This is not the end

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  Sky felt the blast. Everyone in Minecraftia did.

  The rifts had stopped opening, the crevices in the ground rumbled as they closed up. Even the blood red sky had faded to the colour of blue, revealing the time to be late afternoon.

  Israphel was gone, Sky could literally feel his presence fade. And Hero, his dad...he couldn't feel his presence either.

  Herobrine was gone.

  Rin looked shocked, and Lick, for once, looked at a loss at words.

  Jason flew over, and landed rather clumsily, his suit battered and torn beyond recognition. His white eyes showed fatigue, but they were alert as ever. He pointed to Rin and Lick, locking his eyes with Sky's golden ones, sending a silent message, it wasn't over.

  Shaman jogged over, trying his best not to look as beaten up as he felt. Wounds littered his face, his arms, his chest. Some of the blood flow was stopped, but it was still a nightmarish patchwork for wounds, mixed with some of his old scars.

  "Woah, I haven't been beaten up this badly ever since the last time Israphel appeared," Shaman grunted, carefully holding a side of his ribs.

  "What's up with your ribs?" Sky asked.

  "Broken," Shaman said, "only one or two. Don't worry," he added," I can manage. This is better than the time when I first fought him."

  "You sure?" Jason asked, looking their enemies warily," I don't think he had those henchmen at that time."

  Shaman snorted, as a ripple of pain shot up from his ribs, "He still got henchmen, only that they were Null and Entity 303 instead."

  "Right," Sky said," let's finish this."

  The three of them turned towards the Midnight King and Lick, who seemed equally battered, but they didn't look like they would back down from the oncoming fight. Rin stretched out his free hand, as a medium length blade, between that of a dagger and a short sword, appeared in his hands, created from shadow.

  "Shall we?" Sky asked his allies.

  Jason shrugged, as the visor of the small heads besides him slid down," This might be the last fight of my life, but still, after you."

  Sky, hefting his budder sword, charged into battle against his cousin and a maniac.

  Sure, despite the fact the leaders of both sides were dead, they were still on different sides, and Sky highly doubted that any of them would say, "Yo, peace out. Since our leaders are dead, we should have a truce and have a tea party!"

  Good thing he did not expect that to happen. Because it didn't.

  His cousin conjured up several blades out of his own shadow, and flung them at the son of Herobrine. Sky channeled a bit of energy and blasted them into smoke. Rin then swung his spear, nearly decapitating Sky as he dodged at the last second. Despite that, it cut a long line of crimson into his left cheek.

  Sky did a quick mental check of the wound. It seemed pretty long, but luckily, it was shallow.

  He teleported away as Rin slashed at him again, reappearing behind him.

  At the same time, Jason launched a couple of wither bombs, causing Rin to back flip to evade them, and as his foot threated to hit Sky, Sky repositioned himself and slashed at the leg.

  Rin hissed in pain as he hit the ground, the leg buckling slightly, but he wasn't as wounded as he looked. Once Sky made another move to close in, Rin planted his spearhead into the ground, gripping the shaft tightly, and swung in a full circle, kicking Sky in the face.

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