Chapter 9

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"You did what??" Jen and Macy both scream simultaneously.

"I told off that jerk in front of the whole team! It was great!"

"Oh my god. We're going to die, we're going to die." Macy began pacing back and forth.

"I'm going to die. You didn't say anything. He won't bother you."

"Wow, when did you become such a bad ass?" Jen laughs.

I rolled my eyes like I usually do whenever Jen talks. That's when my phone beeped. A text. From an unknown number. Macy started freaking out, automatically assuming it was Ian.

"Jesus Macy will you calm down!?" Jen yells.

I shot Macy a sympathetic look. I'm usually a pretty nervous person. Jen always yells at me too.

I picked up my phone to see a text from a number that I guess was Joes mom. It read:


Joes awake. He has little recollection of what happened. He has a concussion and a cracked rib. He was unconscious due to a severe asthma attack and the fact that his neck suffered minor injures. He's ok. He wants to see you. All of you. Please, come visit soon!

-Mrs. Lane

Ps. The CPR you preformed helped him so much. Thank you Audrey. He probably would've died without you.

I showed Jen and Macy the text and we all started hugging and crying. Even Jen.

After we all calmed down, we got into the car and drove to the hospital to see Joe.

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