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Suraj felt very uneasy today....he couldn't get what was actually wrong. Although everything was wrong around him. He couldn't make out what's wrong. His behavior must be the reason...but was it so big that Chakor left him without saying a single word. It hurt him like dagger in his chest. He kept on working... paying no heed to his mind n body. But if not heart, body gives up soon. Today he had a high fever. When everyone in the office knew this, they requested him to go back to home. He couldn't refuse to those employees who were superior in he went home. Home to him seemed hell. No Chakor. Not her feel. Not her voice. Not her fragrance. Nothing. He so wanted to be with her. Not be with her, then just see her.

He went in the kitchen to make a tea for himself. He was thinking what Chakor must be doing right now. He wasn't feeling light. It was more today as compared to the other days. May be because of the fever. He broke his phone and didn't bother to buy another one because he wanted no one to contact him. Only Arhaan n other officials could do related to work on his another phone. On that phone even, Chakor's number was most dialled and at the top of call logs...but he used to only press the disconnect button just after dialling.

He went to bed to take rest but couldn't sleep.

On the other hand, Kasturi knocked Chakor's room door. Chakor didn't open it. Kasturi from outside, "Child! Come out! We have to go to Temple to talk to the priest about your kundalis"
Chakor opened the door. Saw the kundalis in her hand and snatched hers. She picked up a matches from her drawer and put her kundali to fire. Kasturi tried stopping her...but Chakor's rage was far more greater.
In all this, everyone came and saw what happened. Shashwat was terrified at this. He asked Chakor to calm down. But Chakor asked him to get lost from her room and no one should dare come in her room now.
Kamalnarayan, "We know child what you are going through. But remember we always want your right. Kasturi, let's go to Temple...the priest will know Chakor's part by her birth date n time."

Chakor was really disappointed at this. She wanted to stop them anyhow. But not possible. They all left the place and went to Temple including Shashwat. Chakor was now alone.

Feeling complete silence around her, Chakor tried to calm down herself and wiped off her tears. She washed her face and went out of her room in order to search for a way to escape this situation. She looked here and there but found nothing. She wasn't sure what she was actually searching. She checked the landline but none worked as her father said. She was checking behind the sofa pillows, under the table, when suddenly an idea striked her brain.

She went to Kasturi's room to search for her own phone. She checked the dressing table... nothing was there. Then she checked the almirah, where she didn't struggle as it was already unlocked. She looked for her phone and yesss!!! She found it. She smiled after a long time. She took her phone and went to her room, locked it from inside and switched on her phone hoping to find a million of Suraj's missed calls.

Yes! There were missed calls... million of missed calls but not from Suraj. All the random, useless people called her except him. She was shattered at this. But no! She herself never tried to call him. Why should he do?

Keeping everything aside, she dialled his number, "the number you are trying to call, does not exist!"
What happened to him? Her all concern was at function now. He hasn't contacted anyone. Why?? Is he!!! She doesn't want to imagine something dreadful.

At another instance, she looked at the was 11:05 am. Chakor thought he must be in office...yes!! I should call Arhaan.

She called Arhaan.

Arhaan picked up the call. Some relief. She tried to speak normally.
Chakor, "Hello Arhaan! This is Chakor!"
Arhaan, "Hi Chakor! Long time! No see!"
Chakor, " Arhaan I wanted to talk to Suraj! But his phone is not reachable. Can you please give him the call."
Arhaan, "Chakor! Don't you know he broke his phone many days before. Although you can contact him on his office number. Tejaswini aunty too called me yesterday to ask about him. Is everything ok!"
Chakor, "Yes yes! Everything is fine! No problem."
Arhaan, " ok then! I am forwarding your call to Suraj! Talk to him and do disconnect mine" and started laughing.
Chakor, "yes! Thank you!"
He forwarded. The bell was ringing. Suraj picked up the call without seeing who it was.
Suraj, "Hello! DM Suraj Rajvanshi here!" In his feeble voice!
Chakor couldn't utter a word!
His voice made her complete. Suraj too woke up instantly as he could feel a tinge in his heart. He could feel her presence.
To confirm, " Hello! Am I audible!"
Chakor still couldn't say a thing.
Suraj now sure, "Chakor!!"
And she broke into tears!!! He could hear her crying. Tears escaped his eyes also. He so wanted her. He so wanted to stop her tears. He so wanted to feel her beside him.
Now after a lot of struggle, he managed to compose himself and said, " Chakor! Why are you crying? What happened? Is everything fine? Mumma- papa are they all right? Are you alright?"
Chakor couldn't yet speak as she was crying alot! She couldn't speak anything.
Suraj, "Chakor! Calm down! Everything will be fine. Just tell me. I will see. .......ok! First of all stop crying. Go n wash your face. Am calling you after a minute.

This one minute gap was like one year. Although he waited for her to calm down. But as she felt she's ok. She called him.
Suraj picking up the phone, "Are you ok now?"
Chakor, "hmm"
Suraj, " now tell me! What happened?"
Chakor, " please come and take me with you. I don't want to stay here!"
Suraj, " Chakor! I can say now it is something serious! Tell me!"
Chakor began from how Kasturi called her and asked everything on swear. And how they took her away forcefully... asking her to message him about her departure. And now, asking her to part her ways with him and marry Shashwat!
Chakor, "I don't know what happened to them! Suraj it is wrong!!"
Suraj was raged hearing all this. He was so angry that he wanted to hit something hard on Shashwat's head! How could he think so!
His parents! They are acting like his worst enemies! What the hell is wrong with them!!

Thinking much on this topic, he reached a conclusion.
Chakor, "Suraj! What is to be done further?"
Suraj, "Nothing Chakor!!"
Chakor shockingly, "What! Don't tell me you agree with them!!!"
Suraj, "areyy! No!! Never!! Actually I will ask you some questions. Keep your hand on your heart. Close your eyes. Listen to what it says and answer me! Ok! Are you ready?"
Chakor, "ok! I am ready!"
Taking the position, keeping her hand on her chest, closing her eyes, she started hearing him.
Suraj, "Chakor do you want to live with me?"
Chakor, " yes!"
Suraj, "Can you spent your whole life with me?"
Chakor, "yes!"
Suraj, "You are alright with your decision to marry me?"
Chakor, "yes! I am."
Suraj, "You love me?"
Chakor, "Yes! I do!".......... suddenly realizing what she said, all blood gushed to her face. She couldn't get, what literally happened. She was lost in her own ecstasy when Suraj's voice interrupted.
"Chakor! Pack your things! I am coming!"
Chakor, "Surr... listen to me!!"
Suraj, "No more words! The next face you are going to see is mine. Just wait."

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