A Couple?!

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Alexandra's P.O.V

It has been a few days since I was diagnosed. It didn't want it to affect me but it did. And people have started to treat me like this little-broken thing. I hate it. The only one around here who treats me like a regular human is Natasha.

James would spend most of his time keeping me company. I didn't mind it, we had actually gotten really close over the last few days.

"Can I leave yet?" I whined. I am getting sick of this room. "I don't know. FRIDAY?" James asked. It's seemed as though he was eager and hesitant at the same time. "I will ask Mr. Stark." The A.I. spoke. We waited for a second before we heard Tony's voice over the intercom thing. "You two lovebirds want to go on a date?" I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. "I just want to go get food. I don't want crappy food anymore. Ja-Bucky was going to take me." I explained as a matter of factly. "...okay. Go ahead." Tony replied hesitantly. "Oh! And use protection!" He yelled. I nearly fell out of the bed but James held my forearms so I didn't fall.

We were walking to the fifty's diner that we went to a couple days ago. "James?" I piped up "Yes?" He replied quickly. "I have a question, and be honest with me. Promise?" I asked holding out my pinky finger. I raised an eyebrow at him. He gave in and our pinkies hugged and our thumbs touched to 'lock it' "How have you been sleeping lately?" I asked.

"Uh.. pretty well actually." I raised an eyebrow again to see if he was lying "No I'm serious!" James said while putting his hands up in defense. I smirked. "Honesty and correct grammar. Soon you'll be stealing all the ladies, Barnes." I cheered. "Shall we?" He quipped, a smirk stretching across his features. I reached for the handle of the door, but James grabbed first. Motioning with his hand for me to go first, I gladly accepted.

As I walked in I felt chills down my neck. 'It's cold in here. And you forgot a jacket. Nice going. You are really intelligent.' I scolded myself. We got our seat and sat quietly. I cradled my arms to warm myself up. "Cold?" James asked with a cocky grin on his face. "You don't have to rub it in," I responded bitterly. "I wasn't rubbing it in, I was going to offer you my jacket. But since you were sarcastic about it..." He trailed off. "No! Please, James. Please." I begged. "I don't know." He said turning away. "Ugh fine," I said with hope as an idea came to mind. I got out of the seat and walked to James' side. He was still looking away. I started to scoot into his booth, moving his arm so it was around me, I leaned against him. His head turned towards me, I could basically feel the smile growing on his face.

The waitress came to our table to get our order. Her face immediately softened at the sight of us. "Hi!" She chirped. "What would the wonderful couple like today?" The ecstatic blonde asked. I nearly choked on the air. I could feel myself blush on my neck, ears, and cheeks. "Oh we ar-" I started to correct her innocent mistake. "Because here we have a "Spring Fling" this week it is twenty percent off your whole meal." I looked up at James, quite a heavy blush sprawled across his cheeks. "In that case." He murmured in my ear. "Yes, we are," James confirmed the fake fact. 'Uh what?!' I thought. "Beautiful!" She exclaimed loudly. "Now, What would this beautiful couple like today?" She asked with more excitement in her voice. "I just want a kids chicken finger meal, with a sweet tea." I replied simply "Alrighty then..." She said jotting down key words on her notepad. "..And you?" The blonde asked in her unrealistically excited tone. "Um, I would like... just some pancakes." "Fruit?" "Of course!" James replied quickly. "Blueberries or strawberries?" The waitress inquired. "Both," James stated. "Wonderful now I will take your menus and I'll have right out." She explained. "Thank you." James and I said in sync with each other.

"Uh, what?" I asked turning towards him, sending a shiver down my spine from the sudden lack of warmth. James took off his sweatshirt and gave it to me. "What?" He asked all too innocently. "Us being a couple?" I stated the obvious. 'Why am I mad? Being a couple isn't the wors- No! Stop!' I thought. "Well I'll do it if it gets me a discount, I can't really use a military discount since it's from 1943," James said nonchalantly while shrugging. He slowly started to lean in, just as the thought 'Is he going to kiss me?!' Popped into my mind, he turned his head and whispered in my ear. "The waitresses are looking at us, just go with it." He said in a low, almost seductive, tone. "Uh ok." Is what I managed to get out before he slowly moved his mouth from my ear and gently placed his lips on mine. It wasn't long, but it was sweet. I heard little squeals come from the waitresses that were watching. I giggled at there girly-ness.

*Time skip to after the meal*

"Thank you!" I hollered as we left. The rest of the meal was pretty awkward after the kiss, but there is nothing we can do about it now. We were making our way down the streets of New York when we were about half way there I started to get really uneasy. I looked around and I recognized someone. Looked forward again so it didn't seem creepy before look back again. 'Oh no!' I thought. I started to hyperventilate. It was Dr. Scott, my old doctor at the asylum. 'Calm down, Alexandra, you got this.' I told myself. "You alright?" James asked. "Yes just follow my lead," I said and immediately started giggling making James smile. 'Damn He is really good at playing along' I thought. I slipped my hand into his, and as we approached an ally way I pulled him into it just enough to be on the inside. I looked to see if he saw us, he did. 'Shit!' I had to think quickly. 'Ugh might as well.' I thought. I put my hands on the back of James' neck and smashed our lips into each other. He almost immediately reciprocated it. Once I knew the doctor was gone I slowly pulled away.

"Twice in one day." James murmured. 'And honestly, I wanted there to be a third' I thought. "Yeah..." I said my back basically against the alley wall. "Mind if I add a third?" James asked. 'Can he like read minds or something?!' I pondered. "Go for it, Sargent." I permitted. "Yes ma'am..." he replied. He leaned down and kissed me again, it is a sensation I can't describe. It makes me a little week in the knees, the feeling of his hands on the sides of my neck while he kissed me drove me crazy. The feeling of his lips on mine... Indescribable. "Let's head home shall we?" James asked quietly. "We shall."

Hand in hand we walked back to Stark Tower, the only thing running through my mind? 'I am falling for James Buchanan Barnes, uh oh'

A/N: It's happening, people! It's actually happening!

I want to say thank you so much for every individual reading this. It really does mean a lot. But I do have a question, should i continue this book or do you care? Please comment or DM me responses! Thank you!


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