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Shashwat was in utter dilemma. He wanted to ignore all what he saw...but was it alright to leave them like this, when he was the one who brought them together!
Tejaswini entered his room to give him his breakfast. And he was in his own trance. She at once knew that there is some problem. After all, she has seen him from the time he was born. The all time chirpy and happy him was lost today. So without any second thought, she proceeded to ask him, " Shashwat, what happened? I can sense something wrong!"
Shashwat trying not to be revealed, "no aunt! Nothing!! Nothing at all!"
Tejaswini, "ok! You aren't telling me but you would have surely told Suraj... I'll ask him."
Shashwat stopped her, saying Suraj doesn't know anything.
On much insisting, Shashwat agreed to tell her.

He told all his observations, how he noticed something fishy between sukor and all his observations were so obvious that he can't ignore them. Tejaswini too agreed on what she noticed in London, when Chakor's father was ill.

Soon, Kasturi too was aware of this...and both the ladies decided to talk to Chakor. They called her...
Chakor: hello mumma! Are you all doing well.
Kasturi: yes! We are all fine. What about you?
Chakor: yes mumma! I was preparing lunch. And then, I'll be going for shopping.
Kasturi: with Suraj?
Chakor; No mumma! He is busy.
Kasturi: Chakor, this is a small thing but still as much as I know Suraj, he won't let you go alone.
Chakor clueless about it... couldn't say anything on how she will tell, that she herself hasn't informed him.
Kasturi (sensing silence) : Chakor! Is everything alright?
Chakor: yes mumma! It was just that he is really busy.
Kasturi: I wonder that an IAS officer not even gets time on Sunday.
Chakor: mumma.......( Clueless on what to say).
Kasturi: Chakor! I want to know something. And you don't have to lie as you have been doing untill now. And swear on I ask you my questions.
Chakor: What happened mumma? ( Feeling like caught red handed)
Kasturi: Nothing. Just tell is your relation with Suraj?
Chakor: Mumma! It's alright....
Kasturi: Chakor... you are swearing on me.
And there was a silence.... Chakor couldn't utter a word. What she should say? Her relationship with Suraj is undefined. She loves him, not sure whether he too has the same feeling, there current behavior towards each other...will definitely tell that they aren't happy with each other.
Kasturi called out for her but Chakor disconnected.

Although a half conversation, still it was as clear as crystal that everything isn't fine between sukor. So both the fathers, mothers and Shashwat sat to put on their reviews on this situation.
Shashwat: Aunt n Uncle! I feel that they must be given time. They were 'Arranged' and it takes time for one to get with each other.
Kasturi: it's already five and a half months, since they have been together....we shouldn't wait until the gap widens more.
Kamalnarayan: I agree with Kasturi.
Tejaswini: But what can be done. They are husband-wife . To what extent we will interfere in that matter.
Bhuvan: If they are not happy with each other, we will have to interfere. Remember, it was us, who brought them together....they blindly agreed to what we said. Maybe they are not able to adjust properly. Or some other problem. We can't ignore this.

Now in Delhi, Chakor was hell tensed on what would follow. She knew that she had said all by remaining silent. Should she tell this to Suraj? No! He took a promise to keep this matter between them only. Then what should she do. In all this tension, her eyes fell on a photo frame in front of her, gifted by Shashwat at the time of there marriage. It had there engagement photo...and it was really adorable. Chakor's eyes were lowered. He holding her hand from behind..with the most wonderful smile adorned on his face.. displaying their symbols of union, their engagement rings.

That view made her forget all the tension...and she was unknowingly smiling. She walked towards it, touched him through the frame, and looked at his most charming smile.
" You know what! Your smile is the big reason I have fallen for you....and I love it so much, that I can forget whole world to get a single glance of it. I promise matter what happens now, after our parents know about our relation, I will never leave you at any cost. "

After much of discussion, the family in Lucknow reached a conclusion...and both the mothers went to Delhi. They went to bring back Chakor with them. Suraj hasn't yet reached home and Chakor was alone. The door was knocked and Chakor was hell surprised to see both her mothers. She hugged them in delight and brought them in. However they weren't as delighted as Chakor. Chakor asked them to sit and she will bring water...but they refused and asked her to pack her bag as soon as possible and leave for Lucknow. Chakor was taken aback. Her fear was true. But she stood firm and said, "I will stay here only. I don't want to go anywhere!"
Kasturi, "We are doing everything for your welfare. And you will have to follow what we say."
Chakor, "But mumma! What about Suraj!"
Tejaswini, "Don't worry! Suraj will manage."
Chakor, "But!..."
Kasturi, " Chakor!! No more questions. Just pack your bags n we are leaving now.."

Chakor went to her room and started to dial Suraj's number. As soon as she picked her phone, Kasturi snatched it from her saying, " Why are you insisting to live with him, when you two aren't happy with each other. Just message him that you are leaving for Lucknow and that's it."

Chakor with tears in her eyes..messaged him.
He received the message and in frustration threw his phone... breaking it into pieces.

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