Chapter 13: Food, Cheer, and Song

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A/N: This song... is totally Maedhros.

And well, thought I'd be able to get more events into this one but then decided nah... I just wanna publish it now. I need to XD

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On Indis' begetting day, no horses were needed to arrive at the valley where the celebration took place. It was the largest open space near the city Tirion, the area where royal events traditionally took place when happening outside.

The Noldor and Vanyar were once again reunited under my grandparents' invitations, mingling with old friends they rarely get a chance to meet up with. I stole a glance at Atar-- it was not the first time I felt wary of his mood towards my step-grandmother. Although, one thing I was surely thankful for: in communal events, he held back any insulting retorts he might have had conjuring in his mind. It was all for my grandfather's sake and his public image. Whichever one he thought more highly of, at least he knew it was best to save his temper for our private quarters.

Amil carried the small, intricately wrapped gift from all of us. Indis never complained if her gifts lacked the large splendor of other queens' gifts, and Atar was never opposed to that. If Amil hadn't insisted otherwise, he would not bother to even buy her something as small as a new ring.

Scanning the green valley, we searched for Grandfather Finwë and Indis. The twins were first to spot them. Following the Ambarussa's lead, we walked down the hill towards them.

When Grandfather spotted us approaching, he spread his arms wide. "Dearest family... welcome."

"We have missed you," Indis said in her gentle voice. "It gives me great joy to see you all on this day."

Brief kisses were exchanged between the adults. I couldn't help but look away when Atar gave his kiss to Indis.

"Here is our gift from us to you," Amil placed the parcel into Indis' hands.

My step-grandmother opened it to find a clear opal necklace with a fine silver chain. "I thank you all," she said, her smile as bright as the jewelry in her hands. "I have a dress that will go admirably with this."

"It would look splendid with the attire you're wearing now," Grandfather said. "Let me put it on for you." He swept her hair back to clip the chain at the nape of her neck. "Might I ask if any of you made it yourselves?"

"I did!" Curvo said with a grin.

Tyelko jabbed his brother's shoulder, glaring at him as if silently communicating, Keep your mouth shut, idiot.

"We all took part in crafting it," Amil answered.   "Even the Ambarussa; they chose the opals."

I glanced at Atar once again. No matter how much onlookers believed we were getting along, his unchanging, smoldering eyes would always hold the same burden, for it was not easy to have such entrenched feelings torn away. Like a pitiable creature who cannot bear to give up the only shining treasure he's owned for everlasting years, so it is with my father and his scorn.

The two have become inseparable.

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Laughter and merry music reached Lilótëa's ears, although she couldn't yet see the source of the sounds. She and Elenwë brushed the foliage aside, and suddenly they saw the valley where the Noldor and Vanyar were. Up until this point, Lilótëa's mind was overall focused on seeing Nelyafinwë again. In her excitement, she had temporarily forgotten how seeing large crowds could affect her. The insecurity rose again as she imagined herself walking through the confined spaces, searching for her friend.

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