Chapter 4: The Festival of the Two Trees

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Our capes billowing freely in the wind, my family and I were as one group, arriving closer to the Two Trees. The sight of Laurelin's illumination became clearer with every step of our horses' hooves.

Elves of all kinds- Noldor, Teleri, and Vanyarin- mingled directly underneath the golden glow and on the grassy Mound of Ezellohar. As expected, a few of the Valar and their Maiar were there to enjoy themselves as well. Like the rest of us, most were to stay from the rest of the day to the end of Telperion's next period in bloom. Yavanna and her sister, Vána, could easily be spotted in the midst of the crowd. That also went for Oromë and Nessa. The four Valar most acquainted with the earth consistently took great delight in attending the Celebration of the Two Trees.

When we began to reach those who stood farthest from the light, it did not take long for the attention to turn to us. They— mainly our own people— gave us nods that held their utmost reverence. Blithe greetings were called out by unidentified individuals. This was no different from our first appearances at any other festival. We took time to acknowledge them with returning nods before dismounting our horses. We then guided them to a group of trees, where the animals would be kindly tended to under the comforting shade.

Atar surveyed the inviting scene before us, an observing glint in his sharp eyes. "Let us smile at these men and women, for we will share active discussions with them soon," he announced.

Amil linked her arm in his. "Should Fíneon be the first we greet?" Fíneon was one of the gem-smiths Atar got to know very well during the years of when he took lessons from my grandfather, Mahtan. As for Amil, she knew him for most of her life.

"Yes... it has been a while since we've last seen him." He looked to his sons. "Would any of you care to join us?"

"We will come!" the Ambarussa volunteered in unison. They took each others' hands and Pityo held onto Amil's right hand.

"I as well," Curvo walked up alongside Atar. At the last gathering of the Noldor, Curvo and Fíneon had an elaborate discussion about how the latter learned how to craft challenging works that Curvo was still too young to learn. I had no doubt he was ever eager to hear more of Fíneon's stories and wise advice.

I was left with Káno, Tyelko and Moryo. "We will see the rest of you again in due time," Atar said as a phrase of farewell. After Amil gave us a final smile that sparkled with mirth, the four of them walked away to blend in with the colourful sea of bodies. Looking around, I saw many familiar faces we had yet to greet, whether they be family or friends.

But there was one other whom I did not see. If I could talk to Lilótëa again, away from eyes that may question my actions, this intense desire to know her better would be calmed to an extent.

I gestured towards the crowd. "Shall we follow in our parents' lead, my brothers?"

"I can think of no reason not to," answered Káno.

Tyelko beamed and held Huan close to his side. The large hound was permitted to walk free during the event, under his master's watch. "Then let us be off!"

Moryo remained silent for a moment, until he finally declared, "I currently prefer to be under the watch of the forest." He turned to leave. "And that is exactly what I will—"

"Oh no, do not be so hasty to retreat," Tyelko pulled him back. "We are the Fëanorians, and you are the fourth son! The image is not complete without you."

The dark-haired Elf rolled his eyes in defeat. "I suppose I cannot get away while you insist on my staying."

Káno clapped his shoulder light-heartedly. "Now there's a well-behaving Carnistir!"

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