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It all was really fast. Suraj couldn't make out why Chakor left. He didn't even called his parents or in laws. And they too couldn't contact him as he broke his phone. Arhaan ( Suraj's PA) couldn't make out what was wrong. He used to get frustrated at the smallest thing. Shouting on him, others, completely different from what he was before. He didn't use to have food, not use to return home. He used to stay at his office room. He missed her alot. Her absence made him vulnerable. But he was egoistic enough to ask her the reason for leaving.

On the other hand, Chakor who was in family care, still was at her worse. Shashwat used to crack jokes in order to make her feel better...but she didn't even smile. Nor she talked with her parents. She was very angry on what they did. She well knew why Suraj isn't trying to talk to her...but herself never took a step forward.

It's taught to an IAS, that respect your status more than you respect yourself. It happened that in an interview, an interviewer threw a pen when a contender was sitting in front of him. He was selected because instead of picking the pen on his own, he rang the call button to call up the peon who picked up the pen. Although this seems very rude...but believe me..this is what an IAS officer is taught. To never underestimate himself, to never think low of himself, to always respect his post. And our two students, took this lesson to a serious extent. ;) Neither Suraj, nor Chakor were willing to take a step forward and break the ice. And this continued for long 14 days!!!

Thanks to our ARRANGED COUPLE. phew!

It was the 15th day. Since Chakor came from Delhi. And the next day, was there six months anniversary. Chakor woke up with a heavy head. It seemed to her that this day is going to be really long one for her. She was thinking about whether Suraj must have had his morning coffee or not. He must not get late to office as he hates it. He must have wore his pink t-shirt because all others he wanted to replace....all about him when suddenly her mother entered.
Kasturi: Chakor! Child get ready! Today we have a surprise for you.
She took out a dress from the wardrobe and gave it to Chakor.
Chakor: I want to be in my room. I will not go anywhere.
Kasturi: For me!!
Chakor frustrated rose up: "mom! You haven't even given my phone. Don't you know there are things for which I need Phone. Everytime n everything just for u all. Have you ever thought about what I want. You wanted me to be an IAS officer, ok! I made it my wanted me to marry Suraj, I accepted him too...and now you want me to wear it......You know what, I am frustrated with all this."
And she took the dress and went in to change.
Kasturi smiled at this.

After changing, Chakor came out to have breakfast and ask for apology from her mother for her rude behavior. All were seated with mysterious expressions on their faces. None could literally tell what was coming up next. Although they tried hard to act normally.

Kasturi pointed to sit her on a seat next to Shashwat's. Chakor composed herself and took her place.
Bhuvan began, " So! Today I will make a special announcement! Hope you all are ready!"
Kamalnarayan, "Obviously we are!"
Looking at Chakor, " Beta! Are you?"
Chakor, "Papa, I am ok!"
Bhuvan, " Seeing the things from all perspectives, I want to announce that it is better for Suraj and Chakor to part their ways. And for Chakor, I have choosen Shashwat!"
Someone's world shattered hearing this from her own father.
Kamalnarayan, "I agree...and for Suraj too...I have a girl ...who he will be properly settled in Suraj's life."
Kasturi, "Yes! You two don't have to live together because of pressure."

This was where Chakor lost all her patience..and even respect for her parents and in-laws. She wanted to say so dreadful to them that they wash off their intentions at once. But no! Her inner conscience never allowed... although she said,
" Are you all mistaken! Thinking am an object! Some days with this person! Other days with another! Don't you all see how much I love Suraj! It's not always needed to indulge in a typical husband wife relation. He gave me time to know him, to accept him just because he never wanted to come in the way of my ambition. And you all took it to such an extreme...Do you all even know what place he holds in my heart. I can never imagine myself without him..and you all want me to marry him( pointing at Shashwat) and you!! You were the only one who brought Suraj in my you pay no heed what this will result in. Let me tell you all, do whatever you want...I will not do anything you want at least this time."
And she went inside banging the door behind her.

All family members were shocked. They haven't seen Chakor like this before..even not her parents.
Kamalnarayan, " What happened? This is what we expected!"

Now it seemed she would flood her room with tears. Too much it was to bear. She couldn't tolerate it any more. Why is she away from him even when she loves him so much!!! Why? And she decided to call him... searching for her phone. Then suddenly she remembered that she isn't having one. She wiped off her tears and went to get the landline. She picked up the phone but Bhuvan took it saying, "We have cut all the wirings so that Suraj doesn't irritate you!"
Chakor saw him with anger filled eyes and moved to her room.

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