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The first day, at the training centre began. All mentors invited their batch to their alloted place at 4am to begin the workout. 

Mentor, Suraj Rajvanshi had twenty trainees in his batch and Chakor was one of them. After all twenty students reported to him with a smile except one, who had a frown on her face, Suraj began.

"Good morning! Before we begin..I would like you all to know me well. I am Suraj Rajvanshi, your mentor for next sixth months. I am very serious when it comes to my work and would request you all to cooperate with me. However, we don't need to be that serious always because many of you are elder than me, I can't be that strict. Plus! No need to call me sir...same reason..elders..! Thank you!"

And all agreed smilingly. 

All began to line up.

Suraj, "Wait! Wait! One more thing!"

All looked up!

Suraj, "Among you all is a person who knows me from a long time. She is my wife!"

All mouths wide open except one.

General thoughts were:

  - He is so young and handsome! How could he be married!

  - Oh shit! Dreams shattered!

  - Happy that he's married. I don't have to compete with him.

  - Why all boys who I crush on are married?!

  - Thank goodness! Now I can focus!

  - But who could that lucky girl be?????

  - I so hope! It was me!


All brows raised in search of the girl who is Suraj's wife. The one, standing behind with that Rajvanshi swag! Suraj pointed out...yes! My wife Mrs. Chakor Rajvanshi! And damn she! She didn't even smile. She was still angry. All shared greetings with her and she returned them politely. Not that she was still disappointed but she enjoyed him persuading her. 

Suraj, " But! But! So to cancel the possibility of any partiality that I can do here(laughing), your markings will be done by the other mentor. I am here to only train you!"

People were taken aback by his decision. He can benefit her to a great extent after all she is his wife. But no! He well knows what importance truthfulness holds in the life of an IAS officer. And probably he gave them their first lesson.

After a workout of almost two hours, all trainees were asked to return back to their room and get ready for their first law and rules class. However Suraj asked his two students to stay back. 

"Mr. Ritesh! Last night I got to know that your mother is not well. Just stay back for sometime..I will let the authorities know this and ask for a decent leave!"

"Thank you so much sir! It was a huge dilemma for me! I will be obliged!" And he left.

"And Mrs. Rajvanshi! I asked you to stop here because I am not satisfied with your attitude towards work!", In a business-like tone.

Chakor, "What are you saying Suraj? And please let me go..else I'll be late for my class!"

Suraj, "You won't be allowed to attend it!"

Chakor in shock, "Why!?!?"

Suraj, " It's your punishment for not smiling at me during the class." Again in a professional ascent.

And Chakor was left in an expression unexplainable. He's so cute but since he is her husband, she will be his most stubborn student ;)

And she started leaving. Suraj held her hand and in a very serious tone, "See! Your behavior today will decide whether you are going to attend your next class or sitting back with me."

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