I laid in my bed awake for hours trying to understand everything I had heard, so Draco works for the dark lord he's going to let death eaters in and probably do something awful, i looked at my watch it was 6:30 and I new I couldn't sleep now, I got a book and headed for the common room, when I got there Hermione and Ron where asleep on the sofa covered in Rons blanket his mum made for Christmas, mine was blue and his was burgundy. I sat down quietly on the opposite sofa; I had read about 1 page still finding it hard to focus then heard Ron groan "morning harry" "Alright" i said "what time is it" Hermione had woken up now, "like 6:40" I said "ughh I had the worst sleep" she said rubbing her eyes "well at least you got sleep, I just laid there with my eyes shut for 5 hours just replaying different scenarios in my head" I replied putting my book down "well then any luck, any ideas?" Ron asked "no, not one! This is all so frustrating" I spoke very agitatedly, "I mean come on, we are just 3 16 year olds trying to make it through school. It has been something new every year, bloody hell" Ron said exasperated "I don't even know what to say anymore, I'm going to have to have breakfast before I can contribute to this, I'll meet you in the hall" Hermione got up and headed towards the girls dormitory.
Harry and I got Down to the great hall, and got a seat right in the middle, it was amazing, so much food, loads of porridge, toast, eggs, sausages crispy bacon etc. There was orange and apple Juice, tea, coffee the lot, we were just discussing potions when Hermione walked in, I can't help but think how cute she is. "Morning" she said sitting down grabbing some bacon, "you ok?" I asked handing her the orange juice "yeah I'm fine thanks, just really exhausted, how about you guys?" She looked up at me and harry on the Opposite side, "I'm good as I'll be" I replied "the best I've ever been" harry replied with sarcasm, "so harry how's things with ginny? Asked her out yet?" Hermione asked "ffs" I muttered under my breath couldn't she have waited till I was not around "oh.. umm no not yet" harry said as red as a tomato "I think I will do, soon" he said Quickly "well hurry up, she won't hang around for ever!" Hermione teased "hey anyway did you see that cloud yesterday?" I asked butting in "what? No Ronald, when?" Hermione said Turing towards me "oh umm you know the clouds yesterday, nice right?" I said trying to think fast, just wanting to talk about anything other than my sisters dating life. "look ron if you hate the idea of me and Ginny say so" harry said " no no I don't, it just has to sink in, i mean it's 8:30 can we wait till I have lunch at least then i can maybe stomach it" I said beginning to laugh, "you're such a shit Ronald" Hermione said laughing harder. For then next half an hour we just sat and talked about random stuff; for a moment everything seemed to be ok.|Hermione|
"Well it's 8:55 we should get going I can't be dealing with snape and his tantrums today!" I said harry, Ron and I picked up our bags and walked briskly and quietly to Snape's lesson. I hated potions and I hated Snape he was a bully. The worst thing was, I or anyone for that matter could not stand up to him without a months worth of detentions or 30 points being knocked of your house. We finally reached the cold, dingy, dimly lit dungeon. The sylitherins were already there. As I turned the corner I saw Draco malfoy, my skin crawled, I hate him, he makes my blood boil. Harry noticing I had gone all tense, put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me back, "you ok? Hermione" He said in a quite voice "umm yeah. Of course" I forced a smile "look Hermione I know you are not, and I know how you feel because I hate Draco too, but you just have to ignore him and carry on as usual" he said with a comforting smile "yeah yeah I know" I replied "it's just difficult, but he will get what is coming to him soon, so I'll just have to put him to the back of my mind" I sighed. The dungeon door swung open and a cold, bitter voice shouted "in!" we caught up with Ron and found our usual table at the back with Neville, dean and Katie.
As we sat down, Snape handed out our potion books and told us to start the potion on page 342. We were put in pairs and I was with Neville, which I didn't mind to much, people often miss judge Neville, but i quite liked him and I understood him more than anyone; especially learning about his parents. Looking across at Hermione who was working with Ron, had seemed to ease up. I truly did feel for her. "Can you get the beetroot harry?" Said Neville snapping me out my thoughts. I nodded and head to the store cupboard, Ron was there too, "Alright" he said "yeah, you?" I replied "same old, so what were you and Hermione talking about?" He questioned "oh nothing important could tell she was stressed about you know what, so I was just checking in" I said picking up 2 big beetroots "oh ok, well she seems fine now" Ron said in a caring tone. "WEASLEY! POTTER!" a harsh voice called from the front, "get back to your table now, stop faffing around and sit down" Ron rolled his eyes and turned to walk away. After what seemed like 5 hours potions was over.

Hermione granger
FantasyHermione likes ron and Ron like Hermione but they never pluck up the courage to tell each other, but when something bad happens will she get the chance? also it invole the other characters too! Maybe an unexpected love interest will confuse Hermione...