Hunter? Or hunted?

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  Israphel, Herobrine's mind lingered on that thought. He teleported to the overworld, searching for his trail. The sky darkened, as the sun began to kiss the horizon, turning the sky into a shade of orange and red.
  Wait a minute.


  He focused on the sky, as the world plunged into darkness. The sky wasn't dark blue, it was a deep shade of violet.

  He then closed his eyes, searching for any essence of his prey he could latch on. It all made sense now, Sky's nightmare, the end of the world, the trident, the message he heard.

  He could had told Sky, but he didn't want to trouble him. He could handle Israphel, probably.

  He picked up on a trail, and teleported to the spot, his white eyes alert, glaring at his surroundings like a hawk, as energy hummed around him, preparing to defend himself or attack if necessary.

  His bright eyes scanned the clearing, he was surrounded by trees, prefect for his assailant to hide.

  He then tensed up. He felt another presence.

  He was not alone.

  A small projectile hurled itself at him, and he summoned his sword out of the thin air at the speed of light and deflected the dagger, not even stopping as he dodged another projectile, which turned out to be an ebony arrow.

  He sensed that there were two projectiles sailing at him at the same time, and he leapt into the air, sideways, as the spears passed above and below him,  not even leaving a scratch.

  "Show off," someone scoffed, as he heard the beating of enormous wings.

  He lashed out with a blast of energy, but the one who scoffed, the owner of the wings deflected the beam off his crossed swords, as he spread his raven like wings, blotting out the violet coloured night.

  "Azrael, you little bastard," Herobrine sighed," you know, you would have made an excellent chef if you have worked at my place."

  "Cut the bullcrap," Azrael snapped as he landed before Hero, his swords poised to attack," I never needed to eat, much less make food."

  "You know you could be useful for just once, right?"

  Azrael ground his teeth," You dare speak of that insult again-"

  Herobrine fired a quick blast of energy, knocking the Angel of Death off his feet while he was distracted, and at the same time deflecting a few small blades.

  "Whoever idiot has an unhealthy obsession with small, bladed weaponry, can you please come out?" Herobrine called," Come on, we are having a party here. The more the merrier, eh? Don't be shy!"

  He heard a hiss, and teleported away just as a TNT blew up in the place where he had been standing half a second ago. He heard another hiss under his feet, as he saw another blinking TNT.

  He teleported yet again, as a small knife hurled itself at him. He deflected the knife as it shot off into the gloom as it was quickly replaced by a pair, which then Herobrine caught one effortlessly in his free hand by the hilt while he dodged its twin.

  He examinated the handle, which was an ivory colour, with a jagged letter L carved into it.

  "Lick," he sighed as he dodged another TNT," always the same. You are getting boring."

  The white mask appeared out of the gloom,
" Really?" He mused," Then you are going to love what I have got in store for you."

  Azrael recovered as he sheathed his swords, and in a swirl of black smoke, as a scythe appeared in his hand instead. He twirled the scythe effortlessly, and swung it at Herobrine, who dodged with ease and sent a wave of rippling energy towards Lick.

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