Nasty Surprises

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  The squids charged, as Enderlox teleported into their ranks, his tail acting as an extra limb, as his sword acted as an extension of his arm. His horns provided some extra damage when he needed to headbutt someone, and helped him block blows to his head.

  He pivoted, his wings spreading and folding to stun and push away his enemies. He lashed out with his wings, the claws cutting into the squids' ranks. With three extra limbs behind him, combined with his draconic strength and reflexes, as well as his skill, on the battlefield, he is basically a killing machine.

  One of his secrets was that listening to music made him more focused on his task, so as he was listening to songs at the moment, nothing could stand in his way.

  He dodged a squid's sword, and left a large purplish blue mark on his face with the claw on his wing, before lashing out with his sword, slashing at two squids at the same time. The squids watched in confusion as their upper bodies were severed from their legs.

  He vaulted over a lance, as he slashed at everything he could see, his sword a black blur. Deep blue blood flew everywhere as squid bodies dropped.

  A purple fireball smashed into the side of a squid, incinerating him completely as Seto joined the battle. He muttered a spell, and all the squids within a four block radius dropped to the ground, snoring, so that one fireball was able to take care of them all.

  A barrage of arrows joined the frey as the former ranger leapt into battle from a tall perch. Mitch shot an arrow at the gap between a squid's arm and ribs, as the arrow hit the squid's head behind. He then adjusted his angle and shot another arrow, the arrow piercing two squid brains at once. He leapt into the air as a sword threatened to cut him into half, nocked an arrow in mid air, landed on top of the squid's head, and shot another squid that threatened to gut him like a fish, before planting an arrow into the squid's brain at his feet.

  He yanked out the arrow and shot it that it hit three squids at once. The squids' tentacles twitched, as they crumbled to the ground as one.

  When Ty got ready to dispatch of the last squid, Seto raised a hand and said,"Wait!"

  Ty paused, putting his blade at the Squid's neck as the tentacles snaked around, trying to suffocate him, but went limp as Ty's blade bit into the flesh of his throat.

  Seto walked closer and examinated the markings on the squid's arm, which consisted of white stripes, in bright comparison against the squid's dark blue skin.

  "What the Nether is happening here?" Seto asked the squid, his eyes never leaving the hybrid's.

  "What do you mean?" The squid blinked, shaking with fear.

  "Where are you from, then?" Seto asked instead," I have never seen squids with these kind of markings from the squid war eight years ago."

  "I am from the O'karu tribe," the squid said," not from the Manu tribe, who has no markings."

  " Someone saw different squids with different coloured markings," Ty said," you mean they are from the other tribes?"

  The squid choked as Ty pressed his blade tighter," Yes. One day, a strange man came to reunite all Squid tribes, saying that all must answer to King Sinder, or High Chief Sinder, the chieftain of all squid tribes."

  The three exchanged looks, before Seto asked again," So...all squids from their respective tribes answer to this Sinder now?"

  "Yes," the squid said, his tentacles twitching with agitation.

  "If you answer our remaining questions truthfully, we will set you free," Seto said, noticing the squid's agitation," What happened after the last squid war?"

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