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After a hectic day and having a small sleep in their hotel room, they went to explore what love has in store for them. The same night, the same room, the same decorations, the same silence, the only thing that changed was their feelings. One year ago, it was the most awkward moment and now it is the most awaited. There were many instances, they thought they aren't compatible for the other. There were many instances, they felt none could take the place where they were.
Chakor found it complete, as if her whole world was concentrated in this home of hers. She knew he did everything in the same way, in order to bring that night to present.
To contribute her part, she wore his very first gift, the starlit bangles, which he made her wear, just one year before when she was in sleep.
She has loved him with every atom of her heart. Before marrying him, she was sure that her idealogies are so strong that no one can ever move them a bit. But this man, broke everything with just his smile. She never thought she would encounter this side of love.

He was not in the room. Went for an important work...his important works have no end. And Chakor was already used to it.

She sat on the sofa of the dining room, waiting for him. When they were here, in Delhi last time, before training. They promised something to each other. She remembered,
"I hope you will make it!"
"It's not just me, you too!"
"I swear on God!"
"I swear on us, because that's the biggest thing I believe in!" , said Suraj, holding her hand and making that verbal deal.
And the promise was, "Next time, when we'll enter this room, we'll enter to claim each other. No entry before that, despite of the fact that this may take even years for us to kill the awkwardness, that's in between us! We first entered together ARRANGED, and we'll enter next to LOVE!"

And she could now say, that they stood stern on the promise. Suraj knew this, and so he never in these six months of training asked her to accompany him to Delhi. Even at the time of her OATH, they stood in a hotel. Parents asked them the reason, but they wiped off the question anyhow.

Dressed in his favourite colour, royal blue, she looked like a royal said by him. Her hairs were done in a bun, with some strands left to frame her face. Simple yet sober jwellery, a pendant with 'S' and 'C' written on it, adorned her neck. She avoided over make-up or simply avoided any bit of it. Just a gloss was enough to make her adorable in his husband's eyes. However, she doubted whether he ever noticed even that. He always said, "your smile is magical!" and she has always desired to revert back with a "same to you!". But expressing everything was not her trait.

She was alert as she heard a slight voice at the door. He was there! She felt that smiling air, that always surrounds him. Not fear but anxiety took over her. She knew everything is right, but that girly instincts drove her to tension. Resulting in blush, that she wanted to hide at any cost. Suraj was still not in front of her eyes, but she felt better to turn and not look into his eyes.

Blue shirt and black jeans, similar to what he wore, when he first went to see Chakor. And to the wonder of this world, he was anxious too. Entering the place, he saw Chakor sitting on the sofa, one hand resting on her dress, looking down, her hairs covering her blush.

She was beautiful! Definitely the most beautiful! He could stand there and watch her like this forever..but that will be an ideal plus unpractical scenario, so he took out his phone, opened his camera, and stored the beauty in his memory card.

He went to take a place near her. And she could feel every motion he made. She made a slight movement, when she felt him sitting there.

Awkward silence....
Silence as if, they have met for the first time....

And like always Suraj was the ice breaker, "ehem-ehem !"
She slowly turned to him.
"Happy marriage anniversary biwi!".
It was 9999999th time he wished her today, but this time because he had nothing else to say.
Chakor, "Same to you....Suraj!", in a low voice.
Suraj, "How's the decoration!?"
Chakor, "'s good!", he knew he shouldn't expect a better reply.
Suraj, "Hope you are comfortable!"
Chakor, "Hmmm!"
Thinking, there's no option other than taking the front, he held her hand in tight grip. She amazed but soon smiled, when he kissed at the back of her palm.

Before proceeding any further, he thought there's something more important to be done, so he sat on his knees, on the floor, holding her both hands and looking straight into her eyes he said, "Chakor I brought you here. Definitely out of love and affection. But still I am not expecting anything from you....I will take things further, only if you want!! If you want, then I will be the happiest, but if you don't...I won't be disappointed even. I will understand if you still have some doubts...!!"
Chakor's eyes were moist. This man has done so much for her. Not even for a second, he thinks about what he wants! No girl on this Earth could ever refuse to this person. She still remained cruel (what she thought) for a complete year. He says, his was love at first sight! How can she now say no to him. Rather, these words from him, made her desire for him, even more stronger!
He was the best for her! And she is meant to be his!

She held his hand, squeezed it tight and took it to her heart, "Your love isn't just one sided. You don't expect anything, but I expect you to complete me in every way."

Getting a permission, Suraj stood up, held her by shoulders and brought her equal to his level. Her hairs made the look of her face even more beautiful. There was still a decent distance between them. However, it seemed he is ending it. He leaned over her, cupped her face and reached near her ear, "I said, I won't keep any favour from you!"
And his voice did something to her. The warmth of his words caused unusual sensation in her and she suddenly held his shirt. He could see his effect on her and be proud on himself.

Now, 'to return her favour', he held her tight and kissed behind her ears. She was getting weak on her knees. And all the strength there was passing to her hands, as she tightly clutched his shirt with both her hands.

A series of kisses followed, behind her ear, on her both cheeks, on her closed eyes, on her forehead, on her earlobes.....
And then he stopped.
"Your turn Chakor!"
And unable to resist any longer, she reached for his lips, leaving his shirt and putting her hands around his neck. There was love, love and love! It was soft and slow, comforting in ways words would fail to say. His hand rested below her ear while his thumb caressed her cheek as their breaths mingled.
Not just a kiss, but it was a beginning, a promise, a confession that it's time to take the love to next level.

During the kiss, they both lost the stability of their legs and hence settled down on the sofa, with her partially sitting on him, still in touch.
After a while, they broke the kiss, but he went further down and nuzzled her neck with delicate kisses, so faint that they felt like whispers. Urgency was not his domain. But the sensation melted her so furiously that she felt the urge to lay down.
As she laid down with her head on the hand rest, he hovered upon her leaving a trail of kisses on her face, neck and shoulder. She could only react. Suraj left no space for her to act.

Anyone who is in love, is making love the whole time, even when they're not. When two bodies meet, it is just the cup of love overflowing. And after resisting for whole one year, there love finally reached that extreme, where they could physically break all the boundaries!

 And after resisting for whole one year, there love finally reached that extreme, where they could physically break all the boundaries!

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