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It was the time to divert the way, which they have walked together. One to the west, other to the east. They just came home, their home but now they have to leave. Suraj went to Kolkata, so as to leave Chakor and see that she gets all what she needs.
Kolkata is a beautiful city. The buzz of the street, the essence of the culture and the depth of every smell enchanted Chakor. And Suraj was happy seeing this. She was given a bunglow, as a IAS officer gets. The place was good, but these government sectors are usually different from the main city. Silent atmosphere, police all over, a feel of patriotism, a followed decorum and a air of undue respect.
As they reached there, they were warmly welcomed. Both were known personalities. IAS is a job of stardom, but an IAS officer, who goes through a plenty of educational enlightment, considers it mere. And so was Sukor's case.
Then it was Suraj's turn to see if the maid, the security, the facilities are all set as Chakor would like them to be.
"Please give her warm food, she doesn't like cold. And she avoids tea also. Coffee and cold coffee would do. And she catches cold very easily, so please make sure, she takes proper clothing with her. Also, keep her room clean. I know she won't get time to clean it herself. And.....", he was instructing the maid when Chakor comes. Seeing Chakor, the maid leaves. Chakor smilingly sits near him.
"So...told your chants to her..!", she said.
"Chakor you need to take care..", he says.
"Ok..I will and don't you worry about anything. Because you too are going to another place..this time, you can't fool me and jump as my senior.",she chuckled.
"You seem happy here...!", he says with a contentment filled smile.
"Suraj! This is all I have dreamt of...see how glorious everything is. Who would not want to work in such an environment!", she says signalling towards the place they were sitting.
"Chakor...if you are happy...I am happy too.!", holding her by her waist and bringing her near.
"Suraj...!",she gasps.
"I am leaving tonight! I have to make arrangements for myself now!", hitting her heart hard by his sentence. As a result, her face fell down.
"Chakor! Don't be sad...this is going to be a normal thing in our life. We can be together but for a limited time only. And don't worry, I'll keep on visiting here, as soon as I get some free time.", he said to pacify her.
"Hmm!", she said hugging him tight.

The night came, and Suraj was waiting for the car to leave. He was in Chakor's room, when Chakor came in.
Chakor, "Ready to leave..",in a sad tone.
Suraj, "Hmm!", he said to hide the sorrow his voice would depict.
Chakor settling down on his lap, "I have a gift for you!"
Suraj, "oh! What it is!?"
Chakor handed him a wrist watch, that matched with the other one in her hand. She removed his older watch, and made him wear the new one. And herself wore the one, that was in pair with his watch.
"These two were made in pair, and I brought them for you and me! Although I don't believe in these but I think, these watch would signify and remind us always that we have to meet our other half. Soon.", she said smiling.
"Chakor! I love you!", was all he said.
"Suraj, I love you too..hope we meet soon!", She says as tears started spilling from her eyes.
Suraj wanted to lighten up the situation.
"Chakor! Stop crying! You are doing this deliberately to make me forget about my farewell kiss!", he said in a complaining tone.
"Enough of your tricks! Let me cry!", and hugged him even more tightly.
"Arey!! You are wetting my shirt!", he says, only to earn a punch from her.
After she was calm, she herself leaned onto him and kissed him on his lips. Assuring him, that every time she'll open her eyes, she would desire to see him in front. He returned her love with full passion. Making a promise that being miles apart, would ultimately bring them closer.
They were in their world, when the door knocked, "Suraj Sir! The car has arrived!"
And he left.
Leaving behind a crying Chakor and taking with him, the pain of being away from her.

Days passed.
Chakor was now well settled in her office. People respected her for her honesty and righteous attitude. She tolerated no rubbish and used her power to the fullest, to do the right thing. In no time, she had an impact on the city and soon, it felt like the whole district was loving her. Appreciation followed. Politics definitely affected, but she was not the one to back out.
Other side was Suraj, who was known for his aggressive approach. People feared him. The place that had his impact would soon become crime free. He worked more in field. Continuous encounters and raids, did affect the place to a great extent. Police felt powerful, when he guided them. Even known politicians would fear, that if they breach on his regulations, they would suffer as hell. People loved him.

In all this time, hardly sukor met. Work made it impossible for both to find time for each other. They met just once.
On kn's bday, Chakor reached Lucknow..and when Suraj reached after few hours, Chakor had to leave. Getting just some distance glances and a goodbye hug, they had to part.
However, phone was what made them one. Their mornings started with phone, their nights started with phone. They deliberately made same lunch and dinner schedule to get time to talk.

"Good morning!"
"Morning Chakor!", said Suraj!
"So! You are leaving for office!?", she asked.
"I have not had bath yet!?", he says.
"Why!? It's 9!", she said sitting on the breakfast table.
"Not in the mood to bath alone!", smirkingly.
"Go call someone! There must be many waiting for you!", she says sarcastically.
Rolling his eyes, "I hate it when you don't get jealous!"
"Then you should get used to it. Because now I am used to your antiques. Now have your breakfast! ", smiling.
"So you know that i have had bath!", he said impressed.
"Told you before also.. you are not the only one who can read me!", she says...

And this way, they reduced the physical distance between them. For two complete months, they didn't get time to spend with each other. This increased longing for each other and that too intensly.

Frustrated Suraj called her, "Chakor! I want to hug you right now!"
"Are you mad! Suraj!",she says laughing at him.
"No yaar! I am not able to resist!", he says annoyed.
"By the way, I am in my office! So shut your mouth and do your work!"
"Chakor! It's been two months. That's a huge time!",he says.
"Should we meet!?", Chakor says.
"Do you think I would have waited here, if time allowed?", Suraj said sighing.
"We can't do anything.", said Chakor sadly.
"I think I should take retirement now!", and both were laughing hysterically.
It's hard to resist oneself and be calm in a long distance relationship. Especially when love just started. Because of distance between them, they often hid their problems with the other. There were many things Chakor didn't liked, but Suraj was to do them. and this led to something unwanted in Sukor's life. Chakor paid a surprise visit to Jaipur, when she saw something that disappointed him to such an extent that she felt like leaving the place then and there only. Suraj was never expected to do this!

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