It had been 3 days since I told Ron, and we haven't had the chance to speak because we've not seen Each other he's been in detention till late, quidditch at break and Lunch and are lessons have mixed up. It was such a sham, as hard I tried we never had enough time, it was a quick pass in the corridor then gone. "You ok?" Ginny ask taking a seat opposite me "been better. I've not seen or spoke to Ron since I told him and I'm getting worried" I replied prodding at my food " that sucks, juts give it time, hopefully after this big quidditch match tonight he won't have to practice as much, talk to him tomorrow lunch" Ginny said "yeah I guess you're right" I looked down at my plate. " and I promise there is nothing to worry about" she reassured me
Today went so fast and before I knew me and Ginny were heading on to the pitch waiting to cheer Harry and Ron on. They played a bloody good game and Ron had dogged 5 balls within 3 minuets. After 10, harry caught the snitch. "What a game!" Ginny said excitedly. "can't wait till my injury's heal so I can get back on there!" She sighed "soon!" I said, giving her a high five. Back at the common room everyone was celebrating I saw harry and congratulated him and then went to speak to Ron as I did I saw lavender brown kiss him. I didn't see if he pushed her off, at that point I didn't care I was so upset. It felt like my heart smashed to a thousand piece, I'd felt pain before but not like this. I turned around with tears leaving my eyes like a dangerous waterfall,as I ran out I knocked over a chair, and Ron saw he ran after me shouting my name. I didnt look back how lame would it be if he saw I was crying over him, but I had underestimated him, and he was fast he grabbed my hand and turned me around, "what's wrong?" He questioned looking extremely distressed " nothing." I said wiping my tears. "Come on, you can tell me" he said pulling me into a secure hug. "Ok.." I said after 2 minuets "this is so stupid, but we haven't spoken since the lake and then I saw lavender kiss you and my heart broke" I cried some more "Hermione," he said wiping my tears with his soft thumb "i don't think this is stupid. I wanted to talk to you but I never had time, and I told Lavender, No, I was sorting things with you, you are an amazing person, you are extremely intelligent and very brave, you make me laugh and I trust you with my life. Your beauty is beyond compare and what makes you even more beautiful is you don't know it. I love it when you hair goes crazy and when you look at me with your beautiful big brown eyes and you cute little nose covered in freckles. When I first met you I thought you were a massive pain in the bum, but now I hate to even go a minute without even seeing you. In 2nd year when you were petrified, my whole world collapsed,I saw what my life would be like without and it was dull and painful and thats when I knew, I loved you" He was still cupping My face with his hands. I leant forward and kissed him. It was amazing. I mean there were fire works actual fire works.|hermione|
OMG OMG OMG. Yes. Ron loves me !!! And this kiss is amazing. "Ron" I said breaking apart "yes" he ask with his goofy smile. "so know we have sorted things out, would you honour me on our first date, and have a butter beer in hogsmeed with me?" I asked going bright red "I'll have to check my dairy. I'll get back to you on that" he said laughing " let me know as soon as" I replied playing along. We laughed for the next 20 minuets before heading back to the common room. Are fingers interlaced and my smile hung ear to ear. It was quite late and everyone was in bed except, Ginny and harry. " finally" harry said patting Ron on the back. "Shut up!" He replied, feeling very embarrassed.
The next morning Ron came over to me "morning, I've checked my diary and I am free." He said laughing "well that's good, I was beginning to think Mabey I should ask Cormac" I replied also laughing. Ron stoped "What?" He went red. "Ron I'm joking." I couldn't control my laughter he was so mad. "Jesus, you scared me hermione" although trying to fight it because he was embarrassed. he began to laugh. This is great I thought to myself.

Hermione granger
FantasyHermione likes ron and Ron like Hermione but they never pluck up the courage to tell each other, but when something bad happens will she get the chance? also it invole the other characters too! Maybe an unexpected love interest will confuse Hermione...