Winter's Awakening

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Alexandra's P.O.V.

Tears started rolling down Wanda's cheeks. Everyone else, except Bucky, seemed just shocked. I was watching the interactions between Number 5 and Wanda. 'Hey Wanda' Number 5 says, he seemed like he was at a loss for words. "Pietro..." Wanda sighed. So that's his name "is it really you?" Wanda asked 'Kinda but not really' Pietro says 'I'm so sorry Wanda I didn't mean to hurt you or anyone else I just saw Clint with a child in his arms ready to give his life for him- and Clint has been like a father to me for the little time I spent with him and I couldn't stand losing him-' Pietro was cut off by Wanda "I couldn't stand losing you! That's what you don't get Pietro! I didn't eat for weeks! I still have yet to get some real sleep!" It was understandable why Wanda was so upset.

Clint stepped in "Wanda I think you need to take a breather." Wanda immediately backed off, but didn't break the mental link. "Hey kid..." Clint said 'Clint...' Pietro seemed so happy to say that to him "Can I hug you? Or are you like a ghost?" Clint asked with a chuckle. Pietro opened his arms 'Please...' he pleaded. Clint practically ran into his sons arms. "I missed you kid" Clint said while patting Pietro on the back 'Me too, old man' Pietro replied as they let go.

'Steve?' Pietro asked 'are you mad?' Pietro seemed really upset, almost guilty. Steve came up and hugged him "Why in the nine realms would I be mad?" Steve asked, he acted as though what Pietro said was the most stupid thing ever said. 'I really tried to walk it off." Pietro stated. Wanda re-entered the conversation.

'Wanda I-' Pietro was cut off by Wanda practically suffocating him with a hug, one that he immediately reciprocated. "I love you Pietro. I'm not mad, just confused." Pietro was grinning like an idiot. That's when the chaos started.

Pietro started melting away. Wanda was wailing. "Wanda you have to break the link!" I yelled I new exactly what was happening "Now, Wanda!" I yelled once more. The link was broken, then slowly what was left of Pietro's melted figure started growing and morphing in to a new one. Morphing into Loki. Now is the time. Loki taunted. Now my little darling, just repeat after me. "No!" I replied to the what I'm sure seemed like a one sided conversation. Yes! Loki demanded while inflicting unbearably painful thoughts in my head. "Ok ok!" I yelped. Now repeat: Longing. I'm sorry I mouthed "Longing."



"Please, please stop." Bucky pleaded

I can't I mouthed




"Daybreak" A single tear rolled down Bucky's cheek. This is probably the single most painful thing I've ever had to endure. And it's my fault, because I'm weak...

"Alex what are you doing!?" Steve exclaimed.



"Everyone out! Come on Buck!" Steve commanded "I can't, just go." Bucky replied. Steve knew there was no point in arguing. I just kept talking, I had no choice.



Bucky let out a very pain driven scream.




"Homecoming" I hated every bit of this. I didn't like seeing Bucky in pain, I don't know why I just don't.



Freight car

"Freight car"


"Ready to comply."

Kill the Avengers.

There was a pain in my head as he said that. I didn't want them to die, they've been working so hard to help me.


I beg you pardon?

"I said 'No.' These people are my..." I hesitated. What were these people to me. There are more than mere 'doctors.' No, doctors hurt you. Doctors make you take pills, and won't let you talk to people. Doctors put you in a cement box. Doctors keep you in an 'evaluation center for the special'. So what's another word for someone who cares for you. Ooh I know they're are my "Friends."

Friends? You don't know what friends are. You've been locked up all your life. If you're not going to do it I will.

This was when Loki took over my tongue and started to control what I was saying.

I was so scared.

"Kill the Avengers." Loki commanded through my mouth. I was preparing for Bucky to immediately run towards Steve and everyone to kill them but... he just stood there. Doing nothing.

What the Hell?! What have you done sorceress!?

I took this as my advantage he wasn't think straight, but... was he ever? "Help" was the only word I managed to get out. Bucky or Winter Soldier or whatever glanced at me and started walking towards me. He slung me over his shoulder and bolted out the door. "Rude, could've at least warned me." I muttered 'That's not important right now Alex' I scolded myself. "What was that?" Winter asked "Nothing!" I replied way too soon for it to be believable 'Why can't Loki control him?' I pondered.

"Um... where are we going." I asked. "We are going to my safe space." Winter responded. "Wait like yours or Bucky's?" I asked slightly worried. His posture stiffened, if that was even possible. "Bucky's." He replied bluntly.

Bucky's feet started to slow as we arrived at this 'Safe Space' he stopped in front of a door. I didn't know where we were, I had only been so many places in this tower. I was still hanging over his shoulder when a thought popped into my mind "How are you going to get me down? You are not going to drop me. Right?" I asked kinda confused. "Who said I wasn't." He bent his knees quickly to create the illusion of dropping me. "What the hell are you doing?!" I yelped. He completely ignored me and opened the door and started to walk in. I looked around and I saw a plain bed neatly made, it looked almost unused, and books. So. Many. Books. "Is this you-Bucky's room?" I asked. "Yes." He replied bluntly.

I just relaxed on his shoulder, arms dangling. I could see where we were going, because every time he took a step I could see in between his legs. He was walking towards the bed. 'Crap' I thought. 'What is he doing?!' I felt like I was about to pass out from the blood flow going to my head. Then suddenly I had the worst head rush I think I've ever had. Winter held on to my knees and somehow through me on the bed. "Ugh" I groaned. "You okay?" He asked. It was weird because he seemed genuinely concerned, I was told that the Winter Soldier was this heartless monster. "Yeah. Yeah I'm okay." I reassured as I got up, which was a mistake because that's when I passed out.

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