|hermione pov|
We made our way out of the library and up to the fourth corridor, I heard flich say something about a boggart needed removing, we found the boggart in an empty classroom. We entered and prepared ourselves. after a few minutes Cedric spoke. "What fears you most Hermione?" Cedric asked thoughtfully. This took me by surprise. I pondered his question for a moment "Ron would always joke, it was a professor giving me and bad grade, which of course would be horrid" Cedric laughed softly "but it's deeper than that, the thing I fear most is fear" he looked kindly at me "what do you mean?" He asked "I find it hard to trust, and for me the thought of something is worse than the real thing. So my boggart could take the form of anything.. I suppose." I explained "that's very complex Hermione, but very intriguing" he replied "what is yours?" I asked "well mine seems so non important compared to yours!" He chuckled "it's fine, go on" I said "disappointing my father" he looked somber for a moment then recomposed himself "can you explain?" I asked gently "don't get me wrong, he is the best father in the world, he has given me so much, taught me so much and I do love him, but he also expects so much from, and pushes me into things, and I fear if I fail at these things will he love me the same or less?" He looked down playing with his fingers "I don't think this is less important, and I think you should know, he will always love you, no matter what you do, because that's what parents do, they push us to be the best versions of ourselves and sometimes they get so wrapped up in this, they forget they are actually smothering us. I think no matter what your dad will always be proud, you are a generous, kind soul, and that means more." I said taking his hand. He smiled "you're so wise Hermione, like in a past life you could've been an owl" Cedric said "that would be pretty cool, wouldn't it" I said a little excited about the thought of that. Cedric chuckled "youre so funny Hermione, and very cute". We both laughed "thank you for saying that, people can be cruel. But like them, I'm just a person trying my best out the shit heap life handed me"He smiled "a very beautiful person, inside and out" "oh stop it, my face is going to burn off" I joked "fine, fine. Let's start with the boggart" Cedric replied|Cedric pov|
I looked at my watch it was 8:48. "Hermione have you seen the time?!" I said in shock "no, is it time for dinner?" She asked "it's way past that, it is ten to nine" I exclaimed "what! The time went so so fast" she was as surprised as I "well you know what they say, time flys when your having fun" I said "I didn't believe that till now" Hermione replied smiling "I'm super hungry though" she told me "well follow me, I know how to get into the kitchens" I lead her out the classroom. Soon enough we were in the kitchen, sparkle the house elf rushed over "master Cedric! How are you?" The little elf squeaked "I am very well, how are you sparkle" I replied "I am Fantastic sir. What would you and this pretty lady like?" She asked "I'll have whatever you recommend sparkle" Hermione replied, her eyes lit up "right away miss.." "Hermione" Hermione said "miss Hermione" sparkle repeated rushing off to the kitchen. I waved my wand and 2 bean bags appeared. We both took a seat and soon enough we were pigging out on lots of lovely food.|hermione pov|
After about and hour of feasting, I heard this familiar voice, I thought it can't be, but my god it was. A house elf with huge green eyes, bounded over "MISS HERMIONE, HOW ARE YOU? WHERE IS MR HARRY POTTER?" It was dobby. He was estatic with glee "hello dobby, what a pleasure to see you here, is this where you work now? Harry is probably in the common room studying" I replied "yes, mr dumbledoor hired me after mr Malfoy gave me this very precious sock" he waved his little elf foot in my face, it definitely hadn't been cleaned since harry gave it to him 2 years ago "oh lovely" I said, Cedric could tell i thought it was a little gross, he chuckled silently"are you enjoying it here" I asked "I love it very much miss" dobby said still smiling broadly. "I must see mr Potter" dobby told me. "And I must get back to work, goodbye miss granger and master digory" dobby skipped away. We stayed for another half an hour, my eyes keep shutting and my head was dropping, it settled on cedrics shoulder. I was super tired. He shook me gently "hermione, You look very sleepy shall we go back to our houses" he offered me his hand and helped me up, we said goodbye to the house elf's and started waking back to gryfindoor tower, I still had not let go of his hand, but it seemed a very natural thing to me. We got to the fat lady entrance "thank you so much for your help today. It is very much appreciated" Cedric said "it was no trouble, but I should be thanking you, you really did me a solid." I smiled "no worries, and thanks again, for listening to me about my dad, I've never really told anyone that, but I seem weirdly comfortable around you" Cedric pulled me into a tight hug. "Any time! And I mean it" I squeezed tighter. We stayed like this for sometime, it was a nice content feeling. For the moment I felt like all would be ok. Next thing he tilted my face up and we kissed, it was soft and gentle. It ended too soon. "I'm sorry"he smiled sheepishly "don't be, it was.. amazing" I said "yes it was" he replied "but this is very strange for me, I'm to tired now but we will talk tomorrow" I kissed him once more and walked through the portrait hole.

Hermione granger
FantasyHermione likes ron and Ron like Hermione but they never pluck up the courage to tell each other, but when something bad happens will she get the chance? also it invole the other characters too! Maybe an unexpected love interest will confuse Hermione...