"Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, to professor Dumbledoor's office. Now please." Professor Mcgonagall called in a shrill voice. We all got up off the table bench in the common room and walked to dumbledoors office. "We haven't even done anything wrong, so far this week" ron groaned "I know, what on earth could he want?" Hermione asked rubbing her forehead. "I don't know but it must Be important, because it's late and he wouldn't bother us unless absolutely necessary" I looked at them both before saying "sherbet lemon" this was the password to dumbledoors office, id been there so often that it was like my second most used word in my vocab. "Ahh, come in" and croaky voice called. "Hello professor" I said leading the other two in. "I suspect you're wondering why I've called you three here this late, well I have news and I need your help, please sit." He gestured toward the three seats juts left of his desk "yes, is it serious?" Hermione asked anxiously "fairly" he said sternly. "You are all familiar with the room of requirements?" He asked. We all nodded "well it has come to my attention that a certain student, you know who, has found a certain dangerous object, very dark magic if in the wrong hands. This object is called a vanishing cabinet" he spoke softly "I know what that is, as long as there is two, you can get to anywhere in the world in any place if only you have one where you are and the other where you need to be. Say if I wanted to go to east Asia, to a coffee shop as long as they had a cabinet I would get there no trouble" Hermione said aloud but more for Ron and my benefit. "Right you are Hermione, and i believe it is an order Draco has been given by the dark lord to help the death eaters enter the castle. I don't know why yet, but that's when you come in, I need you to keep an eye on Draco and find out his plans, nothing to get yourself hurt and I would ask if not Necessary." Dumbledoor said in melancholy tone. "Uhh harry," ron said looking for approval "of course professor" I said "now if there is nothing you have to add, I suggest you be off" dumbledoor said "no, thank you professor" Hermione said and we left promptly.|hermione|
"I just knew that boy was trouble, he's such a foul, ugly little rodent!" I snapped "yeah, you bloody got that right, if I ever get my hands on him" Ron huffed agitatedly "guys I know the feeling, but we have to put our feelings aside if this is gonna work" harry said opening the door. "Well if this is really going to work." Ron began "actually wait till we're safe in common room anyone could be listening" he finished. We got outside the fat lady painting and harry said the password, we got in and the common room was empty, to be fair it was very late. "So as I was saying" Ron continued "if this is going to work we have to make it look as normal as possible so we carry on the way we are, because if we stop being horrible he will start fishing, thinking somethings up we have to lur him into a false sense of security" Ron said in a hushed voice still cautious. "Yes, you're right Ronald!" I was amazed that the words he spoke weren't pure rubbish. "Guys this is a good idea, but can we talk in the morning my head is just so full of shit I can not take anymore. Good night." Harry got up and left the common room. "God how does he do it?" Ron asked "what do you mean?" I looked at him "well he has so much to deal with, his uncle, Sirius the ministry and dumbledoor spring all this on him all the time, I would have exploded by now" he said "because he has a good friend like you by his side, he couldn't have do it without you, and that is one of your best qualities." I replied, now realising how cringe that was. He smiled "if you're tired you can go to bed" He said, "no I'm ok, Im just not tired and haven't been for a few days now, I can't sleep" I said stretching out my legs. "Why?" He asked "I just can't because every time I shut my eyes I see you in the hospital and it's makes me sick, I feel like the walls are closing in and the air is being sucked out the room. I put on a brave face but the truth is I couldn't make it without you half the stuff I have been through I got through because of you, if you weren't there when my dad died I don't know what I would have done" I said tears filling my eyes "Hermione if you ever need me wake me up, I will be here for you day and night from any time. It's ok to be sad, no one expects you to be brave all the time, and I'm here" we both stood up and he pulled me into a hug, I sobbed my heart out. "I wake up every morning and for a split second it's like it didn't happen and then it hits me and I get reminded every day, I will never get to right to him or hug him again, we can never go on holiday and he won't be there to walk me down aisle, he's gonna miss so much and all I want just one last time is to just hug him feel his touch to kiss me goodnight," I stoped not being able to bear the pain in my heart it hurt so bad. " and to think of not being able to see you again, I can't" I had completely broke down in Rons arms.|ron|
It's had be 20 mins and I couldn't move her I didn't want to move her seeing her like this made my whole inside tence and made my heart feel as though I'd been stabbed, she finally stop and sat on the sofa for the rest of the night I just held her and told it was ok and to let it out because tomorrow she has got to be the best Hermione she can be and not for anyone but her self. She fell asleep in my arms all red faced and blotchy, I stroked her face and she breathed calmly.Well I am so lost with this sorry this last chapter was so shit! I have my gcse options soon 😭

Hermione granger
FantasyHermione likes ron and Ron like Hermione but they never pluck up the courage to tell each other, but when something bad happens will she get the chance? also it invole the other characters too! Maybe an unexpected love interest will confuse Hermione...