Mad Woman

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*One week later*

Tony's P.O.V.

We've been getting really weird signals all week, they seem to be written in another language. Steve, Nat, Clint, Rhodey, and Bruce know, we don't need to bother anyone else with, what may be, false information. We are in the lab studying it.

"What are you thinking?" I asked Bruce. "I don't know what to tell you, Tony. This just looks like gibberish," Bruce replied with a shrug. "I know it means something we just have to figure it out, I can feel it," I persisted. "I'll keep looking," Bruce reluctantly stated. "Thank you!"

Steve's P.O.V.

I was thinking about the messages that Tony showed me a few days ago. 'What could they mean' kept going through my mind. Then an idea came to mind. 'What if it was from a different planet, aliens' I mean it's totally possible New York, Thor...Loki.

I ran into the labs where Tony was. "Tony, what if there aliens?" I said regaining my composure. 'It's really cool how I can sprint without getting tired. I love being a super soldier!' I thought. "Well, I wouldn't think it improbable." Tony pondered. Some sort of alarm went off. "What was that?" I asked Tony. "We just received another message!" Tony announced.

I leaned closer into the computer, reading what it said. "P.Q. what does that mean?" I asked Tony. "I don't know. We should ask the others..." Tony stated "Hey nerds, oldie, what's up?" Alex asked walking in. Everything on the screens disappeared. "Well uh.." I muttered, "I just showed oldie here a list of women good for him." Tony said putting a hand on my shoulder. My eyes went wide. "Well that's clearly not true based on based on Steve's reaction," she stated simply. "Tony tell me on the count of three or I'll....." she threatened "Or you'll what?" Tony retorted. Alex picked up a weird metal thing. "Or I'll break this." She said, a smirk edging across her face. "That's a wrench, I have like fifty of those." "Uhhhh, I meant I'll use it to smash this thing," Alex said gesturing to a glowing thing. "Ok! Ok! I'll do it, you mad woman!" Tony said. 'Oh Tony, why would you say that.' It was too late, he couldn't take those words back. Alex backed away slightly, "Ya know Tony, being a dick won't make yours any bigger," Alex said before running off. "Really Tony? Out of all the phrases you could've picked, you picked that one?" I asked stunned.

Alexandra's P.O.V.

I ran. I didn't know where I was going, I just ran. What else am I supposed to do? 'There is probably a better way of dealing with this.' The little rational me said. I wasn't thinking straight, I wasn't sure what to do. I stopped at a park to just rest. My feet were sore, I didn't even think about putting on shoes before I left. I let my bare feet take in the greetings of the earth. I looked around, smelling the semi-freshness in the air. (It's New York it's not that clean). Then something caught my eye, I walked over to the bush it was attached to. A black flower, amongst all the pink and purple ones. I picked the flower and smelled it, I started to feel I little dizzy. I knew I needed to get back to Stark Tower. I started to walk back, I must have looked extremely intoxicated because I can't even walk in a straight line. I eventually collapsed, but right as my head was about to bust open on the concrete, arms wrapped around me and carried me to the tower.

I woke up to people yelling, and me being moved on a bed-like thing. People were talking, but I couldn't make out any of it. All I could do was squeeze the hand that held mine, then I fell unconscious again.

What? What is this? Why am I so angry? Who cares, this is going to be fun!

I woke up in a hospital bed, Tony, Steve, Bucky, and Bruce by my sides. "What happened?" I asked pretending to be weak. "We're not sure, you literally were dropped on our doorstep. No one was around, we don't know how you got there." Steve replied. "Pfft, you have a smart ass standing right next to you! You couldn't come up with some bright idea like, oh I don't know? Check security cameras!" I exclaimed. Bucky looked taken aback, his grip on my hand loosened. I gripped it harder. "Um, I'm sorry I was concerned with, SAVING YOUR LIFE!" Tony retaliated. "But that's the thing! You don't care about me! You just think I'm.... what was Tony? Oh yeah, a quote "a Mad Woman" right?" Bucky was fuming at Tony's words. A dark chuckle escaped my lips.

No! He didn't mean it! It just slipped!

"Shut it!" I screamed at the innocent me. All eyes turned to me. "Um, could you give us a minute...." Steve said, they all walked out leaving me there...

James P.O.V.

'Something is wrong, I know it. She called me Bucky, there is' I thought. Then I saw it... the slightest bit of blackness in the veins in her neck. "She's been poisoned," I state "Well we need to get it out!" Bruce replied quickly. "I-I don't think you can, look at her neck," I said pointing to the vein. "He's right..." Bruce muttered. "Wanda, what's going through her mind?" Steve asked quickly. Wanda began to use her telepathy so read Alexandra's mind. "Ahh!" Wanda yelped, Alexandra returned to her comatose state. "What?! What is it?" Bruce asked quickly. "Prep a cell," Wanda ordered in a raspy tone "Now!" I yelled. Everyone scrambled to the cell rooms as I carried Alexandra to them. "What's going on, Doll?" I asked her quietly and she laid unconscious in my arms.

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