|Hermione pov|
I woke to the sound of birds tweeting outside my window, it was around 6:30 and Cedric was peacefully sleeping, I tip toed downstairs and made myself a cup of tea. I went into the garden and sat on the little wooden bench, it was a beautiful and surprisingly warm morning. I just sat and admire the world. I also read another chapter of my book. About an hour later, Cedric joined me, "morning" he said in a sexy, Sleepy voice "morning" I replied,
Giving him a peck on the lips. He took a seat beside me "I'm working late tonight, so don't worry about me for dinner. I'll figure it out" he said " aw dam, I miss you when you're at work" I joked "I can always plate you some up? I'm cooking beef strogonoff, I know it's your favourite" I said grinning. "You are a star, I'll be home around 9pm" he gave me another peck on my forehead then my chin, my nose and finally one sweet one on the lips. I giggled "you can make the lunches or wake them up?" I said heading back in doors. "I'll make lunches" replied Cedric. "30 minuets later it was 8:15 "I've got to go, I'll see you later. Have a great day at school, you pair. I love you both" he kissed them both goodbye. "I'll see you later, love you most" he kissed me one last time "well when you're not nagging" I playfully hit him and encouraged him out the door. "enjoy work, I love you" one last kiss and he was gone. "Right you two. You have 15 minutes before We have to leave, you can do some colouring or read your books" I asked "colouring" they both said excitedly in unison, one they were set up I decided it was time to writer my weekly letter to Ron. I did this from time to time. Seemed to help me get through it. I began;Dear ron. It is me again, your probably fed up of "reading" my letters. But if I write to you it makes me feel like you are a part of my life. It's will be mine and cedrics 5 year wedding anniversary in 3 days and I'm so excited. The twins, Ivy and Jude are at harry and luna's house for the night. I've not got anything too big planned as that's not really our thing. I have managed to find a copy of his favourite film 'die hard'. I've set up the tree house with blankets and lights and managed to get a tv in there. (Obviously with Harrys help). I'm so excited.
Harry, Luna, Cedric and I went to your parents for dinner last Sunday. It was so lovely to see everyone. The food was amazing as per usual. Anyway I've got to take Jude and ivy to school. Soon they'll be at hogwarts!! I'll write soon. Love always.
Hermione x

Hermione granger
FantasyHermione likes ron and Ron like Hermione but they never pluck up the courage to tell each other, but when something bad happens will she get the chance? also it invole the other characters too! Maybe an unexpected love interest will confuse Hermione...