I woke up at 7am sharp, got dressed quickly and quietly. I wanted to get some early revision in before breakfast. I had gotten about half an hour in Before Ron, harry and Ginny all came down. "Breakfast?" Ron asked eagerly. "Yeah, I am starving" I replied . We all made our way to the great hall. The food was amazing as per.
"Shit it's 9:00 and I was supposed to be at potions at 8:55, snape wanted me early so I can get my stuff ready. He is so gonna kill me. See you later" Ron said as he ran out the hall.
"Useless my brother" ginny laughed. "At least we have another 15 minuets" I said laughing. We talked about quidditch and who we thought would make this years team. I looked at my watch it was time to go. " I'll see you 3rd, I have a free and so do you, so I'll meet you in common room. Harry and Ron have charms." I said getting up. "Yeah ok" replied Ginny. Charms went so fast. And before I new it I was in history of magic with mr Binns. Which felt like it would never end, it felt like I'd been there that long I was history. Finally after what felt like 10738 days it was over. I headed straight to the common room, I had something important to tell Ginny, I was going to tell her that I like Ron and ask for advice.
"Hey" ginny Said. "What's up" I asked "not much" she replied "look g i need to talk to you about something, something important" I said taking a seat. " GO ON." She said excitedly " there's a boy.." Her eyes lit up "well I think i have liked him for a while but only just discovered it. He is smart and funny and very brave. He is also super cute" I said with my cheeks going red. "OMG, who is it!!?" Ginny asked nearly bursting with excitement|RON|
I can't believe it. She likes someone else. This is so rubbish, I should have told her, but It's to late she likes someone else. Probably Cormac the bloody foul git. I was so mad but also so upset. I ran out the room and went to lake. I sat there for ages. Replaying what I had just heard over and over again.
| Hermione |
"so let me get this straight" Ginny said " you like Ron, like like Ron?, and you have for ages? But never said anything because scared because of rejection? Yeah?" She ask a little confused "err yeah, that's the gist" I said. " well I think it's about bloody time" harry Said from behind. "What? How come you're here? Did you hear all that?" I groaned "about bloody time, teacher sick and yep" he said extremely smug. "Oh FOR GOD SAKE!" I was so so Embarrassed "Hermione it's fine, I'm your best friend you could have told me and besides I won't tell him, until you're ready, but hurry up, because I know Lavender is trying to Weasel her way in" harry said, which was extremely comforting
"Right ok, yeah sorry and you're right where is he?" I asked. "Dean saw him head to the lake,he said he looked upset" Ginny told me
"But you need to tell him, NOW" harry urged " you will regret it if you don't" Ginny said and harry agreed "fine, fine. I'll see you later"|ron|
I had been out here for an hour, i was still so mad and upset, but not at Hermione, how could she know I liked her if I never told her. But it still hurt. Juts then I heard footsteps Behind me they were light but strong and it seemed like they had a reason. "Ron," Hermione asked softly " yeah what's up?" I said trying to play it cool " we need to talk" she said putting her arm though mine. " if it's about Cormac, i know and it's FINE." I got up to walk away with tears in my eyes. "Ron WAIT" she pulled me back down. " i have no idea what you are on about, but this isn't about that. And there is nothing going on with me and Cormac" I told him " but I heard you in the common room." I grumbled she stared to laugh "What, what is so funny" I asked, not amused at all
" Ron, I wasn't talking about Cormac!" She said " who then?" I questioned still very mad"I. I was on about... you Ron. I've like you, and I have done for ages, I just never knew how to tell you, encase You didn't feel the same. But I knew if I left i too long I might miss my chance." I was so confused "bu.." I cutted in "no hear me out, Ron I think I'm in love with you, you are smart, funny, kind, brave and talented. You make me feel happy when I am down and are always there for me. You never let me down and make me laugh, you.. you are perfect" she said looking away with her cheeks blushing "herm.." I began "MR WEASELY" a shrill voice shouted from up the hill. "You have detention. Now. get here. NOW." It was professor McGonagall "yeah just a moment" I replied. " NO NOW." She was Furious "I'll talk to you later Hermione" I said and hurried to the castle. For god sake. Why at this time?! I asked in my head.

Hermione granger
FantasyHermione likes ron and Ron like Hermione but they never pluck up the courage to tell each other, but when something bad happens will she get the chance? also it invole the other characters too! Maybe an unexpected love interest will confuse Hermione...