I love You

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James' P.O.V.

Ten days. Ten. Long. Days. That she has been gone. No signs, just one lead, and a long-ass wait.

"Anything new?" I asked Tony.

"No, I'm running every analysis on the face of the earth," He responded. I nodded, my patience running out.




My head jolted up.

"Did you get something?" I asked with urgency. I started to make my way to the computers where Tony was.

"Yes, I triangulated the location of the place they are holding."

"Well, where is it?" I asked, quickly.

"FRIDAY, put the location into the quinjet and get ready for takeoff," Tony spoke to the A.I.

"Please, please be okay," I muttered to myself.

Alexandra's P.O.V.

Was this it?

Was this concrete cell the last thing I was going to see?

Were these guards the last humans I would touch?

I kept telling myself to be patient, James will find me in no time. But my hope was quickly depleting. The longer I stayed there, the longer the minutes felt. It was paralyzing knowing there was nothing I could do. Knowing I had no other choice than to trust another person.

What if he doesn't come in time?

He will.

And if he doesn't?

He will.

My mind kept arguing with itself. I just wish it would all stop. The torture, the racing thoughts, the chill down my spine.

"I just want this to be over!" I muttered ever-so quietly to myself. The guard at my cell banged the shoulder of his gun against the metal bars, making me jump.

"Shut it, bitch," he barked. I said nothing, fearing the conditioning they would give me if I used my voice again.

I heard the crackle of the guard's radio.

"I'll be up in 2 minutes," I said, clearly not wanting me to hear. I started to cower further into the corner. He took one look at me, nodded, then ran up the stairs.

I found her!

I heard a voice say, but it sounded like it was in my head.

"No, no, no, please no more! Shut up!" I screamed while clutching my head.

Alex, Alex, it's okay. It's Wanda, I have telepathy, remember?

I smiled, tears spilled over my eyes.

Please, come find me. I thought

I will, what do you see? Wanda asked.

Nothing, just concrete and a big C on the wall. I thought quickly, taking in my surroundings.

Okay, wha-

Something cut her off. Fear and anxiety started to crawl underneath my skin. I backed up against the wall as I heard heavy footsteps. I saw the quick flash of the shine of... metal? A gasp left my mouth.

"Steve?" I asked as I pressed my face against the cold bars. When he heard his name his head jolted around. Seeing his familiar face made me cry even harder.

"Alex?" He asked, as if not believing himself. I nodded vigorously.

"Yes, steve. Please, please get me out of this hell hole," I pleaded.

"Step to the side," He warned. I did as told and then Steve kicked the bars clean off. He wrapped my arm around his shoulders. We began to hobble to freedom. He clicked his comm.

"Guys, I've got her. I'll meet you at the jet, be ready to take off when we get there." Next thing I know we are outside. the sound of gunshots was coming from behind me. Steve let me stand on my own as he took them down. I heard screaming but I wasn't sure who it was coming from.

"Alexandra, get out of the way!" By the time I understood who was saying what, I felt the wet sense of fresh blood on my abdomen. I dropped to my knees, James caught me before I fell forward, Tony and Nat beath the life out of the man with the knife. James carried me bridal style to the quinjet and placed me carefully across his knees. I heard as the rest of the team piled into the aircraft. My vision and hearing began to go in and out.

"No, no, no, no, no, stay with me, Alexandra!" I heard James scream. I opened my teary eyes to look at him. The warmth of the sun against my face made me feel like life was worth living. I guess now it's too late. I took his hand in mine.

"I-I'm just happy, I got to see you one last time," I said sadly.

James' P.O.V.

Tear vigorously poured out of my eyes.

"No, don't talk like that, you are going to b-be fine," my sobs created cracks in my voice. Her weak hand drew up to my face and wiped a tear.

"Tony?" She asked.

"I'm here," He said kneeling next to her.

"Thank you for being there for me, and I'm sorry if I didn't say it enough." He smiled at the girl and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you, for making me a better man."

"S-steve?" She coughed. He kneeled next to her.

"Yes?" He asked, his eyes filled with tears as well.

"Take care of James for me." He nodded at her command. She coughed again, this time spitting out a little blood. "What is that thing you guys say to each other?" She asked with a weak smile splayed across her face.

"I'm with you till the end of the line," Steve replied to her. Her eyes broke contact his and met mine. She simply nodded, I knew what she was trying to say.

"The end of the line is too early," I wept. She shook her head.

"It's right on time." I could feel her getting weaker. "One last kiss, before I go?" She asked, her tears streaming steadily down her cheeks. I locked lips with her before pulling away.

"I love you," I said for the first time. She smiled with such happiness.

"I- I love yo-you too," She struggled to say. I felt as her soul left her body, leaving nothing more than an empty shell of a human. As soon as her head fell limp everyone burst into sobs.

"She's gone?" My weak voice said, though it came out as more of a question. I felt Steve's hand on my shoulder.

I love you...

A/N: That's the end guys, I hope you liked it. If you wouldn't mind I would love if you would check out my one-shots book!! But thank you all for reading this book!! I love you and I'm sorry if I screwed you up emotionally.


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