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"Or I would say..I want to love the same person, I marry!!" , As the video said...she was out of the trance of her negative thoughts. Now Suraj's behavior became a mystery for her. 

Why he is behaving like this?

Why he is not talking to me?

He said, he can love me? Then why is he so... ignorant towards me?

All questions drooled over her mind as she was getting ready to go to bed. After preparing bed for Shashwat in the guest room, she was now making it for herself and him...but he was nowhere to be seen. 

After his 'not so interested' attitude, she was determined to talk to him. And may be today's incident gave her the strength. She knew he was in Shashwat's room...and thus waited for him. 

It was one hour of her wait...but she was hell determined in clearing their misunderstandings. Suraj was intentionally making it late.. because he wanted to resist from the awkward situation that arises when the two try to ignore each other... especially when his heart announces a war against his mind, the moment it sees her. Her pictures in his phone acted as the peace treaty. Finally after an hour, he decided to go to his room as she must be asleep by now.

Chakor frustrated now, wanted to confront him and decided to go to him...and he was coming in the room. And what followed, was the clash of the Titans ;)...

As he opened the door and stepped in, she bumped into him... Holding him tight, eyes closed tightly, she was not ready to see what was going on. He, on the other hand was lost in some other world...her face had so much innocence in it, that it could melt a big glacier...his heart was a pity thing. His hand around her waist did things to her...that she has never experienced... even not before her IAS interview. She was lost in his embrace and so was he. His heart rebelled and even the brain gave up...he approached towards her... filling the gap between them...she gently opened her eyes, to see him...and could not stop admiring him...he was not just her husband at the moment, nor was her friend, he seemed much more...

The world was fading...both nearing each other...but THUDD! His phone rang...he with a frustrated look... released him...took his phone...and received the call with a soldier like attention, seeing the name that said, "Commissioner sir, Delhi"...

Chakor didn't actually get what happened a moment before, what were they both up to...not getting any answer from her brain, she consulted her heart!

 Heart said, "Dear you! Please accept it...that you loved feeling his hand around your waist! you loved his glance on you! you love it how he always saves you from falling! you love how he wipes off all your tears! You love to see him do anything! You feel near him.. almost as a sunbather feels the sun! His absence makes you vulnerable...his presence makes you complete! What else can be the reason other than you being in love with him???"

The realization was beautiful...the feel it gave her was simply out of this world! She could feel what she never felt before! She could see what she never saw before! Life suddenly started glowing of his warmth and that warmth from him, came to her..only to her. She couldn't stop smiling to herself. 

When he entered the room, he found her stuffed up inside the blanket...not leaving a single bit of her to be revealed. He too smiled...after what happened moments before...after all they have to cherish these small moments for a lifetime. But that only if he succeeds in arousing love for him, in her heart. He had been rude to him and he is sure she isn't liking it. But he is well aware that he too is hating himself for being so harsh. But maybe this proves helpful later.

There were not just these two hearts working in the house. A third one too was there. Yes! Shashwat. He saw how his two friends were acting indifferently with each other. He didn't see the two exchanging a single word... isn't it weared for a couple who is near to completing six months of their marriage... it didn't seem the normal husband- wife dispute! Rather it looks something major! And Suraj too, was behaving differently. He tried talking to Suraj about this, but he replied saying, "It's sometimes better to ignore what you see!" And till then, his mind had been suspecting alot! Are they not happy with each other? Are they not have accepted each other with heart as it frequently happens in a arranged marriage? After all, it was he who wanted them to was he who initiated this topic of them being together. He hoped he didn't do anything wrong! Although his heart was still thinking alot!! 

As scheduled, next morning Shashwat left for Lucknow to meet his uncle n aunt( Suraj's parents)...his own parents were in business partnership with the Rajvanshis. There successful business was the outcome of there years old friendship. But it happened that Shashwat's both parents died in a car accident when he was just seventeen. From then on, Suraj's parents had cared for him and supported him like there own son. Shashwat many times mentioned his thoughts to merge his property with the Rajvanshis but kamalnarayan never gave him the permission. In all this, Shashwat never felt the need of his parents... when he passed upsc, he was sent to Dubai, as an Indian brand ambassador. And kamalnarayan Rajvanshi was looking after his business.

This was the healthy equation of their relationship. And so any problem between Suraj and Chakor bothered him alot. Even Chakor's parents were in Lucknow for a business meet. So it was a good time for him to visit them. 

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