Making friends

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3 months later

|Hermione pov|
I just finished charms class and it was great. Professor flitwick was teaching us all about cheering charms, it was so fun. I'm still laughing now. It was my last lesson of the day and I had some time to kill before dinner. Harry and I decided to visit Hagrid. The sun was fierce and warm, the grass lovey and green. Harry knocked on the door, Hagrid shouted "come in". "Hey Hagrid" I said brightly opening the door. "How are you?" Asked harry, pulling round a chair. "Oh, hello you too!" He said pouring the mugs of tea "what have you been up too?" He asked "not much, studying and playing quiditch" harry replied "yeah same, well apart form quidich still very terrified of flying" I answered, giggling. We chatted for a while longer and Hagrid complimented me on my jumper, it had a fluffy owl on. Harry agreed, it was very nice. We bid Hagrid goodbye and made our way to the great hall. The feast was amazing, as usual. It was 7 o'clock now and we decided to head back to the common room. I did more studying and harry read quidich through the ages, I started laughing "Oi, what you laughing at?" He started laughing too "you" I replied "why?" He asked still smiling "well you won't read any of the books you're supposed to but you'll read quidich through the ages over and over again" I said rolling my eyes and laughing still more "well, it's a good book" he said beginning to laugh some more. It's was pretty late now and me and harry were both very tired. We talked for a while longer, then both agreed it was time for bed, "night Hermione" he said picking all his stuff "night" I said "I'll meet you here 7:45?" I asked "sure thang girl" harry replied in the best girl impression he could do. I laughed again "you're so daft, goodnight harry" I said walking up to the girls dormitory.

|harry pov|
I had a very nice evening with Hermione, she really was my best friend and all we do is laugh. I woke up at 7am next morning. I didn't feel tired so I got up straight away, had a shower and met Hermione in the common room "morning" she smiled "you okay?" I asked "yeah great! You?" She said lacing up her shoes. "Fantastic!" I said beaming. We sat at the Gryffindor table with Neville and Ginny, they looked up as we sat down, "hey guys!" Neville said smiling at us. "Hey Neville, hey Ginny" I said "morning guys" Hermione said Pouring herself some orange juice. "Me too please!" I said shaking my glass in her face "do that again and you won't have any orange juice" she awnsered joking around. "So what are you plans for today, Neville?" I questioned "oh not much, I'm so pleased snape is Ill! We have 2 free periods later" he replied "yeah me too, and not because of the free periods" Hermione chimed in with. Ginny chuckled "I agree, we aren't in any rush for him to get better" she said with a hint of guilt. We both had toast and then went to our first lesson, herbology. "Hey neville, if we are in groups me and harry baggies you!" Hermione said looking straight into his face "yes I second that, you are way better at this than us" I told him, "yeah ok guys" he said opening the door to the green house. The rest of the day went quick, then it was lunch, we met up with Ginny and Neville. We talked about our days and our plans for the rest of the day. "I have a game in two days so I'm going to go practice, see you all at dinner" i said, "ok, I need to go to the library anyway" Hermione replied "I'll pick you up at 5:30" I replied smiling. "Ok harry" she said "bye guys" I turned to look at ginny and Neville "later" they all said in unison.

|hermione pov|
I reached the library and sat in my usual spot, I'd been working for about 30 mins when I could feel eyes peering into me, I looked up and the face looked away, I carried on and once I again I could feel it. "Can I help you?! Do you want a photograph?" I asked a little annoyed. It was a tall boy from huffle puff, think his name is Chris or Cedric, "oh um, I'm sorry" he said walking over "I'm Cedric, you may know me?" He sat down next to me "umm I think I've seen you around, I'm hermione" I replied a little less annoyed "yeah I know who you are" I looked bewildered "well can I help you?" I said still confused "yes" he said "sorry, this is weird and it's taken me so long to come and speak to you, my father and mr weasly have worked together for years and I was childhood friends with Ron, I'm so sorry" he looked less bright than he had before. I was in complete shock, no one had spoken to me about Ron, without thinking I was going to break. "Oh I didn't I know, I didn't mean to be rude early, I am just very stressed. Thank you for saying that, how have you been?" I asked him "it's fine, I did come off a bit creepy, I've been better, I won't lie. It came as a huge shock to my family and I, he was such a lovely boy" Cedric replied "it's so weird people have avoided me and harry for weeks.  if they are ever speaking about Ron they go quiet when we walk in the room, I wish they wouldn't acted like that, it's sad but we're fine" I said, feeling weirdly comfortable around him. "Yeah I get that. Anyway are you free now, would be nice to talk some more?" He questioned "yeah that would be nice" I replied we walked down to the black lake, it was such a beautiful day. "Shall we sit?" I asked "yeah" he said. We talked for hours, about Ron, things we liked, thinks we hated, story's from being young and our dreams. "Okay," cedric said "tell me your favourite band in the world!" I thought for a moment "the smiths, you may not know them they are a muggle band, and they are soo great! I'll get my parents to send my vinyl, then I can play you them!"I replied "that would be amazing, I love listening to new music" Cedric beamed. "So you haven't eaten peppers since?" I asked "god no , I made that mistake once. I hate them!" Cedric said defiantly. Cedric smiled "tell me 3 things about you. 2 have to be true and 1 a lie and I will guess" "ok " I said, "1, I love mushrooms, 2, I hate flip flops and 3, I have 2 brothers." Cedric looked at me and laughed, "so I think it's the mushrooms" he looked curious "nope! I don't have any siblings" I said triumphantly, "wow ok, you guess mine" Cedric smirked "try me Cedric" I replied " one, I have eggs on toast every morning, two, I had a mouse called button when I was younger, and three me and Ron once shaved his neighbours cat" I giggled "the last one is definitely true Ron told me about that! I think it's eggs on toast" I looked at Cedric's face, he laughed "no! I have it every morning it's good for the body and brain" he said "wow ok, but don't you get bored of it?" I asked "you gotta do what you gotta do" Cedric said in a silly, sarcastic tone. I shuved him playfully "shut up, you egg" we both cracked up. I looked at my watch it was 5;20, I can't believe I spent 3 hours with him! "I should get going, I'm meeting harry at half past" I said standing up. "Oh right, your boyfriend, I won't keep you any longer, I'll walk with you" I burst into laughter "what?" He said "harry isn't my boyfriend" I AWNSERed "well sorry, but you must admit it seems that way, you're together all the time and you're very close, sorry for assuming" Cedric said. I laughed "it's fine, and I kinda see it now, but it's kinda gross to think of him that way" I said, "Anyway Ron was the one I was in love with, we had only just admitted our feelings and tested the relationship thing out, before he died" I looked away my eyes wet with tears "sorry" I said wiping my face "don't be, I get it, you lost someone you love that's hard and no one excepts you to be fine. Just know you won't always feel like this" he gave me his hankacheif "thank you, that really means a lot, and anyway doubt we would have made it very far, we bickered all the time, I think best friends was all we were meant to be, but I don't regret it, not one bit" Id stoped crying now. We were in the great hall. "Can I see you tomorrow?" asked Cedric "I would like that, I'll be in the library as I have work to do, you're welcome to join" i Replied "thanks, I have work as well, I will see you at 2?" Cedric said "sounds good" I smiled. We said goodbye and I met Harry. "Ready for dinner?" Harry asked "yes! I'm starving" I couldn't help but smile a little I could tell Cedric was going to be a very good friend.

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