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"So! I hope all are seated properly. Since we are total 42 in the bus, I hope we'll have fun and enjoy in the course of our journey. Our bus number is 7 and you all have to take care of this. We'll be experiencing many good things on the way and on the destination! Hope you all enjoy! HAPPY JOURNEY!" And he took a seat in the front. Chakor was at the corner-most seat at the back of the bus. All were enjoying and having fun. But Chakor due to her introvert behavior only enjoyed seeing them from far.

However, Suraj participated with full enthusiasm. After almost two hours of fun, he came to Chakor...and Chakor did count each second, he was enjoying there and completely forgetting his so called wife. She frowned at him. 

Suraj fueling her anger, "I hope you are enjoying!!"

Chakor, "yeah! Was enjoying alot without you!"

Suraj, "Mrs. Despo Rajvanshi! Just wait for some time, then I'll be all with you! After all it becomes difficult for me to stay in my limits, when I am with you!"

So basically, he was flirting with her and this left her in embarrassment. After all no one on this Earth ever dared to flirt with her, except him.

Even her fellow male students in the training, never got the chance to talk to her unless it was dead important. When Suraj ever questioned her about her excess passivity, she used to say that she doesn't like to talk to men, pointing sarcastically at him too. 

However the real reason was that she was so delighted on having Suraj, that barely she considered other men worth talking, or sharing a bond with. She had THE BEST and she felt complete with him. This worried Suraj! He always thought how will she work afterwards when she is so stern on her less-spoken attitude. She will come across many, he can't be with her always.

They covered almost 180 km and entered the outskirts of the Himalayas. The temperature was dipping each second and it was getting very cold. The busses stopped in front of a Dhaba and all went to relax and breathe in some air. Chakor was in deep sleep, so Suraj thought to bring some coffee and then wake her up. 

Meanwhile, the Warden came back to her seat which was beside sukor's. The disturbance near her, woke up Chakor. She found herself wrapped in his jacket and smiled feeling him. The warden greeted her, "Wake up Chakor! And go have some food..."

Chakor called Suraj and he said he's bringing the food on the bus and they can have together. 

The bus was almost filled and the driver was moving back the bus. 

Just then, Suraj turned up! He had a packet of food, and as he reached near his seat beside Chakor, the bus haulted with a jerk. And he almost fell over Chakor. In preventing the food from falling over Chakor, he accidentally kept his hand on Chakor's chest.

Embarrassment followed, less from Chakor's side and more from his. He composed himself and started apologizing to Chakor back to back!

"I am Sorry..yaar, I didn't intend to do that. My sorry am really sorry!!"

Chakor, "It's okay Suraj, no problem!"

But he said sorry almost ten times. 

We know what relationship they share but other do not. The warden was confused on why Suraj is apologizing so much...after all they are married!

Chakor felt a bit uneasy as she felt being constantly eyed by few ladies around her, specially the Warden. So to end this, she held Suraj's hand quietly and squeezed it, signalling him to stop and saying, "I am hungry Suraj!"

The situation became easy after sometime but the warden being a mother figure to Chakor, thought she would ask her if anything is wrong. When Suraj was away with the other mentor, discussing about their night stay, the Warden came near Chakor.

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