second I heard his name my spine started to stiffen, my jaw started to clench. 'Relax child, be your wonderful, crazy, insane, self,' the voice said. I paused "You've come to give your shot at rollin' the dice?" I asked. He didn't respond "Wait did you say your name was Bucky?" I asked while turning around.

Big mistake.

"AHH!!! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" I screamed. My hands covering my eye and my dark brown hair covering my face. My eyes felt like I had just starred at the sun without blinking for three days straight.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! What's wrong with me..." I said more quietly. Bucky just stood there watching me in... shock I guess. I was whimpering is the corner. Thinking maybe if I get far enough it would hurt less.... yeah that wasn't the case. "STEVE THIS ISN'T FUNNY!!! OK STEVE YOU WIN. WHAT DO YOU WANT?! I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME BANNER?! BUCKY GET. OUT." He walked out.

"How is that possible? That's never happened to me before. What did Dr. Banner do to me? Did he cure me? I felt like I actually saw someone today. Sure I look at lot of people, but I actually saw someone... in full color." I rambled still completely and utterly baffled, frazzled, bamboozled, flabbergasted, rattled by what just happened; words could not express how I felt right now.

Then the door opened. I started to cower in the corner. "It's just Steve" I sighed in relief "You win Steve. You broke me." I stated simply still slightly shaking. "What did you see?" Steve asked. Ignoring my statement

"That part is simple. I saw your friend." I started "Well yeah he walked in here that's kind what I was planing. I mean you saw me when I took you from that asylum, you saw Sam when he walked in here with m-" I cut him off "No. No. No. When I first met you and Sam for the first time, I merely looked at you. But this was different. When Bucky walked in here I...... saw him." I paused. "What the hell did Banner do to me?" I asked still in the corner putting pressure on my eyes.

"He just ran tests, he didn't change anything. I promise." Steve said. I wasn't convinced. "What did his tests say? Surely they should be finished." I asked curiosity getting the better of me "I..... uh..... Banner will you come down here?" I scoffed I knew banner had already explained it to him. Steve was just so.....? He lacks the wit to even remember.

"Uh..... yes Steve how can I help?" Banner walked in from what I assume was working. "Could you please explain to Alex the issue with her color blindness?" Steve asked. Turning his attention towards Banner. Then back to me as he listened to Bruce along with myself. "Well how I explained it to Steve was...um... you see. If you were to look at two apartment buildings. One filled with happy-go-lucky people, and the other filled with people suffering from, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and other mental illnesses that could lead to nightmares or night terrors. You would see the happy-go-lucky in Black and white. However, you would see the other in-" I cut banner off "Full color." I finished for him.

'Wait then that means..... oh no.' "I need to see Bucky again" I started. I stood up and walked over to the glass. My nose grazing it slightly. "And you are going to take this damn collar off. And you're going to bring him to me."

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